EPD Reports Absolutely ZERO Crimes Reported in or around Ford Center Events


News Release


The Evansville Police Department has released the crime statistics associated with events at the Ford Center.
Since the first event last fall, there have been no reports of thefts from vehicles, no reports of vandalism to cars, no event goers were robbed as they walked to and from their parking spot, or harassed for money from beggars. There were no traffic accidents related to the arrival or departure of event goers.
EPD used a planned traffic flow to help with the egress of event goers. The plan had the area clear of traffic congestion within 30 minutes during sell out events, less during less attended events.

The number of officers assigned to the area was adjusted to reflect the number of attendees at each event. The goal was to put enough officers in the area to ensure a safe environment while not being overbearing. Based on the results shown here, the EPD feels the strategy has been successful.


  1. Somewhere right now JW must be laughing his ass off at all the naysayers that predicted the failure of the Ford. No crime, no traffic problem and its making a profit. Gotta love it 🙂

    • Sun,

      Kind of hard for crime to occur when the EPD sets up a perimeter around the Ford Center. Why not deduct all those police wages from the “profit”, as you phrase it ? Also, there is no need to curse.

    • Hey Sun (a.k.a. Mr. Della), read this article on the KFC Yum ! Center in Louisville.

      Forecast Annual Profit–when bonds issued: $ 3,700,000 per year.
      Budgeted Annual Profit: $ 1,200,000 per year
      Actual Profit for 2011: $ 500,000.

      Also liked the $ 130,000 a MONTH Utility bill they were racking up when they kept it lit at night.

      Sun, check back with us after the “new car smell” has worn off, and lets run those numbers again !


  2. Merriam Webster Dictionary

    noun \ˈyes-ˌman\
    Definition of YES-MAN

    : a person who agrees with everything that is said; especially : one who endorses or supports without criticism every opinion or proposal of an associate or superior.

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    Somewhere right now JW must be laughing his ass off at all the useful idiots he was able to recruit to do his bidding.


    • You people just can’t handle facts. The Ford is a success, call it what ever you want.

  3. Anyone with a brain, who knows the crime situation in that downtown area prior to the Arena being built, also knows that crime could not have just up and disappeared in that area.

    The STORY here is: Who gave the order to eliminate the reporting of runs to that area from the EPD crime statistics?


  4. A colleague of a friend had her purse snatched as she walked to her car. She was knocked down in the fray. Come on people. That area has not been repopulated with innocent virgins. It may be improved with all the police presence but there will still be issues. Nothing in life or in Evansville is perfect and that includes the Ford Center and its surroundings.

    • Wouldn’t false reporting by the EPD be considered a crime?
      How about the recent report that the Jon is under budget and profitable? Scrutiny, levels instead, against those of us who demand truth. …

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