Home Breaking News Riecken Releases Education Plan

Riecken Releases Education Plan


Mayoral candidate Gail Riecken today released her education plan. The Mayor’s responsibility is to bring businesses to Evansville. A large part of this is ensuring that the eligible work force has the skills and training necessary to perform the jobs they would bring. When choosing where to open a business, business owners look for a place were the workforce with the necessary skills exist.

“In the past few months, voters across the city have voiced their concerns to me that our children are not being prepared for available jobs,” said Riecken. “As Mayor, I will work with leaders in education, business and parents to ensure that our children are prepared for these jobs and jobs of the future. We must also work to ensure that adults looking to acquire new skills and trades can do so in a way that is affordable to working families and are geared towards a 21st century workforce.”

Riecken plans to prioritize programs that give students the opportunity for higher learning. She wants to develop a program to help “GAP students”, promote pre-k accredited programs in Evansville, help publicize the EVSC technical educational opportunities at public schools, and expand the education roundtable.

“Higher education needs to be affordable for everyone,” said Riecken. “There is a segment of the student population who want to continue their education after high school, but their families earn too much for them to get financial aid, and too little to afford to send them to college without it. These ‘GAP students’ need our help and as mayor, I will bring a program such as ‘Cities of Promise’ here to Evansville.”

Check out her full plan at www.gailrieckenformayor.com

Gail Riecken is running for Mayor of Evansville and is a former Evansville City Council-woman, Evansville Parks Director, and a current member of the Indiana State House of Representatives. She is a lifelong Evansville resident, has been married for 47 years, and has 2 children and 3 grandchildren.


  1. Does anyone remember in high school when classmates were running for class offices, “I will put Coke in the drinking fountain” and ” We will extend lunch by 1 hour” This is what this sounds like. She might as well say she is going to make the Ohio River clean again.

  2. The mayor’s responsibility is not to bring business to Evansville but create an atmosphere that is favorable for business to come to Evansville. When the mayor and government bring business to Evansville we get arenas and Earthcare. I am not sure Evansville can even compete with some of of neighboring cities. Education is good, but let the unions and businesses. Education is expensive, and once again I question how Gail will cut our debt and add yet more spending. The only way I see it happening is an increase in taxes which will not be attractive business. One thing that would make a difference is Joe Wallace’s idea of angel investment.

    • And while they are at it throw that woman molesting weaver pig out of office there as well!

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