IS IT TRUE that Mayoral canididate Gail Riecken, At Large City Council Canidates Dr. Dan Adams and Alex Burton has agreed to attend the “Call to Assemble”  event sponsored by the Veteran’s Council of Vanderburgh County?  …this event will be a non-partisan gathering of area political candidates and the general public to encourage “Good Public Policy” decisions by our elected official? … the “Call To Assemble” will be a peaceful, positive and hopeful event that is planned to encourage honest, open governance, with transparency and will bring better accountability to our beloved City?

IS IT TRUE additional research reveals that our part time City Council, County Council, County Commission and School Board members receives taxpayers paid Health Care Benefits package?  …the taxpayers paid Health Care Benefits package includes: Dental coverage thats has unlimited coverage,  they pays one half of Dental bill and the taxpayers pay the other half? … elected members receive one free pair of glasses each year? …they have unlimited access to the City/County funded “Health Clinic” and all the Generic Drugs are free? … the above elected officials have access to “Wellness and Dietitian Consultants”  at no costs? …our elected officials receive major discounts from City approved Physical Fitness workout facilities at an nominal fee? …in addition they received at no cost a $50,000 Group life insurance policy? …our part time elected officials have access to Drug and Alcohol Rehab on site treatment at any Accredited Center located anywhere USA with unlimited coverage? …that our elected officials Cadillac Family Health Care plan only cost our part time elected officials a whooping $68 a month? …we wonder if any of the above elected officials supporters receive anything close this Health Care benefit package for working part time?  … our understanding that the practice of providing Health Care Insurance to our local part time elected officials go back for many years?

IS IT TRUE we are surprised that the “CCO Readers Poll” predicted that Dr. Dan Adams shall be the top vote getter in the upcoming November City Council election?  …CCO readers are also predicting that Alex Burton and Michelle Mercer shall be elected to the remaining two (2) slots on City Council?  …were extremely surprised  that  At Large City Council member Jonathan Weaver placed last in this poll? …Its important to point out the “CCO Readers Poll” isn’t considered to be a scientific political poll?

IS IT TRUE  we wonder if its fair that the EVSC School Board recognizes the “Teachers Union” but are trying bust the Local Teamsters #215 that represents the EVSC custodians, maintenance worker, secretaries and bus drivers?

Please take time and vote in today’s “Readers Poll”. Don’t miss reading today’s Feature articles because they are always an interesting read.  Please scroll at the bottom of our paper so you can enjoy our creative political cartoons.  Copyright 2015 City County Observer. All rights reserved.  This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without our permission.


  1. The Riecken campaign had to be pleased with last weeks campaign performance. Ms. Riecken spoke at her press conference with authentic authority embracing her role as a dutiful steward for innovative downtown development. It is pleasing that Ms. Riecken has decided to focus heavily during final campaign weeks on continuing the progress being made in downtown’s development by doing two critical things: promoting the need for, and the missed opportunity, of a larger footprint convention hotel…and the need for increased additional governmental funding of the IU Medical School projects to boost it back to the size it was originally intended. Downtown Evansville is important. Ms. Riecken has my vote.

    • Live downtown do you Don? In case you hadn’t noticed, there’s more to Evansville than “downtown”. And much of it is in need of attention FROM downtown.

  2. Most probably have seen the latest news involving Mosby, Weaver and Ms. Riecken. Why would Ms. Riecken think that an email to those two turn coats so-called Dems would ever endorse her and if not, there will be consequences. Of course, Weaver the Wessel immediately re-routed the email to his buddy old Brandon Bartlett at Ch 14 and like the finger gesture of Friend to Weaver, it becomes a BIG SUNDAY EVENING news. Obviously, Ms Riecken is too trusting and does NOT understand that Mosby is what she is and will NEVER be any MORE. Her changes of very seeking higher office has the chances of a snowball in hell. Weaver thinks he will be the next Mayor, of course after his boss’ second term. Ms. Riecken, these people are just BAD PEOPLE. You have to stop watching Mary Poppins.

