IS IT TRUE: March 26, 2012 “Continued from Yesterday’s CPA Call to Action”


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE: March 26, 2012 “Continued from Yesterday’s CPA Call to Action”

IS IT TRUE that aside from a call to action from certain CPA’s who are close to the process a technical vetting project of substance regarding the Earthcare Energy device has yet to be made available?…that yes we have read the words of GAGE president Debbie Dewey where she claims that it has been vetted by the Department of Defense but there is not one shred of documentation originating at the DOD that validates this device in any manner?…that the Concurrent Technologies Corp. study authored by Roger X. Lenard for the Air Force Research Labs does indeed verify that there is a significant amount of energy that could be captured from this kind of device?…that the rest of that document basically recommend that the AFRL actually do a test to verify that the Langson device is a good device to capture this energy with?…that in the “Investment Summary” presented to the City Council with Dewey’s blessing it is explicitly stated that this test will be finished by March 31, 2012?…that anyone with even a slight perspective on risk elimination would either delay a funding decision until after this test is available or make funding contingent on the results being available within about 30 days?…that moving forward when this test is only a week away from completion is playing recklessly with the people of Evansville’s money?

IS IT TRUE that the youtube video of the Langson device in the Carson City, NV lab shows an inlet pressure to the “shroud covered box that holds the special sauce” is set a 70 psi (pounds per square inch)?…that that Concurrent Technologies study for the AFRL states in its “Bottom Line Up Front” section that the pressure let downs that merit real world conditions are from 600 psi – 200 psi?…that given that as truth that any design that will have a long life in field conditions should have a safety factor built into the design that will work without failure or leakage up to about 1,000 psi?…that the most preferable test of this device would therefore be a real installation that operates at a pressure of 600 psi augmented by a four corner test that goes from extrema conditions of 1,000 psi with a temperature range that reflects the reality of the situation of maybe – 40 degrees to +200 degrees?…that after all these devices will have to work from Alaska to the Arabian Desert so they need to be tested for such conditions?…that the world of engineering design at 70 psi and 1,000 psi are very different?…that the world of 70 psi is dominated by consumer items like bicycle tires, replacement windows, pool pumps, and water hoses?…that one should imagine what might happen to a bicycle tire or a water hose taken up to 1,000 psi?…that every one of them will fail by design?…that when a test at working pressures and temperatures has been done by a third party we might start believing too?

IS IT TRUE that the Courier Press has an article up that strongly implies that the founder of Earthcare is basically threatening to pull the plug on this if the City Council of Evansville does not vote his company a $5 Million dollar loan TONIGHT?…that if and we do mean if this is true that it is time to pull the plug by taking it off of the agenda and wishing him well in some place that responds to ultimatums?…that NO SERIOUS BUSINESS PERSON would make such a demand and NO LOCAL GOVERNMENT WITH ANY STRENGTH WOULD GIVE IN TO SUCH DEMANDS?…that we were shocked to read the subtitle on the following CP article?…that if this is true that the giver of this ultimatum should be sent a strong message that EVANSVILLE DOES NOT RESPOND WELL TO THREATS and good luck in South Carolina?…that ultimatums whether given to city governments, people or small shops are the domain of bullies and despots neither of which we can recommend as business partners?


  1. I can guarantee you if I were on Evansville City Council, entrusted with good people of Evansville’s hard earned tax dollars, I would check every fact, make sure every “t” was crossed and every “i” was dotted. $ 5 large is not chump change. Pete

  2. Debbie Dewey Vetting = Evansville Redevelopment Commission Vetting for Hotel and McCurdy. Are Bobio and Elpers approving this scheme?

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