IS IT TRUE  at Monday night’s School Board meeting,  board members approved a new contract for the school system attorney Pat Shoulders without a public RFP bid?  …EVSC attorney Shoulders’ legal services  now will cost the taxpayers a whooping $12,000 a month retainer?  Mr. Shoulders will also be paid  $165 hourly rate is for extra legal work he does on litigation and appeals in State, Federal Courts?  …we wonder if Mr. Shoulders is still legal Counsel for the Evansville Courier and Press?  …that Mr. Shoulders law firm is also the legal Counsel for Mayor Winnecke?  …we wonder if Mr. Shoulders or his law firm are preforming any legal work for the new Downtown Hotel or the IU Medical School?

IS IT TRUE over the last several months an alias Jack Clark has been on a personal campaign to destroy the CCO? …to date we have retrieved many E-Mail messages and posts made by the alias Jack Clark?  …our IT guy has determined that Jack Clark and his name and e-mail address are bogus?  …the alleged Jack Clark may have made a couple of technical errors in his posting and in his attempt to encourage our advertisers to stop doing business with us?  …it looks like the attempt to discredit  the CCO either as an individual,  a media outlet,  church group, a political entity or etc. may have failed?

IS IT TRUE we  Just wanted to give you a heads up about the situation concerning the alias Jack Clark numerous insults and harassment references he has made in his posts and e-mails to us?  …Bottom line,  we intend to take all legal actions necessary against the alleged Jack Clark campaign to discredit the CCO to make sure he is held accountable for his actions against us?

IS IT TRUE we wonder if the alias Jack Clark  realizes that his actions constitutes  an Tortious Interference with a Business Relationship and Tortious Interference with a Contractual Relationship?  …the City County Observer intends to take swift legal action and shall seek all damages and sanctions available to us once we determine who tried to  cause a Tortious Interference between us and our advertisers?  ..once we determine who made numerous attempts to harass and destroy the City County Observer we shall make it public?

IS IT TRUE we are also aware thats a few individuals, a media outlet and a political entity have quietly contacted our advertisers to discontinue advertising in the CCO?  …once we can verify who they are we shall also take legal action against them for Tortious Interference with a Business Relationship and Tortious Interference with a Contractual Relationship?

Please take time and vote in today’s “Readers Poll”. Don’t miss reading today’s Feature articles because they are always an interesting read. Please scroll at the bottom of our paper so you can enjoy our creative political cartoons. Copyright 2015 City County Observer. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without our permission


  1. I seem to remember claims of taking legal action against someone making harassing phone calls then nothing ever came of it nor any details or names revealed.

  2. Somewhere, Someone,– is getting a billing for the internet access that they employ to further their agenda and where the CCO is the intended victim,—follow the money,– there IS a trail, and a IP subpoena can/will uncover it.

    • Hey Crash…did Rush Limbaugh successfully sue the groups campaigning with his advertisers to boycott his show when those groups were upset about his treatment of Sandra Fluke? (Who he called “a slut.”) Doesn’t that happen everyday in the media world? Requests to boycott advertisers? I’m trying to figure that out. What is it that is illegal about that?

      • Look up the meaning of slut. It fits. The fact she wanted taxpayers to pay for her birth control means she’s a Democrat.

        • You are part of the trash that is wrong with the right wing teabagger nuts. You clearly are a Rush ditto-suckup.

          Not a SINGLE thing you have said was true, especially the part about “wanting tax payers to pay for her birth control” So let me cure you of your ignorance (if possible for someone who clearly has no ethics or morals towards women)

          1.) Lie #1- She was testifying about her sex life: This is a blatant lie. Nowhere in her testimony did Miss Fluke discuss her sex life, sexual preferences, or sexual activity. She discusses the need for contraceptives for a variety of reasons, most prominently discussing her friend’s disease, but never once does she discuss her sex life.