    • Just reviewed one of my emails. Guess what? Apparently, Mosby emailed Ms Gail accusing her of sending people into the Second Ward canvassing on behalf of her and bad mouthing her (Mosby) So, here is how Mosby works. Conversation with Christmas Carol. Asked: Christmas. ” When are you going to endorse Winnie” . . Answer : Mosby, “I have to come up with some excuse” . . Asked: Christmas, “why don’t you just send an email to Riecken accusing her of bad mouthing you via her volunteers” . .Answer: Mosby, ” I think she will take the bait” . . Christmas :Answer, ” Of course she will” . . Ask: Mosby, “Do you think this will help me obtain additional listings” . . Answer, Christmas, “What do you think” . .

    • Hear that Alex Jarvis has come out endorsing Winnie. Even shows up at the Otter’s game handing out hand fans wearing Winnie for Mayor T-shirts. Wonder when Anthony Long will pull his demo ticket removing him from any and all demo party positions. As I see it, there must be too many dems making min wages because they will flip for any repub that hands them the thirty pieces of silver. PATHETIC….but in old Alex’s case maybe it is more about Rieckens’ rejection of him for her Campaign Manager’s position. Either way, when you are a piece of extract there is no changing.

      • Can it be true that Demo Justin Jarvis, of the Fall Festival “Floatgate” fame and former right hand man for Chairman Owen, is now supporting Mayor Winnecke? When will Chairman Faulkner entertain a motion to remove Weaver from the local party so he can no longer run as a Demo? The local party is still in complete shambles after Demo party loyalty died when the Central Committee back stabbed Rick Davis. Karma??

        • Since backstabbing Jarvis has no official position with the Dem party nor does he hold any office there is nothing Faulkner can do. Plus backstabbing Jarvis lives in Warrick County now where he causes trouble for the local D party there. Everywhere he goes there is drama, dissension, backstabbing and trouble.

          • Brains, Chairman Faulkner can’t do anything about an unelected local personality like Justin Jarvis, but Faulkner could show leadership for once and remove Weaver from the local Demo party.

    • Just think, the mainstream media is buying Santa Lloyd’s a/k/a Winnecke excuses why the decline in city cash balances is squarely on the head of Weinzapfel’s Ford Center debt. So, if that is the case, why would Santa want to add even more debt, i.e. the Hotel and Med??? Why, because this is fiction. There are NO DEBT PAYMENTS coming out of the General and Parks Funds. As was once said, “Does Winnecke climb trees to tell lies instead of having his feet on the ground and tell the truth?” When you start thinking like a monkey, you will climb trees.

      • The Ford Center debt is no “fiction”. It is an albatross around neck of the city of Evansville that will reach far into the future, regardless of who is mayor.

    • Susan: Your point is dead on about Mary Poppins however her Campaign Chairman needs to stop reading Polyanna as well. Stop the Bush League crap and bring on some advisors with talent and experience. BTW, where in the hell is Mark Owen in the equation?

    • I think Gail knew there was a strong possibility of Weasel and/or Missy doing what was done. The “leak” does sent the message to party faithful that Gail is a realist when it comes to the Democratic Party as it now exists and that she isn’t afraid to use some “encouragement” on the traitors. It was a win-win for her and it reminds everyone just what a creep Weaver/Weasel/Beaver/Wife Beater is. He’ll stand up to a woman anytime.

        • She is supporting Gail. It isn’t necessary to issue a formal endorsement for a candidate running on the same ticket , unless there is reason to believe that there is some disloyalty to team mates, as is the case with Mosyby and Weaver. I would add Windhorst and Brinkmeyer on the “doubtful” list with Missy and Weasel.

    • Just checked out the C&P, apparently they must have considered the email story to be a non-story. Much like the Dr Adams patronizing the Ashley Madison website as reported on Ch: 25 but never landed on the columns of the CP. Kodus to the CP. But, I am not Polyanna and know that the day is still young.

  3. I don’t think there is any hope for Evansville. It’s looking like Winnecke will be mayor along with a majority of his pawns on the city council. It will truly make way for an all out robbing of what’s left of the city and a Republican controlled justice system that will look the other way.

    • Last time I checked Evansville was under democrat control the only Republicans are the mayor and one council member. Perhaps you should be complaining about the train wreck the democratic party in Evansville has become. You can’t blame Republicans or the judicial system for the mayor or current dems you don’t like on the council. Your democratic party gave them their positions. P.S. I don’t care for much for the mayor either. Just calling it like I see it.

      • Party affiliation means nothing at the city level. Mosby and Weaver are Republicans.

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