IS IT TRUE April 2, 2012


Kangaroo Council

IS IT TRUE April 2, 2012

IS IT TRUE that one of our comment posters contributed the term “Kangaroo City Council” to describe the vote that was held last Monday night to approve a $4.8 Million loan to Earthcare Energy without the benefit of proper vetting, testing, or even publically available information about the management team?…that the term “Kangaroo City Council” seems to be a play on the term “Kangaroo Court” that means in literal terms “a mock court in which the principles of law and justice are disregarded or perverted”?…that we agree with our comment poster that the term “Kangaroo Council” would apply quite well to what was done last Monday as it was most certainly a vote that was held without the benefit of any rules or sanity?…that we declare the 2012 Evansville City Council to be the Evansville Kangaroo Council until which time they as a group earn the distinction of Evansville City Council?…that we realize that not all of the members of the Kangaroo Council behave as a Kangaroo Court?…that we also realize that in most cases there will be five votes to do what the Democrat leadership wants and that sanity and reason shall have no meaning as long as the Kangaroo majority hops together?

IS IT TRUE that we were ridiculed a little for publishing that Councilwoman Missy Mosby has been trying to put together the support needed for her to succeed Alberta Matlock as the Evansville City Clerk?…that Councilwoman Mosby according to many highly placed moles is for real in this pursuit?…that she will have to step down from her seat on the Kangaroo Council if she is appointed to be the City Clerk but it pays better with the same benefits so if this is something that Missy wants we wish her well in her pursuit?…that we anticipate growing traffic on the CCO site if the Hatfields and McCoys of Evansville (Mosbys and Lindseys) embark on another feud?…that at least one mole believes that Councilman Lindsey and a couple of others may support Missy for City Clerk so they can get someone else on the City Council?

IS IT TRUE that speaking of being able to hop, the University of Kentucky Wildcats will be taking on the Kansas Jayhawks tonight to compete to be the NCAA Division I basketball champion?…that if the hyper talented and intimidatingly large Wildcats win it will be the 8th NCAA championship for UK in basketball?…that the all blue final should be good entertainment?

IS IT TRUE that the General Electric Corporation (GE) has embarked on a opening a new division that will have the charter to create industrial software?…that GE’s intention is to hire 400 software,, hardware, and systems engineers pretty rapidly?…that the city that was chosen for this facility was San Ramon, CA in the East San Francisco Bay?…that this decision was not made on the basis of tax abatements, giveaways, cheap labor, or even on cheap rent?…that the decision for this location was made entirely because of the availability of the high level of educated technical professionals that are available in the Bay Area?…that no incentives at all were announced to make this happen, not even a $4.8 Million loan?


  1. I’ve been thinking of various funny things to say about the gas-step-down–free-energy-perpetual-motion-thingy.
    Then, I thought, you know, these people really believe this thing.
    Rational,sober, people, believe this BS.
    And then I think:

    Well,we’re done.

    A city the size of Evansville believes that the turnstiles of natural gas can provide electricity in an amount that is beneficial.

    Not kiddin.
    They believe it.

    We have just had it.

    • Yes, and they are exactly as stupid and clueless as we thought they were.

      God Help Us.

    • But it’s 120 jobs and 32 million over 15 years. and it’s totallly going to save the City! I also understand that the Power Rangers have come to town and Evansville is the new filming location for Fantasy Island.

      • And don’t forget, the average wage is $38 an hour…. lOL Just asked Missy Mosby.

        • That’s right. We need these jobs because, as Missy stated last Monday, “there are starving children in Evansville.” Which one of these kids’ parents is going to qualify for one of these $38 an hour jobs? I wonder what electrician is out there starving his kids. I guess it doesn’t matter given that the jobs aren’t actually real.

  2. UK vs Kansas. Yawn. Hopefully there’ll be some good reruns of Storage Wars, Hoarders, or Duck Dynasty.

  3. I have mixed feelings about Ms Mosby running for city clerk, on one hand the people of the 2nd ward should feel betrayed that an elected official would have little regard for the people who voted for her much less believed the things she said to get elected in the first place…it’s a clear case of something better coming along and abandonment of her constituents. Then there is the clerk’s job in and of itself, who actually believes that Ms Mosby can fill the shoes of Alberta Matlock? The job of city clerk would seem to be so much above her proven abilities as to make one scratch their head in disbelief, so the question is….would Ms Mosby achieving the office of city clerk move the city forward or more like a couple steps backward?

    It amazes me that Ms Mosby would consider abandoning her constituents that she proudly claims to be working for and while I think she is better suited for her day/night job at the main gate…to bring the drama that seems to follow her where ever she goes and whatever job she holds into the clerks office would surly set the efficiency of the clerks office back decades.

    But of course this is JMHO 😉

    • Blanger
      Do you feel the same way about all elected officals who leave the office they were elected early to seek another office.
      Jack Waldroup

      • Jack….

        Basically YES, there are exceptions to every rule, but in my mind you hire on to do a job…you complete it, otherwise your just looking for a stepping stone to more power and glory, which is basically thumbing your nose at the people who spent time, money, and votes to get you elected into the position your moving out of, not to mention screwing over the voters who wanted you as their representative.

