IS IT TRUE last week victims of domestic violence held a candlelight vigil at the Four Freedoms Monument? …we are very thankful that the professionals of Albion Fellows Beacon Center and Holly’s House are available to help victims of domestic violence and sexual assaults? …we encourage domestic violence victims not to be afraid to report acts of domestic violence against them no matter how politically connected or wealthy their attacker may be?

IS IT TRUE that some of the EPD rank and file are saying if Chief Bolin would spend the same amount of time and energy running the Police Department as he does politicking  for the Mayor and doing public relations events the overall performance of the Police Department would be greatly improved?

IS IT TRUE the Courier and Press asked contested City Council candidates a series of meaningful questions about their views on issues concerning the upcoming Council races?  …one part of  a question that was asked by the Courier and Press was; “Under What Circumstances Would You Advocate For A Tax Increase”?  …we found  At-Large Councilman Jonathan Weaver answer to this question interesting?  …he stated he “Would advocate a tax increase in order to fund public safety”?  …he also stated “Thats what a few of us are in the process of working on doing’?  …it looks like if you want a tax increase Mr. Weaver is the man you should vote for?

IS IT TRUE another question was; “Is The City Well Managed Financially Right Now?  …Dan McGinn, Michelle Mercher,  Ann Hargis CPA, Justin Elpers all said “yes”?   …Anna Melcher, Alex Burton, Bart Gadau, Henrietta Jenkins, Connie Robinson and Dr. Dan Adams all said “No”? …who couldn’t figure out what Jack Schriber and Jonathan Weaver were trying to say concerning this simple question?

IS IT TRUE last weeks unscientific but trendy ‘Readers Poll” ask the following questions?   …the question was “do agree with the testimonials TV ads for Mayor Winnecke stating that he has gotten the City’s finances under control”?  …the results of this poll was: 376 people voted, 275voted ‘NO”, 29 voted ‘YES” and 77 voted that they haven’t seen the TV Ad?  …we now know why Gail Riecken For Mayor staff are extremely pleased that Mayor Winnecke continues to run this TV Ad?

IS IT TRUE our current unscientific but trendy “Readers Poll’ question is “Who do you think was responsible for not collecting the proper evidence for the 3 suspects charged with the Murder of Shane Breedlove”?

IS IT TRUE that GOP Party Chairmen Wayne Parkes sent some insulting e-mail to individuals for accepting the prestige’s “Community Service Award” to be  presented to them by the City County Observer on October 26, 2015?

IS IT TRUE on September 1, 2015 the Solid Waste Management District met in official session?  …that the Solid Waste Management District voted to increase their 2016 Budget by 8%?  …those who voted for this increase were Missy Mosby, Bruce Ungethiem, Angela Koehler Lindsey and Bob Stone?  …as of August 31, 2015 the Solid Waste District cash on hand was $161,906 and investments were $325,000 for a total of $486,906 in the operating account?  …at the beginning of the year the cash balance was $472,766 which means the operating account was increased about $14,000 so far in 2015?  …with a pretty healthy cash balance we wonder why the Solid Waste Management District decided to increase their 2016 operating budget by 8%?

Please take time and vote in today’s “Readers Poll”. Don’t miss reading today’s Feature articles because they are always an interesting read. Please scroll at the bottom of our paper so you can enjoy our creative political cartoons. Copyright 2015 City County Observer. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without our permission


  1. IIT has it right about the commercial for Winnecke being a “plus” for Gail’s campaign. The City’s finances are a mess, and they are the single most important issue in this election. If you’re “undecided” in this City Election, ask yourself why the big money interests are backing the bungling Mayor of Old Downtown. Then drive down Hwy 41 and ask yourself why D-Pat has out that big ‘Winnecke for Mayor sign, and see if you are still undecided.

  2. I can’t wait until Winne runs an ad about Gail’s (and the state democratic caucus) flight to Illinois during the RTW debate to highlight her willingness to work with the opposition.

    • That will just emphasize Gail’s grip on reality, a thing that Winnie doesn’t have. She knew it was a losing proposition, but she had the courage to fight it out to the bitter end because it is what her constituents wanted. The time in Illinois wasn’t cowardice, it was courage of her convictions at great price to herself and her family.

      • Mrs. Riecken has put out a fairly detailed account of the changes she’d make so the Winnecke Huggers have nothing else, nowhere to go. They are saddled with a lame candidate. A failure. A money magician. A conman’s mark. A Motel Man. Someone who couldn’t come up with a single positive accomplishment for Evansville in 4 years.

        A principled stand such as Gail took to protest being steamrolled by Daniels over RTW is anathema to the Huggers. They cannot understand principled actions but they know they don’t like them. Their man is an untruthful weasel who would steal your homestead tax credit behind closed doors and raise your property taxes if he could. They must find some fault with Gail and apparently they are back to square one, Illinois. Pathetic. They cannot fathom a legislator actually standing up for her constitutents at great personal inconvenience to herself and her family.

