IS IT TRUE in a recent TV interview Mayor Winnecke made the following comments that got our attention?  “I think it’s important to put the debt discussion in perspective, so two-thirds of that debt is related to the water and sewer utility,” said Winnecke.”  “That’s not immediately going to go away.”  Winnecke says he’ll reduce the debt through water and sewer rates. He will also have four new city council members to work with if he returns to office”.

IS IT TRUE the statement Mayor Winnecke made in his TV interview simply is telling the taxpayers to get ready for a massive Water and Sewer rate increase if he’s re-elected?

IS IT TRUE we hope that the voters pay more attention to the campaign remarks made by  at large  City Councilmen Jonathan Weaver (D) and than compare them with the statements made by Michelle Mercer (R) and they should get an idea who’s really worthy of your vote?

IS IT TRUE yesterday Evansville Police Chief Billy Bolin competed in a donut hole eating contest at Tuesday’s “Coffee with a Cop” event at Donut Bank?  …we wonder how Chief Bolin motivates the EPD rank and file to fight crime on a daily bases when he always doing a “feel good”  public relations stunt in order to enhance his popularity with the masses?  …it’s time for Chief Bolin to roll his shelves up and start becoming a daily in your face crime fighter like he was appointed to do?  …just in case he needs to be reminded we do have a major Crystal Meth problem looming in Evansville proper that needs his full time attention?

IS IT TRUE that 4th Ward City Council candidate Henrietta Jenkins (I) has made some serious allegations that City Councilwoman Connie Robinson is removing her political signs from yards? …Its hard to imagine that Connie Robinson would do such a thing to Ms. Jenkins political signs and we recommend that she recheck her sources?  …we feel Ms Jenkins would be better served if she would spend her time talking about the real issues of the campaign instead of making unfounded statements that the public really don’t care about?

IS IT TRUE  we received the following statement from EVSC public relations gal Marsha Jackson concerning Jack Schriber’s past employment with the EVSC?  …Ms Jackson stated; “The EVSC is aware through media reports of Jack Schriber’s acknowledgement of an inappropriate relationship with a student in the 1970’s.  Jack Schriber was employed by the EVSC from 1970 to 2007.  He was a consultant to the EVSC from 2007- 2015”?

IS IT TRUE that this years “Outstanding Community Services Award” luncheon at Tropicana-Evansville has only one table left to sell and it shall be completely sold out? …this event officially starts at 12 noon on October 26, 2015? … the last five (5) events were a sellout?

Please take time and vote in today’s “Readers Poll”. Don’t miss reading today’s Feature articles because they are always an interesting read. Please scroll at the bottom of our paper so you can enjoy our creative political cartoons. Copyright 2015 City County Observer. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without our permission


  1. Mercer is another Winnecke puppet, so her or Weaver are equally bad choices. It’s just sad really. This town is in free fall.

    • Maybe, just maybe, I’m hopping anyway that Ms. Mercer is her own person and represents the majority and not the Donwtown lovers minority. It is possible. Maybe not likely but possible.

  2. If the Water and Sewer are the biggest part of the debt why are we borrowing money from them to pay police and fire salaries?

  3. Winnecke knew about the Jack Schriber criminal deviate sexual behavior as early as ” early August” when the EPD Detective sat down with Schriber “at a coffee shop near Central High School”, and Schriber gave the detective a letter of apology to the victim, which Schriber signed.

    How can Winnecke now (October 21st) come out with a terse 3-sentence statement and falsely pretend to be disgusted by these actions against a middle school child ? Winnecke owes the voters a detailed analysis of what he knew and when. It seems like Winnecke was just fine with Schriber’s behavior . . . until it hit the newspaper !

    • GI, I’m calling BS on this. You have to be claiming the Mayor was at the August coffee shop meeting with the EPD. This is not what I read. Prove it or correct it.

      • Winnecke tied himself closely to Schriber with talking about the long-time personal friendship between them. He knew about Jack before he asked him to run. It doesn’t matter where Winkie was when the EPD interviewed Schriber. If he wasn’t there, he was told about it by his favorite lackey, Billy Bolin.

      • @Joe, nope, not saying LW was at the coffee shop. Stating that the Detective undoubtedly briefed Chief Bolin due to the sensitive political nature of the meeting. If you believe that Chief Bolin didn’t immediately notify LW, then you will need to “suspend disbelief’ at they say in DC.

