Alexis Wineman, the first candidate ever with autism in a Miss America contest (2012) – where her life story and talent as a comic netted her the title of “America’s Choice candidate” – will be at an Autism Conference in Evansville Oct. 30 to speak on “surviving with autism.”

Ms. Wineman’s attitude of “never letting autism define you” also helped her to overcome a speech impediment and the bullying she experienced in her youth.  Her life experiences and stories inspire both professionals and parents with children on the autism spectrum.  She has been featured on ABC News, NBC World News, Fox and Friends, as well as Glamour magazine.

She will be joined by Beth Aune, the best-selling author of Behavior Solutions In and Around the Inclusive Classroom (See A Behavior? Look It Up and Find A Solution!) Ms. Aune is the owner of and an occupational therapist (OT) in Desert Occupational Therapy for Kids, Inc., an out-patient clinic for special needs children.  She has over 30-years of professional experience working with at-risk children in both the home and clinic.

Dr. Jim Ball, a Board Certified Behavior Analyst, will also be speaking at the conference.  Dr. Ball has worked in the autism field for over twenty-five years providing educational, residential, and employment services to children and adults affected by autism.  As President/CEO of JB Autism Consulting, he brings hundreds of stories to the table because of his experience with educational institutions, home support services, classroom designers, and management/assessment teams nationally, among many other clients.

Appointed by the Secretary of Human Services, Dr. Ball served on the Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee, an organization that allocates support and services nationally for parents with children on the autism spectrum.  He currently is the Chairman of the Board of the Autism Society of America.

Parents, caregivers, and professionals are encouraged to attend. (CEUs are available). The conference will be held October 30th, from 8:00-4:30 at The Manor Auditorium, St. Mary’s Health, in Evansville.  To register, go to and click ‘Attend a Conference’ or call 800.489.0727.

A limited number of scholarships are available for families on a first come, first serve basis. For information, call Kelly Shaw at the Center for Children at 812.485.4419. We appreciate the support of EVSC, Arc, Easter Seals, and Old National Bank in making this possible. This conference is held by Future Horizons, Inc.- a world leader in Autism & Sensory Resources & Conferences – in coordination with St. Mary’s Center for Children.