IS IT TRUE at last nights City Council budget meeting was extremely interesting?  …we wish someone would tell Missy Mosby that her continued use of the word constituents has finally lost its appeal with the media, her fellow City Council members and her alleged constituents?  …we wonder if Ms. Mosby has such a strong political base of constitutes then why did she only win by a mere 14 votes in the Democratic primary against a little known opponent?

 IS IT TRUE at last night City Council budget hearing Councilman Dan McGinn admitted that he wants to increase the County Option Income tax by 25%?  …we hear that Missy Mosby and Jonathan Weaver are extremely interested in talking with Mr. McGinn about this issues after the Fall election?  …this is a good example why we need contested races in every Council City Ward to hold these tax and spend liberals accountable?

IS IT TRUE at last nights chaotic budget meeting City Council abruptly took a break to leave the Council Chambers go out in hallways and discuss the proposed 2016 budget in private?  …this move was seemly  a breach of the “Indiana Sunshine” law?

IS IT TRUE when Council returned they quickly approved the back room political compromise they cut in private concerning the 2016 budget?

IS IT TRUE we like to remind you that 1st Ward Councilman Dan McGinn and At-Large Councilman Jonathan Weaver both have political opponents in  thier races?  …if the Mayor and the local GOP Chairman didn’t cut a political back room deal with Missy Mosby she would had a Republican opponent in the Fall election?

IS IT TRUE we find it interesting that Mayor Winnecke’s called the 2016 budget cuts “outrageous”?  …what we call “outrageous” is that the Mayor allowed his 2015 budget to be over spent by a whooping $8 million dollars and had to get an emergency loan to make payroll and pay bills?  …we also call it “outrageous” that the Mayor spearheaded the effort to give Earthcare Energy a $200,000 unsecured loan that eventually went in to default?

IS IT TRUE all we can say that during the last 4 years the Mayor, his staff members and City Council conduct have been “outrageous”?

IS IT TRUE that yesterday City County Observer annual awards luncheon was a big success?  …the effort of GOP Chairmen Wayne Parke to discourage some of the award winners to boycott this effect failed ?  …Mr Parkes attempt to sway people not to attend this sold out event because the CCO is Anti-Republican is extremely laughable?  … that 8 out of 10  2015 award winner were Republicans?

Please take time and vote in today’s “Readers Poll”. Don’t miss reading today’s Feature articles because they are always an interesting read. Please scroll at the bottom of our paper so you can enjoy our creative political cartoons. Copyright 2015 City County Observer. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without our permission.


  1. Ed , I think you mean the word constituents , I’m only part time spelling police

    • In the Editors defense, he got it right the first time.

      As I am now one of Miss Mosby’s constituents, I can tell you firsthand that she has never been interested in this constituents input, to the extent of blocking me from her Facebook propaganda page. She doesn’t like the questions I ask, I guess. I must say that her constant criticism of her fellow CC members for a lack of professionalism, she sounded terribly “unprofessional” when she whined like a petulant child about how she would never vote to cut expenditures for public safety. I agree that public safety is a primary concern, but we have to spend more efficiently instead of just more.

      • I was at the meeting. The gasping, sighing, speaking out of turn, and eye rolling done by Weaver and Mosby was incredibly unprofessional. I’d like to know who else had enough of the pen clicking by Weaver. I thought the cop sitting next to him was going to take it away from him at one point.

  2. IC 6-3.5-6-2


    (a) A county income tax council is established for each county in Indiana. The membership of each county’s county income tax council consists of the fiscal body of the county and the fiscal body of each city or town that lies either partially or entirely within that county.
    (b) Using procedures described in this chapter, a county income tax council may adopt ordinances to:
    (1) impose the county option income tax in its county;
    (2) subject to section 12 of this chapter, rescind the county option income tax in its county;
    (3) increase the county option income tax rate for the county;
    (4) freeze the county option income tax rate for its county;
    (5) increase the homestead credit in its county; or
    (6) subject to section 12.5 of this chapter, decrease the county option income tax rate for the county.
    (c) An ordinance adopted in a particular year under this chapter to impose or rescind the county option income tax or to increase its tax rate is effective July 1 of that year.
    As added by P.L.44-1984, SEC.14. Amended by P.L.2-1989, SEC.14; P.L.42-1994, SEC.4; P.L.267-2003, SEC.7. – See more at:

  3. I was amazed at the number of nonprofits we taxpayers support. I believe in donating to charities but only after I pay the bills.

