Daily Off Topic Forum October 23, 2015



  1. Just got the Insurance letter yesterday,–The Wife’s Obamacare insurance will have LESS coverage for 2016,
    –AND— the premium per month will more than DOUBLE+ . Of course the money paid to the insurance company in the form of government assistance will continue to COST A FORTUNE from the Public Treasury,–for a virtually nothing coverage plan, –but the Libs can revel in the bright side,– more people have “coverage” than ever before!–The cost?–Irrelevant,–the Democrats WON, they WON!
    —But the question remains, they WON?—-WHAT? Bend over Folks and Welcome to Obamacare.

  2. Interesting reader polls today, eh? The C&P’s winner of the debate poll has Whiney ahead of Gail by almost 3 to 1 and CCO’s poll is almost dead even. That does not bode well for Gail. She didn’t look very mayoral with the “when did you know it” nonsense. Amazingly, she made the Whiner look good.
    It appears the real winner was Woz, who will certainly take votes away from Gail in the general election.

  3. “I don’t know if it’s funny or sad to see republicans coming out of the woodwork to defend child molestation. The same thing happened with that Dugger pervert.”
    english boob-
    This was your post yesterday. I’m still waiting for an answer to my question, What Republicans do you see coming out of the woodwork to support child molestation?

  4. lincoln chafee has dropped his bid for the presidency. Good. Few people are less qualified to be president with the exceptions of sanders, clinton and owebama himself.

  5. Gee. Biggest hurricane in recorded history, in this hemisphere is now slamming into resort areas of Mexico. 200 MPH winds. Just think how many refugees will emerge from this monster who will have no place to go but America. I can see, in my minds eye, all the new democrat voters.

  6. Trey Gowdy will, in very short time, prove the cover up of events in Benghazi carried out by owebama and clinton was real. News of this is already reaching legitimate news sources.
    Wait and see. BP is right.

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