Daily Off Topic Forum September 23, 2015



  1. President Obama is dominating politically. Having a good several months….w/out a care about what the redneck opposition thinks….a reward for winning re-election w/ a majority of the popular US vote twice, I guess.

  2. looks like hillary is going down. Either that or we will see just how corrupt the FBI is.

    • You don’t live in the real world Balloonpilot.
      “If Hilllary isn’t sent to jail, the FBI is corrupt.”
      “Obama is from Kenya, and is a Muslim.”
      “All of the news media except Fox News is on the Dem payroll. And even Fox News took a bribe by the Dems to take out Trump.”
      “The ChiComs are reading my mail. And Obama is letting them do it because he hates America.”

      If you don’t get what you want Balloonpilot, then the other guy is either a criminal, a terrorist or on the bad guys payroll.

      Everyone here who reads your posts BP know this…it is the same, every, single, day! Everything is a conspiracy for you. It’s not a conspiracy BP. You vote for losers. That’ s why you can’t win.

      • Do me a favor, db – Tell me why you support Hillary. Legitimate question, asked without malice. I’m really interested in your response.

        • I don’t support Hillary. Jeb Bush should be the next President.
          You assume too much. Like everyone on the fringe of the GOP, everyone you see is a commie.

  3. Addressing Dr. Ben Carson’s comments regarding not wanting a muslim in the White House:
    Many of agree that we do not want a muslim in the White House. Many more of us agree that we do not want another muslim in the White House.

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