IS IT TRUE: March 27, 2012


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE: March 27, 2012

IS IT TRUE that every day is an opportunity to learn and yesterday was a red letter day for learning when it comes to the way the City of Evansville is governed?…that we at the CCO learned that despite calls for a prudent vetting process that would have only taken a couple of weeks that when Mayor Winnecke is willing to use one on one meetings and robocalls to “persuade” members of the City Council to vote the way that he wants them to that someone will blink and conform even after expressing reservations to do so?…that everyone knew that there were 4 votes in favor of granting the $4.8 Million unsecured loan to Earthcare going into the meeting and that these three Council members were using some logic other than the logic used by banks or investors to justify their positions?…that most everyone knew that there were four votes strongly opposed to voting yes last night but who may turn to yes votes if Councilman John Friend’s questions and a real world tested model was shown?…that the last vote, the vote of Councilman Conor O’Daniel was said to be on the side of reason and his questions last night were entirely reasonable?…that after meeting with the two Earthcare executives in the hall during the break Councilman O’Daniel returned to council chambers and cast a YES vote defying every word of logic that had come from his own mouth before the break?…that is how the 5 – 4 contentious vote to make an unsecured loan to an unproven company happened last night in Evansville, IN?

IS IT TRUE that the executives of Earthcare Energy had a day of learning as well?…that the most important lesson that Earthcare learned is that the Evansville City Council has enough members who will back down when given an ultimatum that ultimatums work?…that this lesson will come back to haunt the City Council the first time that Earthcare Energy has a shortfall of cash?…that we will predict that the ultimatum card will be played again at some point in the future and that the next time the 5 City Council members who either blinked or were seduced by the siren’s song of job promises will have an angry mob to deal with?…that the executives of Earthcare learned that a majority of the Evansville City Council will fall for the song and dance of “we are in process of getting billions of dollars of orders from New York but we won’t show or tell you anything about them”?…that while there were four members of the council that were not impressed by this routine that the other 5 were and these guys will remember that weakness and exploit it again if they ever have a need to do so?

IS IT TRUE that if the VETTING of this business had been done correctly by Debbie Dewey and the Winnecke Administration before making an announcement and smiling prematurely for the camera that last night could have been a united 9 – 0 vote?…that Ms. Dewey seemed embarrassed last night that she could not even testify to having seen the MOU’s (memorandums of understanding) and the 6 – 7 rejection letters from banks that Earthcare had applied for loans with?…that the well posed questions of Councilman Friend for the most part went unanswered?…that if this company has any problems at all it will be the 5 City Council members who voted with their emotions instead of their minds, Mayor Winnecke, and Ms. Dewey will answer for it?…that the CCO predicts that the weakness demonstrated last night will become a rallying issue for the opponents of consolidated government?…that we wonder if the people of the unincorporated parts of Vanderburgh County want anything to do with being a part of the same old song and dance that the City of Evansville has been doing for a half century now?

IS IT TRUE that we wonder when the newly hired Director of the Evansville DMD is going to return one of the many phone calls to a CCO staff member who wants to know when and where is the next Evansville Brownfield meeting is going to be held?…that the CCO also would like for the newly appointed Director of the DMD to provide us with a breakdown of locations of “FRONT DOOR PRIDE” homes that are scheduled to be built in 2012 in each of the City of Evansville’s political wards?…that it looks like starting today that the CCO shall be sending out many “Freedom of Information” requests to the newly elected City administration so we can provide our readers with the above information that they have requested?… that the names may have changed in Evansville politics but the political games are the same?


  1. Pressanykey on March 27, 2012 at 9:27 am

    What would be a “respectable” amount of time to pass before Debbie Dewey joins the team at EarthCare?

    It seems rather fortuitous, for some people, that someone so knowledgeable about EarthCare’s business was selected to head GAGE right before this proposal came to Evansville.

    Dewey carried as much, or more, water in this approval process than Mr. Geldmacher, and actually seemed more knowledgeable about the business processes than the owner Kenneth Haney.

    What EarthCare has going for it is two Presidential visits to its headquarters, a minority owner, federal mandates that require a certain percentage of energy usage be from renewable sources by a fixed date, various departments of the federal government that are being pressured by the White House to show some positive results for renewable energy in order to mitigate the damage done by the Solyndra fiasco.

    None of this has anything to do with allowing markets to seek their own level. It is all about government intervention, and we just witnessed more government intervention buy using our tax dollars to support what? That’s right, more government intervention in the market place.

    If this project were only half as good as advertized, the team at EarthCare could have gotten financing. I do not think they were looking to hard as long as these deals with municipalities were on the table. If they could sign a deal with Evansville they could hold on to their ownership of the company and maximize their profits.

    So Christmas came early this year for Ken Haney Et al, and now we will see if they have what it takes to execute.


  2. There were at least 4 people in the room that knew more than Dewey and Haney. They all four voted NO.

  3. Conor O’Daniel’s vote Monday night proved the claim that we need to stop electing the offspring of dead and retired political hacks in this town and in unincorporated Vanderburgh County. These are the very people who will bankrupt Evansville and Vanderburgh County if we give them the chance to do so. And furthermore, once they have ruined this region they will pack their bags full of their ill-gotten gains and bid us all good-bye.

    When are we going to wise up, people?!

    • Conor O’Daniel’s father, Mark, is alive and well, one hell of a golfer, and a really nice fellow. I’ve spoken to him several times on a political level, and he doesn’t ever reveal his political slant or affiliation except to support his son Conor, which I think you should appreciate, as he is a rightfully proud father. Furthermore, looks to me like Conor, after securing a very good education and achieving relative professional success all on his own, has opted to stay in Evansville to raise his family … rather than packing his bags and leaving, as you wrongly predict.

      • Get back to me after the taxpayers’ $5,000,000 has disappeared without a trace of where it went…

        And by the way, has anybody heard from the previous mayor of Evansville, King Jon the Fleece lately?

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