For Immediate Release
September 13, 2015

Discusses City’s Fiscal Management And Priorities For Her Administration

Evansville, IN – Mayoral candidate Gail Riecken hosted two Town Hall meetings, one at North Park Library and one at McCullough Library.  She discussed her background, why she got in the race, the city’s fiscal situation and her priorities as Mayor.

Gail said “I decided to run for Mayor because I had been hearing about how bad the city’s financial situation really was and started looking into it myself. What I saw made me realize it was time for new leadership in Evansville,” said Riecken. She continued, “A Mayor must spend our tax dollars wisely, practice smart fiscal policy and make sure there is an open, transparent budgeting process that produces a city budget that reflects our citizens’ needs and priorities. Frankly, Mayor Winnecke has not done that.”

Riecken discussed with the crowd what her priorities would be and how she would do things differently than the Mayor. Things like working to cut the debt and make sure we can cover the city’s expenses, stopping tax dollar giveaways, fixing the budget and creating a more transparent government, creating jobs and eliminating blight, providing for police and firefighters, and fixing our sidewalks and roads.

“The next Mayor of Evansville has to set priorities based on the issues that affect the entire city, not just special interests,” said Riecken. “A lack of transparency and wasteful spending has severly deminished our city’s reserves, increased our debts, and is putting our bond rating at risk, hindering our ability to make needed repairs to sidewalks and roads, combat blight and upgrade and replace equipment for our police and firefighters. As Mayor, looking out for the people of Evansville will be my first priority. I will spend every day fighting for the people of Evansville and working to make our wonderful city stronger.”

Gail Riecken is running for Mayor of Evansville and is a former Evansville City Council woman, Evansville Parks Director, and a current member of the Indiana State House of Representatives. She is a lifelong Evansville resident and has been married for 47 years, has 2 children and 3 grandchildren.