IS IT TRUE: March 28, 2012


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE: March 28, 2012

IS IT TRUE that we have been reading a bit on the total electrical power generation capacity of the United States with an eye toward figuring out just how much of an impact that the step down generators that Earthcare Energy will hopefully be making in Evansville can make?…that the Wall Street Journal reported today that the total net generation of electricity in the USA is roughly 4 Trillion kilowatts (4,000,000,000,000,000 Watts)?…that the report written by Concurrent Technologies for the Air Force Research Lab states that the total 100% capacity of all of the power available from step down generation at an 80% efficiency is 53.7 GW (53,700,000,000,000 Watts)?…that at a market penetration of 100% operating at 80% net efficiency (not going to happen) the total impact on the capacity of the grid is 1.3%?…that it would seem that some of the grandiose claims that have been made may not stand up to vetting of the market with realistic penetration probabilities either?

IS IT TRUE that changing the subject that the Indiana brown bats, the retired pigeon brigade, the rats, and the rat snakes that have been leading the Occupy McCurdy movement for years now had a handful of human visitors yesterday?…that the CCO boots on the ground guy observed 6 EPD cruisers in the McCurdy parking lot yesterday trying to root out some wayward humans who had gained access to the building?…that every day that the McCurdy sits there with nothing going on is a day that the final cost to refurbish it increase?…that we are also wondering what is going on with the Riverhouse next door that would not even auction for $375,000 last year but did have an interested party in November?…that the McCurdy is still on record as being owned by none other than City Centre Properties and that the taxes still are not paid?…that another tax installment is looming and will be due on May 10, 2012?

IS IT TRUE that for those of you who may have been watching or having a curiosity about the Supreme Court review of the constitutionality of Obamacare some of the play by play of the questioning by the justices is beginning to be published?…that in an article today called “A Constitutional Awakening” it was reported that the Obama administration lawyers are getting roughed up by the three justices thought to be on the fence and thus the real decision makers?…that Justice Antonin Kennedy asked “can you create commerce in order to regulate it”?…that the only argument by the Obama Administration this far is that health care is “unique” and therefore exempt from the constitution?…that Justice Samuel Alioto sort of mocked that argument in equating forcing Americans to buy health insurance to forcing them to buy a burial policy since we are all going to die anyway and that would be a way of distributing the cost of burial to everyone?…that it is looking like we will not have to vote out Obamacare because as asserted it will likely be struck down as unconstitutional by the Supreme Court?

IS T TRUE that several of our readers have asked if we could get our hands on a group picture of the management core of Earthcare Energy?…that no one seems to have seen a picture with Mr. Ken Haney the founder and chairman standing with CEO Stephen Geldmacher and president Erwin Washington?…that we agree that it would be appropriate for the people of Evansville to start to get familiar with these gentlemen so we can wish them good fortune when we see them around town?…that as they said in “The Hunger Games”, “may the odds be forever in your favor”?


  1. WOW! You are saying in an an absolute perfect world “step down gas generation” could generates a maximum of 1.3% of the nation’s needs. What a disappointment!.

    Do you know that more than 50 % of all startup business fail? I will bet that Doc Adams is worth more than 5 million dollars. He said in the recent City Council Meeting, he would invest in Earthcare Energy. I suggest Evansville sell or assign Doc Adams their position for no markup. Will you do it Doc? You believe in Earthcare Energy–go for it Big Guy. Be a hero!

    • What a great idea ! I’ll look into it, as I do with all my consitutents” suggestions. How about you, Goldentoe, and I match dollar for dollar? Thanks, Dan

      • How about you guarantee the $4.8 M loan Doc. In return maybe the city will give you $1M per year of the profit sharing agreement. $15M potential for your signature if this really works out.

  2. There have been some rumblings by some misguided individuals about the motivation behind exposing this:

    March 29, 2012
    The Huffington Post
    Edition: U.S.

    Erwin Vermont Washington Pleads Guilty To Being Drunk While Trying To Fly United Plane

    01/ 5/10 09:17 AM ET AP

    LONDON — A United Airlines pilot who was pulled from his trans-Atlantic flight to Chicago shortly before takeoff pleaded guilty Tuesday to being above the alcohol limit for flying a plane.

    Erwin Vermont Washington, of Lakewood, Colorado, was removed from United Airlines Flight 949, which was scheduled to fly from London’s Heathrow Airport to Chicago in November, after a co-worker suspected him of being drunk.

    Prosecutor Kevin Christie said two policemen spoke to Washington about the concerns and performed a breath test especially designed for aviation staff, which he failed. He recorded a reading of 31 micrograms of alcohol per 100 milliliters of breath. The legal limit is nine micrograms.

    The flight was canceled and the plane’s 124 passengers were put on other flights.

    A blood test performed shortly after the breath test also showed that Washington had 50 milligrams of alcohol in 100 milliliters of blood. The limit for pilots is 20 milligrams. the legal limit for driving a car is 80 milligrams.

    The 51-year-old pilot pleaded guilty at Uxbridge Magistrates Court near London and was released on unconditional bail. He will be sentenced Feb. 5.

    United Airlines said in a statement that the pilot has been removed from service duty during legal proceedings and the company’s own investigation.

    Washington’s lawyer, Chris Humphreys, said the pilot was remorseful.

    Referring to similar cases, Humphreys said an American Airlines pilot who recorded a reading of 39 milligrams of alcohol was given a fine last July, Another pilot who had 60 milligrams of alcohol in 100 milliliters of blood was given a suspended sentence.

    Britain’s Crown Prosecution Service said the maximum sentence for aviation staff being over the legal limit for flying is two years in jail and a fine.

    Now, ask yourself how one properly investigates a company that only exists on paper. They have no physical plant, no products in the field, no existing customer base to question.

    That fairly narrows the field to, and puts extreme importance on, the people involved in the company. The President of EarthCare Energy would certainly be one of those people you would want to take a good look at, and that is what some people, unfortunately not the people on the city council, did.

    One of the things discovered is outlined in the article above, and I do not give a damn to what motivation its discovery is assigned, it is certainly vital information when forming an opinion on EarthCare President Erwin Washington.

    It is inconceivable to me that the city council would not do a thorough background check on the officers of a company that existed only on paper before offering them this incentive plan and a $5.Million loan!

    My personal opinion is that those who want to suggest that offering the background information on Erwin Washington was somehow racially motivated need to grow up and start acting like adults. The information would have been exposed to the public regardless of the color of the skin of the president of the company. Got it?

    The real issue here is why the city council, if they were aware of this information, approved the deal!


  3. Jesus Christ, why don’t you change the name of this website to the Earthcare Energy Observer? That’s all you’ve written about in the past 3 weeks. Go on to something else already! And you’re also showing your bias by calling it “Obamacare”.

    • The New York Times calls it Obamacare and they love him. Like it or not Obamacare is the defacto name of the healthcare bill.

      As for Earthcare, it is relevant and timely. It also takes time for the magnitude of what happened to start to sink in. The Homestead Tax Credit grab happened in 2008 and was not exposed until 2009. After the people that did it denied it time after time for 2 months the truth came out. The same goes for the McCurdy and the empty lot hotel. It took four years for the chickens to come home to roost. If not for the CCO the people of Evansville may never have understood why those schemes fell apart.

      Sir or Madam, it is our style and our commitment to go beyond today’s headlines and soundbites. We will leave this miscarriage of justice alone when we have the answers to the questions and the people who withheld information are held accountable. It is not about Mr. Washington, it is once again the failure of the people in power in Evansville to vet properly and make appropriate public disclosures.

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