        • In 2012, the Courier & Press reported that Dave Rector phoned Winnecke on a Saturday to report “vandalism” of windows at Roberts Stadium. It turned out it was just spray-on “silly string”, easily removed by glass cleaner. Since I know everything the Courier prints is unquestionably true, then I would agree that Chief Bolin would have dropped the Mayor “a line” the day of that coffee klatch.

      • Whether there or not, he knew. Otherwise, why the special arranged letter of apology to the victim to hand over to the police? Who made those arrangements? You can yelp about details, but the between the lines speaks volumes.

        What the entire thing says to me is we are witnessing THE MOST corrupt, detestable doings in local politics EVER.

        The fake shock is incredible-this perv was used by Winnecke, then discarded. He got the goods on him, and, having gotten whatever benefit to be had? Selected a trusty toady from his wide array, exposed this guy to leave a caucus selection open for yet another toady.

        I have no pity for the child molester. I have no pity for his Republican bud who used him. I wish Nick Herrmann would jump right into this, both feet, and get this perv’s victims some justice. He should start with the police officer who took this perv’s confession, a nice, safe, “statute of limitations” confession and tucked it safely away for blackmail.
        Who was this cop, collecting blackmail? Bet I can guess right. Way to enforce.
        I feel terrible for the victims-
        (don’t tell me that this creep just selected one, because we all know that’s not true)

  4. I hope the courage showed by Jack Schriber’s victim–coming forward to the EPD in July after nearly 40 years of having endured the inappropriate sexual acts from the 1970’s –serves as a catalyst for others to also come forward, such as the allegations which have been made concerning Jonathan Weaver concerning spousal abuse. An investigation will either clear Mr. Weaver’s name or bring charges. Unfortunately, Schriber gets to skate on this charge due to a too-short 5 years statute of limitation.

    • Schriber really told on himself when he told the police he “gave that up 20 years ago”. Twenty years ago was 1995, and this incident took place in the 1970’s, so it looks like Old Jack admitted to being a serial sexual predator who used his profession as a cover for his sick sexual proclivities.

      I believe there has been police investigation of Weaver’s activities, but remember how pro-police his actions have been. I think he gets a break that Schriber didn’t get.

      • Weaver is such a two-faced back stabber. I am sure alot of people are thinking that he had something to do with this incident with Schriber coming out now. I do not agree with what Mr. Scriber did at all, but, why is it coming out now??

        • Big Mama, you make a really good point. Weaver may have used his influence to get this to come out BEFORE the election. We are less than 2 weeks prior to election, the EPD or Prosecutor’s Office could have easily allowed this to be a news story after the election . . . .but if Schriber was elected he would have to be replaced, and if the R’s get to name his successor, wouldn’t have been Weaver (even though Weaver sure acts like he’s on their team).

    • Sounds like a politically moviated charges than criminal. 40 yrs goes by and now someone comes forward? Why not when this happened or a year or two yr? The courier and press article leaves the impression of more “victims”. If there is more victims after all these years no one else came forward.??
      I know it is a serious crime and in recent years more sex related crimes are being reported. If Mr Schreiber was an gay man living out in the open after all these years would this even be reported?

      • He was a TEACHER who engaged in sexual relationships with STUDENTS, which makes him a sexual predator. By Schriber’s own rather oblique admission, there were others. He has held himself up as a paragon of all that is good in our educators, and he is as phony as his former student, Lloyd Winnecke.

      • Cletus: cannot believe your last sentence. It really doesn’t matter if Schriber is gay or straight. What matters is that he used his trusted position as a teacher to commit criminal deviant sexual behavior with a middle school student. ” Politically motivated” ? I sure hope it was, Schriber’s decision to run probably gave his victim the fuel to finally come forward, and say that this man needed to be stopped !

  5. Is it true no matter who is elected mayor there will be a massive increase in water and sewer rates?
    That they will “necessarily skyrocket”, as Obama said electricity rates would do under his EPA?

    • I believe Gail will look to trim the budget the best she can to avoid huge raises. If Winkie stays in office, he will just keep spending recklessly!

      • Your vitriol toward Winnecke is fair. He has earned it. Your faith in Riecken to toe the line on spending is, in my opinion, misplaced.
        BTW. Glad to see you have joined the Tea Party.

  6. So, where is Don Becker? He should be here complaining about water and sewer rates going up. He’s so worried about a negligible raise in the local option tax, it seems that he’d be foaming at the mouth about this rate raise. It will hurt Evansville worse than any other way to raise revenue. Vectren has already given us the second-highest utility rates in the country. Maybe we can have the highest water and sewer rates!

