IS IT TRUE September 10, 2015


IS IT TRUE your invited to attend The Veteran’s Council Of Vanderburgh County “Call to Assemble” event on September 23, 2015?  …please read the attached invitation for you and your family members to consider attending?

IS IT TRUE this is a rare opportunity for you to encourage our local official to practice “GOOD PUBLIC POLICY”?


Call-to-AssembleCommander Mark Acker of the Veteran’s Council of Vanderburgh County announced today that the Council will host a “Call to Assemble” on September 23, 2015 beginning at 5:00 PM, at the Veterans Memorial Coliseum.

The “Call to Assemble” will be a non-partisan gathering of Evansville Mayoral and City Council candidates and the general public to encourage good public policy decisions by our elected officials. The “CALL TO ASSEMBLE” will be a peaceful,  positive and hopeful event that is planned to encourage honest, open governance, with transparency and will bring better accountability to our beloved City.

Veterans Memorial Coliseum in its current form, was dedicated April 18, 1917 to honor those brave Americans who answered the “CALL TO ASSEMBLE” and fight for what is right, in The Spanish American War and The War Between the States.

On Wednesday September 23rd, “The Great Lady” (Veterans Memorial Coliseum) shall once again be honored to serve as the host of Evansville first “CALL TO ASSEMBLE”.

Mayoral Candidate and State Representative Gail Riecken (D), Mayor Lloyd Winnecke (R) and Steven Wozniak an Independent Candidate for Mayor are being Invited to participate in a Lincoln-Douglas style question/answer session, featuring randomly selected written questions from the audience, that are drawn from a barrel.  Evansville City Council candidates with their supporters, Tea Party Representatives, CORE Group, a contingency from the Libertarian Party, 2nd Amendment Patriots, Independents, Republicans and Democrats and the General public are invited to join in.

A group that re-enacts Civil War activities and local Veterans Honor Guard shall be part of the event festivities. Gary Waggoner, a three time Purple Heart recipient is expected to moderate this event. This event will open with traditional patriotic music.

Food and drink will be available. The doors will open at 5:00 pm. Dress is casual, however Military Veterans are encouraged to wear their uniforms. VIP tables are available to groups and organization for a minimal fee. General admission is free. All proceeds will go to the Veteran’s Council of Vanderburgh County to help defray the costs of the maintenance of the Veterans Memorial Coliseum.

For additional information to purchase a VIP table, to become a sponsor or an underwritter of this event or to pledge a donation to the Veteran’s Council of Vanderburgh County please contact the Event Coordinator Denise Shane-Cheaney at 812.909.1900 or by email

Please take time and vote in today’s “Readers Poll”. Don’t miss reading today’s Feature articles because they are always an interesting read. Please scroll at the bottom of our paper so you can enjoy our creative political cartoons. Copyright 2015 City County Observer. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without our permission.


    • What you need is a bucket or two of really rotten tomatoes to pass around to the audience.

  1. I wish CCO would write more about Steve Woziniak. Another Winnecke term or a new Riecken term would just be the same old s#!t for the Evansville tax payers.

      Date & Time of Sale:
      Thursday, October 29, 2015 at 10:00 am
      Sale Location:
      Civic Center Complex Room 301, 1 NW Martin Luther King Blvd
      Published In:
      Evansville Courier/Press; Sep. 23, 30 & Oct. 7, 2015
      Judgment to be Satisfied:
      Sheriff Sale File number:
      Cause Number:
      By virtue of a certified copy of a decree to me, directed from the Clerk of Superior/Circuit Court of Vanderburgh County Indiana, requiring me to make the sum as provided for in said DECREE, with interest and cost, I will expose at public sale to the highest bidder at the date, time and location listed above, the fee simple of the whole body of Real Estate, a certain tract or parcel of land described as follows:
      Lot Four (4) in Westmore, an Addition lying near the City of Evansville, as per plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book J, page 60, in the Office of the Recorder of Vanderburgh County, Indiana. ALSO, part of Lot Five (5) in Westmore, an Addition lying near the City of Evansville, as per plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book J, page 60, in the Office of the Recorder of Vanderburgh County, Indiana, and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Westerly corner of said Lot Five (5); thence North 41 degrees 51 minutes East along the Westerly line thereof Thirty-nine and Ninety-five Hundredths (39.95) feet; thence South 46 degrees 57 minutes 56 seconds East Sixty-seven and Fifty-four Hundredths (67.54) feet to an iron pin by a poplar tree: thence South 32 degrees 50 minutes 15 seconds East One Hundred Ninety-eight and Eighteen Hundredths (198.18) feet to a steel fence post (in lake); thence North 45 degrees 06 minutes 02 seconds West along the Southerly line of said Lot Five (5), Two Hundred Fifty-nine and Twelve Hundredths (259.12) feet to the place of beginning.

      Commonly Known as: 691 MARIGOLD CT, EVANSVILLE, IN 47712-3262

      Parcel No. 82-05-21-007-234.004-024, 82-05-21-007-234.012-024

      Together with rents, issues, income and profits thereof, this sale will be made without relief from valuation or appraisement laws. In accordance to the requirements of IC 32-29-7-3, this Notice shall also represent service of Notice of Sale of this real estate upon the owners.

      * An entire Sheriff’s Sale may be cancelled due to inclement weather or other county emergencies. If the entire Sheriff’s Sale is cancelled, each parcel will be cancelled. Each parcel will be assigned to the next available sale (normally 2 months from original sale). This will allow compliance with Indiana Code concerning posting, publication, and serving time frames. Also, new Sheriff’s Sale fees will be assessed and the parcels will be automatically re-advertised. The plaintiff will be responsible for the new fees and advertising costs.

      David M. Johnson, Plaintiff’s Attorney
      41 E Washington St
      STE 400
      Indianapolis, IN 46204
      (317) 264-5000
      David L. Wedding, Sheriff
      Attorney No.
      Doyle Legal Corporation PC
      Perry Township
      By: Ronnie Mann, Administrative Assistant
      Phone: (812) 421-6225
      The Sheriff’s Department does not warrant the accuracy of the commonly known address published
      691 MARIGOLD CT
      EVANSVILLE, IN 47712

  2. Hey CCO, for those of us who cannot attend, would it be possible to tape this debate for later viewing? I realize that if people knew it could be viewed later that may cut down on attendance but it would sure be news worthy.

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