  4. We played a drinking game last night. Every time Missy said she was going to be back next year, we took a shot. and she only listens to those constituents that agree with her, the rest of us are chopped liver

    • I wonder why she thinks the others care. It’s not like people who lost in the primary got cancer. They just got their life back. The ones that chose not to run knew they just wanted their life back. What I heard was a spinster with a cauliflower nose, who’s almost 50, lives with 6 dogs and has a high school diploma, desperately repeating the only thing she has in her life. She mentions her constituents so much, because that’s who keeps her warm at night. All that tension with Conor O’Daniel looked sexual to me. She’s so desperate for a legitimate man.

  5. Rhetoric about the county tax. How about some facts and figures. How much will it raise and who will be the payers? Don’t bother stating a proposed use – I wont believe it until I see it.

  6. Mosby really needs to keep her mouth closed. You are so right about her constent word of “constituents”. That word is getting soooo old. Sure wish she was not going to be on the council next year. And why is she so close with the EPD? Is her relationships something more? One last thing, why is all of her clothes that bublebee yellow?

    • She is, after all, a “single lady.” I guess she likes to stand out in a room. Maybe eventually somebody will “put a ring on it.”

      • Laura , yes she is single , just cause she is a female does not make her a lady , ladies do not go tramping around bars all hours of the night ,,,ms. Mosby is buddies with police in hoping they may cut her some slack if they stop her late at night

      • I saw Missy on the news this morning and nearly puked.
        If my dog’s face was that ugly, I would shave its ass and teach it to walk backwards!

    • To match her fangs. To be fair, since the city is bankrupt no dentist will touch that since the claim won’t be paid.
      It would help greatly if she would shut her mouth, though. Winning by 15 “misplaced” absentee votes does not a winner make. A smug stupid sellout, yes, but no winner. The smug will disappear when holy s##t delayed will come back with a veangeance.

  7. There wasn’t even the appearance of a back room deal or violation of the sunshine law. The amended budget was voted down. A break was taken for the lawyers to talk. When the meeting resumed, a motion was passed to reject the committee report, so that there could be another vote. In the meantime, Winnecke left his social engagement to show up and ask for people who voted against it to change their vote. Almost all of them did. That seems pretty out in the open to me. Maybe if Winnecke wouldn’t have publicly asked for the budget to be passed, your argument would hold more water. It seemed to me that the break was spent on determining how a second vote could be had procedurally.

    • That seems to be a reasonable assessment of the way things happened. I don’t believe the Councilors made any deals in the hallway. If they had tried, the conversation would have been overheard by someone in the news media, who seem to circle certain of the members of CC like vultures over a dying cow.

      • I move that the city council adopt a resolution that all cell phones and other personal digital communications devices must be turned off and remain off for the duration of the meetings, breaks included.

        That would put a stop to a lot of the crap that goes on during the meetings that should NOT be going on.

        • I agree completely. Missy’s texting Bolin was too, too much. He belonged at the meeting, not trading texts with a Councilwoman.

        • Thank you Press. And if necessary have the police officers in attendance take the phones or other annoying gadgets from whoever disregards the rules.

  8. This is reminiscent of a previous note that I had sent to the CCO in which I stated that one hotel was proposed and passed, but we are building an entirely different and significantly smaller hotel which somehow costs more than the original just so that we can build “something.” I further stated that if we accept this type of corruption even once, we are sending a clear message to the ‘powers that be’ that ‘We the people’ will lay down and no nothing when the rubber of corruption meets the road, giving them permission to do it to us again. Last night, they did it to us again.