          2.) Lie #2- She Was Having So Much Sex She Could Not Afford All the Birth Control: This is the illegitimate spawn of Lie #1, that she was testifying about her sex life. This is just more made-up nonsense so Rush and others can continue their panty-sniffing. Additionally, it shows a fundamental lack of understanding about how birth control works. For the pill, you don’t need to take more of it the more sex you are having- you take the same amount if you are a virgin with menorrhagia and dysmenorrhea as you do if you are having sex 15 times a day. From this lie, we got wingnuts and Rush Limbaugh doing mental calculations on how many condoms Miss Fluke must use every year to satisfy her voracious appetite for sex. All of this is based on a lie they started.

          3.) Lie #3- Fluke Spends $3k a Year on Birth Control– This is based on wingnut math. In her testimony, Fluke stated the following:

          Without insurance coverage, contraception can cost a woman over $3,000 during law school. For a lot of students who, like me, are on public interest scholarships, that’s practically an entire summer’s salary. Forty percent of female students at Georgetown Law report struggling financially as a result of this policy.

          That’s $3,000 over the course of law school, which is three years. Here on earth, that amounts to a very reasonable $1k a year for reproductive health spending.

          4.) Lie #4- She Wants Taxpayers to Pay for Her Birth Control– This is flat out absurd, but so is almost everything else about this debate. This is about personal health insurance programs provided to individuals as part of their employee compensation. There is not one taxpayer dollar at issue here. This has NOTHING to do with taxpayers. Period.

          5.) Lie #5- Sandra Fluke wants to be paid to have sex:– This is the ugliest of all the lies, and you can see how the lies just build upon each other. Sandra Fluke doesn’t want to be paid to have sex, she wants her health insurance to cover her reproductive health needs. End of story. But this lie was necessary, as each lie built upon the last, because without this lie, Limbaugh couldn’t spend the next few days calling her a slut and a prostitute and demand she post videos of herself having sex online so Rush could watch.

          6.) Lie #6- This is just about bad word choice: As blatant a lie as it gets. Had Rush merely called her a slut and prostitute and then apologized, this might have have ended. But that is not what happened. He lied about everything she said, he targeted a young woman for a multi-day barrage of insults and venom, called her a slut, accused her of all the previous lies we have listed, called her a prostitute, spent days berating her, mocking her, creepily referencing her sex life, and finally, in the end, built to a crescendo in which he demanded she post movies of herself having sex so he and others could watch if she wanted him to pay for her birth control. And remember, that, in and of itself is a lie, because she only wanted her health insurance to cover her birth control. This wasn’t about poor word choice, this was about an all out vicious, factually empty, sustained assault on a young woman.

          I’m sure there are more lies, but these are the low points of sexual reprobates like you. You can see how it started with one lie, then another, until it just cascaded out of control in the wingnut echo chamber, getting more frenzied, more vicious, and uglier with each successive lie, until finally, it was too vulgar and out of control for our even the media bobbleheads to ignore. All because one young woman testified that having her health insurance provide coverage for birth control would really help relieve a large financial burden.

          • IM. All I did was say look it up. From that you prove you spend a good part of your day listening to Rush Limbaugh. Or— frequenting left wing looney sites for your dem propaganda.
            Slut- a woman who is sexually promiscuous. I read her statements, and watched her testimony, about her and her friends sex life. It fits. And it’s not condoms that put you thousands of dollars in debt from college, it’s tuition.

  3. Do other readers here consider $165/hr a high rate for counsel? It does not seem high to me based on rates we pay, but we don’t spend much, if anything, on litigation.

    • The problem is 30 min = 60 min in legal terms. Remember the attorney standing at the pearly gates saying to St. Peter, “I was too young to be here . .so St Pete checks the computer printouts. . .puzzled as we was saying, “my supposedly young man, ” according to your billing records, you were 145 years of age” . .

      who do you believe, wasn’t Shoulders part of Shiverly & Shoulder . .I’m confused, why . .who is the dem and who is the repub . . in the political sense, Shoulders is defined as the Fair Weather Democrat or “Show-me the money” Demo . .must like the Mosbycrat we have on Council . . ABSOLUTELY PITIFUL!!!!