        The people who would bleat ‘Illinois’ are used to being had by tinhorn politicians like Winnecke. No use trying to reason with them. Winnecke wouldn’t trade them for a city block of sewer.

      • This incident is the one decision that I don’t respect. If she were a member of the other party she would have been called an “obstructionist”. She was supposed to show up and vote even if it was a lost cause. You can’t excuse or support the same type of behavior just because it may or may not fit your ideology. But I digress, I actually feel Gail will serve as mayor much better than most in recent memory.

    • When will Gail run the ad which features the SBR recording of the State Board of Accounts Exit Conference, in which the Mayor asks the SBOA to confirm that “we are reconciling monthly, correct ?”, and the question is met with laughter from the Auditors ?????


  3. Give me a break….her running away to Illinois was just like a little kid not getting their way….taking their bat and ball and going home crying….What a leader.

  4. Will someone enlighten me as to what the Solid Waste Management District does exactly?

    • Bid a hearty ‘adieu’ to the solid waste as it makes its untreated journey to the river? Alert Mt. Vernon that a load is coming down? Give cover to an administration that would defy the EPA mandate to get our sewers in order?

      • Solid waste is solid. Sewerage is wastewater. Two totally different things, and regulated in totally different manners. I thought you were a knowledgeable environmental professional, guess that is wrong.

        • Psst. That’s (sewage) Fitz. You don’t know your ass from a hole in the ground. Old boy, mustachio. Tracked your bullshit, and you’d ought to be assured you’d be better off if you simply to shut that old flappy wrinkled face. Mustachio. Maybe someone should call your source, You gosh darned loaded old crusty machine creep. GTH.
          More to come with each response, try us “mustachio” the old dried turd. You see we will examine each post from its source and relay that to the others, so.
          We’ll sink your stinking boat if it costs us an overrun, and we’ll expose your gifted bullshit every time single you pop off, “mustachio”.

  5. There was an article in the Sunday business section by Morton Marcus about what the mayor’s office should be about. I hope all the mayoral candidates will have read it. In a nutshell I think it explains what most citizens expect from a mayor.

    • The problem with Morton Marcus is he speaks out of both sides of his mouth. Not very long ago he was extolling the benefits of incentive packages to business. It has been all the local government largess, dished out to business, that has diminished the funds available for the basic services Marcus is talking about. The percentages are upside down.

      • Press, you are right about Marcus. The article Sunday was probably one of the rare times I agree with him.

  6. Would you like the partisan idiocy laugh of the day for Evansville?

    Go to the Courier & Press and look at the article from today about Evansville finances.

    The very first question is “Is The City Well Managed Financially Right Now?” The answers are pitiful in how predictable they are.

    Every single Republican candidate slavishly sucks-up to Mayor Winnecke. If they bowed and scraped any lower the cops could probably cite them for prostitution.

    This is beyond sad, it is deplorable and shows why allowing these Republican candidates to win a seat on City Council will be another death-blow to Evansville and our financial health. It appears very clear that they will hand blank checks to another Winnecke administration, meaning that the finances for Evansville will bottom out and taxpayers will be abused for generations to come.

    • Actually I have had quite enough of “partisan idiocy” when it comes to the city’s finances. I believe it is time that the third largest city in Indiana takes a page from the playbook of the second largest city in Indiana and approves an ordinance creating an internal audit committee:

        • The committee make-up is not chiseled in stone. It can certainly be made more palatable to the taxpayers, while still maintaining the city’s ability to conduct what ever type of business it deems necessary.

          The Evansville Common Council could even put the question of the make-up of the committee to the voters in a public question on the ballot, which should be most agreeable to all fair minded individuals. Someone has to take the initiative or else nothing will ever change for the better.

        • Internal Audit Committee

          KPMG recommends that the committee be made up of
          independent outsiders— individuals independent of the
          entity and of the federal government. Members should be
          respected members of the community.

          KPMG is among the top four audit companies nationally.

    • It’s hard to fear Republicans getting elected when you already have Democrats in lock step with Winnecke.

  7. There is no point in getting all exercised over the 2015 Evansville Mayoral election. Everyone knows the outcome, just as everyone knows the real power in Evansville politics:

    Party does not matter, a willingness to take direction is all that is required. If your a Leadership Evansville grad/clone, move to the front of the line.

    Never mind that these people have drained resources away from vital needed improvements in favor of public/private projects that have not moved the city forward, and in fact, have increased the need for annual tax support to keep those projects above water! These are the people who think they should be picking your candidates for you!

    It is about time you recognize just who it is that is holding this city back from reaching its full potential.

  8. Thank you for pointing out this information about the Chamber of Commerce. All about themselves and all about money-grubbing and control when the city suffers. Don’t get me started on the Chamber. The less their participation the better.

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