        In Ms Mosby’s case I neither voted for her nor wanted her as my representative, and if this was three years into the four year term it might be different but the musical chairs that the democrats are playing with city jobs is obviously a well orchestrated event that has been planned out, the players that get the seats might be up for grab but the fact that the game was going to be played has been known since last November.

        An analogy for you Jack…you hire a painter to paint you house, he brings all his stuff to your house and works a few days then abruptly leaves telling you he got a better offer paying more money, but he will send someone (you don’t get to choose who) over to finish out the job….how would you feel?


        • “… but the musical chairs that the democrats are playing with city jobs is obviously a well orchestrated event that has been planned out …”

          Blanger, have you been paying attention to the musical chair concerto that’s been going on among the county council and commissioners’ seats the past 10 or more years?

          • Soon….

            Yeah…there is little difference between the city and county when it comes to the game of musical chairs, you know people leave jobs because of health, age or relocation of a spouse and a replacement is needed, but to openly run for a reelection knowing full well you have no intention of even serving a good portion of the term is a huge disservice to the voting public.

            But then again it is Evansville politics isn’t it.


          • Hold on a tic Blanger…Republicans shuffle the board too…Mayor Winnecke, Auditor Gries, Assessor Fluty, Commissioner Kiefer, and lest I forget the traveling Rethuglican, Cheryl Musgrave. They have all held one position or other then moved on to another, perhaps finishing their respective terms, perhaps not.

          • I don’t believe that when Missy Mosby filed her candidacy in 2011, for reelection as city council member, that she had any idea that Alberta Matlock would be resigning her office in 2012 (if that’s the issue that plaguing your political conscious).

        • If I knew that Alberta was going to resign shortly after the election, then Missy did. The original plan was to have Steve Bagby take over the job after the election. Alberta’s illnes, bless her heart, has been coming on for some time and has been pretty common knowledge at the civic center. I heard another rumor today that another name will be thrown into the hat later this week.

          • Since this is the week for catching people holding back information, didn’t Alberta sort of hose us all by holding back on her plan to retire due to medical reasons? What if we find out that all three of these clowns from Earthcare have the same thing she has and won’t be able to pay off the loan after Dewey and Winnecke held out on the Council about the info. Same darn thing isn’t it?

          • Yes, I knew Alberta was going to resign about the same time as you indicate you learned it. But none of us knew way back in February 2011, at the candidacy filing deadline, that Alberta intended to resign. And that is what I was referring to when Blanger accused Missy of knowing ahead of time and still running for council.

          • Soon…

            My accusation is not that Ms Mosby knew in February but Alberta did know she wouldn’t serve a full term, as the story was related to me she had intended not to seek reelection to the clerks office but was asked or it was suggested that she should run for reelection…just a rumor? maybe, but it does hold a considerable amount of truth looking at it today.

            Again JMHO

          • Soon, what I’m saying is that I first heard in either July or August that Alberta was only gonna serve a couple of months after the election. Mark Owen was not sure that Bagby could win on his own.

          • Yes, yes, yes. All those rumors have been floating around for quite some time. Maybe as long as a year. The Civic Center is a hotbed of rumors, and always has been. Most of them don’t pan out.

            Here’s one I heard back when Missy first ran for 2nd Ward Council, and Bagby was the incumbent: He declined to run against her. Why? Well, rumor had it that …

          • Alberta “not knowing” is what started this mess. She may not know today that she has chosen her retirement date. Therein lies part of the problem.

    • Astute as usual, sir-she lives across the street from a ballpark that happens to be the eyesore of the city. She seems to be experiencing some middle age malady, and cannot control or conduct herself-she and her buddy Jon both are workplace lawsuits in the making-

  4. I find it hard to believe that Councilman Lindsey would support Missy Mosby over his own daughter, who has sights on Mrs. Matlock’s position. The way I understand it, the Democratic Party will caucus and pick the replacement for the clerk’s office. This is going to be REALLY fun!


  5. Some things never change:

    The sun still always rises in the East.

    People always want what they cannot have.

    And Evansville is always the world capital of Stupid.

  6. Wonder what happen To Steve Bagbey for City Clerk? I see a deal being made between the Democrat Party, Ms. Mosby and Steve Bagbey. Missy will run for the Clerks office and if she wins, Bagbey will take over her Councilman position.. Wasn’t he the 2nd ward councilman before?

      • Mr. McNeeley cannot/will not drive any particular pig to market. Any one can put their name in the hat, and speak with the committeepeople (who will elect by caucus) to persuade their vote. As it is a Democrat currently in the position, then the committeepersons to decide will be Democrats-and I wish Alberta the very best, she tried as long as she could to faithfully serve us-she’s a tough lady, and she will be missed.
        “Deals being made” to keep the Old Super De Duper Party
        going? Don’t think so. It’s changing, some folks haven’t figured it out yet.
        I’d like to see someone responsible get it-someone who can control themselves with dignity, who can remember a city official serves the PEOPLE-it’s not a birthright free pass to sit on your can and collect a paycheck

        • It’s not as though the taxpayers want to pay for more lawsuits due to petty tantrums.

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