IS IT TRUE April 1, 2012


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE April 1, 2012

IS IT TRUE that the midnight hour last night signaled the first time in the history of the City of Evansville that a comprehensive smoking ban (Aztar gaming floor excepted) has ever been in place?…that we hear that some people had their last hurrah in bars and taverns by lighting up exactly at midnight in open defiance of the smoking ordinance?…that a last indulgence is something that caused no harm to the patrons of these establishments that had been smoking all evening already?…that we are glad to hear that no arrests were made over a technicality that probably should have just called for the first opening on or after midnight on April 1st instead of just April 1st?…that some of the clubs and taverns are talking about taking this all the way to the Supreme Court and should they really follow these emotions to that extent they will come back to a smoking ban in place with less money in their pockets?

IS IT TRUE that when a lease ends at the time where a business is for sale that the new terms of the lease can greatly affect the reasonable sale price of the business?…that the earnings of the last three years are typically used to establish a price for a going business?…that for private retail businesses the sales price based on earnings is typically 3 times the annual earnings?…that if the landlord increases the rent by say $1,000 per month during the “for sale” period or takes an unreasonable position with respect to renewal that the sale price could be negatively impacted by as much as $36,000?…that it would be a shame if such a thing were to take place in downtown Evansville where despite the uptick in foot traffic from the Ford Center, small businesses still struggle to survive with the traditional lease rates?…that aggressive end of lease negotiating tactics on the part of a greedy landlord could easily kill a small retail business?

IS IT TRUE that several members of the Mole Nation are telling the City County Observer that yet another person is coming forward to compete for the appointment coming to the Evansville City Clerk’s position that is being vacated by the retirement of long serving Alberta Matlock?…that Evansville City Councilwoman Missy Mosby is working the phones to drum up support for herself to ascend the government pay grades from Councilwoman to City Clerk?…that this will shape up to be last spring’s 6th Ward primary feud of Lindsey against Mosby played out again as Councilman Al Lindsey’s daughter is also seeking the appointment?…that we encourage all who seek this appointment to play fair and tell the truth but will be waiting to write about it if the claws come out and the hair on the self nominated candidates backs rise?…that we are certain that another grudge match in Evansville’s own Hatfields and McCoys brawl will drive the traffic of the CCO even higher

IS IT TRUE that today’s online version of the Courier and Press has exactly ZERO opinion pieces or letters to the editor that are dated April 1, 2012?…that we are beginning to miss our buddy Mizell Stewart III who always seemed to get some good opinions up on Sundays?…that we are most interested where the Courier and Press stands on the last minute way in which the vote to loan $4.8 Million to Earthcare Energy was passed with material information unequally distributed to the City Council and under the threat of terminating interest by the management of Earthcare?…that we really want to know if those who should exist to expose poor policy and sloppy work really approve of the haphazard way that this deal has been handled?


  1. Missy is running for Clerk?
    This must be an April Fool’s joke, right?
    That is the only explanation.

  2. Do you think she will still get unemployment if elected? Well at least she will be able to park behind the Civic center legally.

  3. Instead of looking at the negatives of Missy being the city clerk let’s look at the positives. Number 1 the 2nd ward could get a real councilman. 2 she could keep an eye on everyone at the civic center and then get the ones she didn’t like fired. 3 that would free up one of the city council parking spaces that she uses when she works at the Framegate. 4 Missy and Beaver can finally marry and let the entire world know how deeply in love that they are. 5 when she actually has to run for clerk in the general election in 2015, (instead of in a trumped up caucus) she will lose and will never be heard from again. This list could go on forever. Go Missy you can do it.

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