    • Good for you LKB. Good post.
      The revenue here has to go for water and sewage. That is distinctly different than driving additional revenue into the City through higher taxes. They are different subjects, but not if you have little depth and some political horse to beat (bring on Bandana…he is good at that.)
      Last, you can’t complain about the water and sewage system one day needing work, and then turn around the next day and complain that it will cost money.

      • (…and like you, I don’t want to pay higher water/sewage rates either. But I am answering a technical question.)

    • He is on the job, indeed foaming at the mouth. Offering his uniformed opinion while mentioning my name in most of his inane posts this morning. I think he likes me. Donna has done all but don the pleated skirt of a Winnecke cheerleader. Been a bad couple of days for that one.

      • Oh Bandana, I love to yank your chain. It’s very easy. Blind, uninformed ambition.
        (B….THAT is how you spell uninformed”)
        Your musings are all roaring and visceral, otherwise, they are shallow and lack depth. So you deserve it. Bandana……what you write, when you write it, every time you write it…’s just cheerleading.

        • Ha! That’s funny….!
          Beer is proof God loves us. In other words, wit in here is fun..and an asset.

        • It’s scary I’ve never seen such a thing. Big Coures supporter too. Wants to work under him.

          • BANDANA:
            Always with you and the gay references. It doesn’t work w/ me.
            Such are usually delivered by BP and the boys.
            You have good company there.

    • Laura, I can identify with that. With an honest look at finances, resources, and need, I would think everyone could get behind the income tax and raise it to the 1.5 max as many counties have. But then again if the downtown projects are going to suck it all in – why bother. In trying to work with city departments on services it seems that they have just given up trying to do anything because all the money has to go downtown or the arts district.

  7. “IS IT TRUE in a recent TV interview Mayor Winnecke made the following comments that got our attention? “I think it’s important to put the debt discussion in perspective, so two-thirds of that debt is related to the water and sewer utility,” said Winnecke.” (CCO)

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    Pure unadulterated BS! Winnecke was not borrowing from the Rainy Day Fund and the Riverboat Fund to meet water & sewer department expenses, which should be paid from user fees.

    Evidently Mayor Winnecke thinks he can say anything and it automatically becomes truth because it came from his mouth. Just because there is no local newspaper willing to call him on his misinformation and propaganda statements it does not mean that the majority of the public is so naive as to believe them.

    • Winkie the ego-maniac believed he could cover up the crimes of his friend and mentor, Jack Schriber, so why wouldn’t he believe he can “sell” the financial mess to the voters with more lies? He’s a disgrace and will bankrupt the City if he gets another term. I really think he’s so goofy that he believes he can “charm” the City’s debts away.

      • He’s bitter too. His incompetence has been of such a magnitude that, despite his best efforts, some very unwanted light has slopped over on his little haid. The Hollywood redo can’t hide it. He’s got some questions to answer about his ticketmate’s sex scandal.

  8. The next time At-Large City Councilman Jonathan Weaver says he believes in full transparency he may not be not lying? …I hear that an interesting picture of Weaver may have been sent by an anonymous source to some people showing Councilman Weaver sitting in a recliner in his birthday suit smiling and holding a beer? I wonder if this phonographic photo of Weaver could had be sent out by one of Mr. Weavers ex-wifes or a former girl friend to embarrass him? I hear that this less than photographic masterpiece of Mr. Weaver in his birthday suit isn’t suitable enough to be published in “Play Girl” magazine.

    • @Where’s Winnecke: in this photo of Weaver, is the bottle in between his legs a 40-oz. Budweiser; or one of those short-stubby 8 oz. Coors bottles ?

    • Was it an erection to honor the Construction Trades who support him; or was it limp to illustrate his ineptitude at Finance ?

  9. All this flapping, and your planet rotting mandated combined sewers still barf CSO with every heavy rain. Instead of adding to that extra load and increasing the cost to the end point user, why don’t you just fix that. All this other project focus is just a waste of funding and time. They have no plan, could be time to bail on that location, or your base utilities could over reach your mortgage cost. Sad. 🙁

  10. “…just in case he needs to be reminded we do have a major Crystal Meth problem looming in Evansville proper that needs his full time attention?”

    Meth is not a ‘looming problem’, it’s just a flat out problem, one we’ve been dealing with for a decade give or take. The next ‘looming’ drug problem in this area is heroin, a relatively cheap, relatively accessible alternative to prescription narcotics (which are getting harder to come by). An oldie, but apparently still a goodie. As a bonus, look for the rates of bloodborne infections from shared needles to stage a comeback as well. Good times here in the River City!

    The rates of drug and alcohol addiction in this area are staggering.

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