    Last night, for about 30 minutes, we had no budget for 2016 because the current proposal is unacceptable… until “something” was told to the Council Members “off-screen” and “off-mic” that changed the vote to a “yes” for all of the members of the Council. After the private meeting each member of Council stated that they “hated” passing this budget, but chose to pass it anyway. (I’m not sure if that was even legal, but I’m no attorney.) I want to know what was stated in that private meeting that brought the Council back with their tails tucked, and was this change a result of something Mayor Winnecke said in that off-camera meeting? Did we just accept a budget that is unacceptable just to pass “something”? And why is overspending and “shell-game budgeting” permissible in this city while cutting expenditures to an acceptable level is not? Wouldn’t cutting an overspent budget balance itself?

    It was also said repeatedly in last night’s Council Meeting that various people “don’t believe the sky is falling down,” but if we continue to allow this shell-game type of corruption in the highest offices in our city the day the sky really does fall down in this city will not be too far in our future, and we must all be careful with how we vote so that there is not a repeat of recent shell-game politics. And we should never stop holding the people who represent us accountable.

    As a side note; while I completely support our local law enforcement, the individual officers, their families, and the work that they do, I wonder (as it was recently brought to my attention by someone I will not name) …if we as a city aren’t spending too much money on too many personnel. According to – “In 2012, police departments serving cities with more than 50,000 residents employed an average of 17 officers per 10,000 residents.” Evansville employs approximately 27 law enforcement officers per 10,000. That’s over 30% more officers per capita than the national average. While I agree with Missy Mosby’s blanket statement that we should never cut “public safety” which sounds good on camera before an election, my question is, “How much public safety do we really need before we start seeing the importance of cutting?” By that blanket statement logic, would that mean that we could have 40 or 60, 100, or even 200 officers per capita, and still never cut “public safety” because keeping it “sounds good” before a vote? Public Safety can be perfectly in place and we could have perfect little neighborhoods, but none of it will matter if the city is broke and borrowing on our future’s future which is exactly what is taking place in Evansville.

    I’m not so sure Councilman Friend’s suggestion to cut it all by 15% across the board wasn’t such a bad idea. Then we would be forced to stop overspending. But it’s too late for that. Now we have to figure out how to deal with a budget that was reluctantly and regretfully passed in a city that is increasingly overspending, deficit spending, and borrowing from our future’s future just to pay the current bills. Eventually this is going to come back and bite us. When will the city rise up and hold these leaders accountable?

    • There are really only two scenarios that could have taken place: 1. The whole thing was cut and dried going in, and what we witnessed was just another piece of political theater. 2. During the break the people who were set to stick to their guns and vote no received a communication from a party or parties unknown and bought into the line of what ever they were peddling. The puppet masters doing what they do best.

    • I don’t know why they were arguing over the $140,000 OT cut for police. If you do some simple ciphering, it comes out to less that 16 hrs. of OT per officer. Let’s say $50,000 per year/52=$961 per week. So $961/40=approx. $24.00 per hr. OT would then be $36 per hr. $140,000/$36=3888 hrs of OT. 3888 hrs of OT divided by 286 officers equal 13.6 hrs of OT per officer.
      I seem to remember a council meeting a while back when Chief Bolin stated OT for the force was in the millions. Can’t remember the exact quote. I’ve slept since then 🙂
      A little more diligence in running this city would be greatly appreciated!

    • When good people of conscience like you see fit to run for office. We are losing the best CC members we have in office now. Winnecke and Co. couldn’t tolerate the presence of human decency.

  9. Budget approved 8-1, lone dissenter was Weaver, who said he voted against it because Police overtime was cut.
    Weaver is completely in the tank for the cops . . . someone wondered a couple weeks ago if this was so Weaver could buy their loyalty so that no one investigates his actions involving alleged spousal abuse ?? After this vote last night, it really makes you wonder if that is true ?

  10. The real question is if either Mayoral candidate will be able to live within this 2016 budget or will be returning to the CC later in 2016 for additional funding or funds transfer, e.g., robbing Peter to pay Paul?

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