  4. In the past Shoulders sage legal advise has led to the school corporations law suits being overturned every time they go to appeal. For that you get praise and fatter contracts? Only in a school corporation where tax dollars flow like honey from the hive in August.

  5. 8:50am. Wow. John Boehner, resigned as Speaker of the House.
    This might not fit in the IIT. But it is big news.
    The Republican Party is in flames, a mess. I guess that is what happens when the leader of the GOP primary race is a guy who is for single payer healthcare – Donald Trump – amazing. The wheels are off!!
    Boehner’s resignation is an example of how when dysfunctional the GOP really is. You eat your own.

    • The GOP is imploding right before our eyes. They’re going to throw up one last hail Mary and try to get rid of early voting. They must be stopped.

      • Losing this weepy drunk only makes the Republican Party stronger. mcconnell – you’re next.

        • BallonP, drinking, smoking, guns,etc.are all ok. Its that Boehner was never a real conservative. The spineless Republican leadership let Obama act like a King and grabbed ankles whenever the going got tough. Obama is doing the best he can to destroy our military, Federal judges and import muslims . We need real Americans in Congress and to stand up for our Country before its too late.

      • Early voting should never have been started. What if – you cast a vote early then for whatever reason you determine you made a huge mistake? No going back (unless you’re a dead democrat voting several times.) I believe the polls should open at the very same time: 6am Central, 7am Eastern , etc, all across the country and remain open for the exact same 24 hour period. That way, people in, say, CA will not be advised of early return results in the east and will remain a lot more apt to vote.

        • Make election day a holiday. Oh, woops, that would result in landslide victories for democrats.

          • A huge portion of democrat voters vote for a living rather than work for one so a “holiday” is a redundancy.

          • Close the cemeteries not the bars and democrats will only be left with cartoon characters.

      • Pressanykey, I doubt your omniscience. Why? “The radar” has been saying Boehner was gonna be ousted for failing to be conservative enough….for 4 years now. The guys who wanted him out are crybabies. Always crying, always wailing they’re being treated unfairly. He thumbed his nose at them for 5 years. Pretty impressive actually.

        • On Boehner’s watch they have caved to Obama every time. That is hardly considered “leadership”.

        • The only one I ever see crying is boehner himself. He’s done a terrible job.

    • I think the wheels are off of both the red bus and the blue bus. As you have aptly pointed out the leader in the republican polls is not much in the way of a republican when it comes to political opinions. Then there are the other 13 candidates who are a myriad of different personalities and styles as opposed to a clown car full of clones as many have characterized them to be. A few of them may actually turn out to be rational and willing to work for good as opposed to following hard right wing dogma.

      The blue bus on the other hand is a short bus in every way. There are only four passengers and one of those hasn’t declared and another is polling at 1%. So there are really two people on the short blue bus. The front runner is under FBI investigation and enjoys the distinction of having way over half of the population believing her to be a pathological liar and the other is a lifetime Socialist who just joined the democrat party in the spring.

      The latest head to head presidential polls while showing Trump leading the republican scrum, also show Trump leading no one in the general election. The democrat leader Hillary only out polls one candidate and his name happens to be Trump. So yes, I agree with you that the wheels are off the bus. Quite frankly the wheels are off of both buses and the two major parties know it. That is why there is panic on both sides of the aisle.

      The office of President of the United States may have gotten so rotten that no one who is worth a shit even wants the job. It is a magnet for big egos with no capacity to implement anything.

      • Joe. Please define for us the “right wing dogma” you see some of the Republican candidates following.

  6. I love how Don and Bob try to make this into something bigger than it is. The GOP is not imploding. There has been talk of running Weepy Boehner out of his position for awhile, since all he does is cower in the corner and let the PotUS run all over him. John has no backbone and is a shell of a real man, just like Bob and Don. He is whipped and controlled by those in a position of power.

  7. Hey CCO, what is the picture next to a users name mean? I’ve never seen that before. Whassup?

    • It’s known as an ‘avatar’ but I have no clue how to assign one to my name. I’d like to have one.

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