The City Budget Season is upon us. It is hard to comprehend that over one year ago, Mr. Hedden partner of the Umbaugh & Associates, CPA group suggested that our City institute a “Spending Plan”  The Winnecke Administration never presented from July of 2014 to now any specifics on that recommended “Spending Plan”.   we were supplied a tweet from the Mayors Chief of Staff,  Steve Scheafer that the “Spending Plan” was the 2016 proposed budget?

After reviewing the fiscal year ending June 30. 2015, the operational funds declined by $9 million dollars compared to a decline of $5.9 million  dollars for the same period ending June 30, 2014.  Obviously, we have had an approximate shortfall issue of $9.0 million  dollars which has proven to be the exact amount of overspending deficit the Administration has been recording over the last three years. an average of $9 million of deficient spending in the operational funds.

The composite of total spending in the the 2016 budget for the City is $205,000,000 and the revenue estimates are $209,000,000.  It appears that City have a surplus under the way.  In 2014 the Winnecke Administration estimated that our revenues to be $202,000,000 but we only collected $185,000,000, a  collection rate of 92% . In 2013, the estimates were $198,000,000 but we collected only $180,000,000, a collection rate of 91%. History has proven, between 90% to 92% collection rate should be expected. In review of our proposed budget as presented.   the actual revenues collected would be approximately $190,000,000 and the expenditures as presented are $205,000,000 a mere $15,000,000 out of balance budget.

Mayor Winnecke boosted that he spent $5 million dollars less than what the City Council authorized him to spend in 2014.  We should expect him to make the same claim in 2016.   Consequently,  City  Council  been patiently waiting for that “Spending Plan” that Mr. Schaefer’s tweeted that stated “it’s in our budget.”

Could an alternative “Spending Plan” actually could be a  “Revenue Enhancement Plan”?  Mr. Lloyd indicated to City Council that “Fees and Licenses” were going to be considered.   Could an increase in the County “Income Tax Rate” be up for consideration?

What a dreadful notion that Evansville could  follows the lead of Ft. Wayne and raise  the “County Option Tax Rate”.

Based on the above facts, that  City Council has much to consider concerning the 2016 City budget.

Respectfully Submitted,

John E. Friend, CPA

5th Ward City Council

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  1. Wonder if our Coal Tycoon a/k/a Wayne Park is ever going to show us facts and FIGURE repudiating Friend’s concerns and statements. If anybody is interested, the fund balances, i.e. General & Park/Rec is accessible on the Indiana Gateway site . .just google Indiana Gateway. Select the site. Select report writer. Select Cash & Investments . .then follow down by year. You will be amazed in how our balances have drop like a rock.

    • Wayne will be sharing whatever instructions he received from his overlords shortly. That is, unless they told him to ” STFU”!

  2. When we set up these Spending Plans, and especially when the municipality has a bad track record in estimating Revenues, we incorporate circuit breakers that force a reduction in expenditures commensurate with the revenue shortfall.

    We like to call that ‘ Duh ‘ !

  3. Eviltaxpayer

    Some nights it is easy, others not so much. If you want to watch on cable, it is on the public access channel or WNIN Channel 9.

    If you want to watch online on your computer, go to the City Council website and click on the “Live Meeting” link, which will launch the viewer for you.

    Sometimes the C&P will stream it, but if they don’t for that meeting, there is a live Twitter session that happens

    Hope that helps. If you need further, let me know

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