IS IT TRUE: March 19, 2012


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE: March 19, 2012

IS IT TRUE that that Vanderburgh County Commissioner,Commander of the Vanderburgh County Veterans and newly installed member of Gage Board of Directors, Steve Melcher along with Evansville City Councilman and Budget Chairman, John Friend, CPA never received an invitation from GAGE President, Debbie Dewey or Evansville Mayor Lloyd Winnecke to join them on their “VIP” bus trip to Crane Naval Base?…that to exclude actively engaged and highly qualified elected officials from this trip is amazing?…that neither of these gentlemen are happy about this oversight? …that the members of the Evansville City Council were invited by Ms. Dewey last week to hop a flight to Nevada so they could all lay hands on a prototype Langson Energy device that is shown on youtube?…that when they are needed to vote blindly the City Council gets a last minute invitation to Nevada but when it is a bus trip to Crane some of them do not seem to be wanted?

IS IT TRUE that the Evansville Bond Bank has a little over 11 Million dollars in its account?….that about 4 million dollars is committed to a water and sewer project? …if we round off the above figures to 11 million and 4 million that would leave the Bond Bank account with about 7 million dollars?…that if the Mayor and the President of GAGE get their way to loan 5 million dollars to a proposed start-up company that would leave the Evansville Bond Bank with only about 2 million dollars in this account?…that if this is this correct this a prime example of “bad public fiscal policy”?…that we wonder what can be accomplished with the remaining $2M if trouble comes calling which in a town that can’t mow its grass or assure that the contents of a toilet will find its way to the treatment station is a guarantee?…that for $2M we could build 10 more FDP houses to sit empty?…that we could refurbish 8 one bedroom apartments that could be bought for under $100,000?…that we could even reverse the direction of one street?…that regardless of what the future value may be that the City of Evansville does not need to be within $2 Million of its bond bank credit limit?

IS IT TRUE we wonder about the status of a start-up loan that Venue works received from the Weinzapfel Administration so they could begin to market the Ford Center?…that if the Ford Center has had the financial success that it supposedly has had that it is time to start repaying that loan?

IS IT TRUE that Mole 9 tells the CCO that the past Parks and Recreation Director who was famous for not keeping up with the maintenance in the City of Evansville parks is now the newly appointed Director of Park Maintenance?

IS IT TRUE that it explicitly states in the Investment Documents of Earthcare Energy that the testing that was recommended by CTC to be done on the Langson Energy device will be finished by the end of March of 2012?…that this being the case, shouldn’t it be prudent to delay committing any funding until this testing is complete and disclosed?…that with the testing so close to completion it would be appropriate for Earthcare to disclose to the Evansville City Council immediately exactly what tests are being run and who is doing the tests?…that such a technical undertaking should be nearing completion by now if it is to be finished and a report generated by March 31, 2012?…that is only 11 days from now?…that while they are at it Earthcare should advise the City Council where the $34 Million in additional loans that are disclosed in the cash flow section of their prospectus will be coming from?…that to date we know where they are counting on $5M to come from?…that at the burn rate proposed the $5 Million will be gone by Labor Day unless other funding is secured?


  1. I would not think we would want to be within 11 million dollars of our credit limit, much less two million

  2. you mean Whineke didn’t reward even the democrats who deserted their party, ie, Ms Robinson, Messy Mosby and Weaver with a space on the royal bus? I guess they will have to be satisfied with a short vacation in Reno

    • Robinson, Mosby, and Weaver vetting technology?? You must be joking! Those three clowns could not vet a hot dog stand.

  3. Same old same old! Just the Mayors have changed their names. The Machine and cronies still large and in charge!!!!

    • Your post is chock full of political holes.

      First of all, you need to know that no Democrat mayoral candidate has been successful since the 1960s without winning the First Ward. And that’s totally independent of the 4th Ward vote.

      Secondly, Lloyd Winnecke has appointed African-Americans to key salaried positions in his administration, and I do not think their is a prejudiced bone in that man’s body.

      Now, you can carry on with your legitimate criticisms of GAGE, etc., if you have any legitimate points to make, but at least get your apples and oranges sorted out first. Okay?

      • Thank you for the professional response. We apologize for not catching the comment sooner.

    • I apologize for my earlier comment. I can understand why it was removed by the CCO staff. It was meaningless for me to drag the mayor into my rant and I’m sure Soon2Be is right about him. I am however interested why there are no minorities represented on the GAGE staff. It is funded with taxpayer money and is intended to develop the growth and prosperity of Evansville. I would think that different backgrounds would bring more insight to the decsion-making process.

      • I agree completely, and hope the GAGE office staff up to the highest executive positions reflects more diversity in the very near future.

      • Kringle I did not see your original post but from Soon’s response I gather it was not too kind. But I can tell you that you are not far from home with your thoughts. I am a minority. A close friend of mine, also of color, recently applied for a position at GAGE that she was more than qualified for according to the job posting. When she went to apply she was snubbed and treated rudely. She not only did not get the job, she never even got an interview. If you could see her resume you would be shocked at her qualifications and the experience she could have brought to the table.

        • Does anyone here know that the first head of Gage was enough Cherokee to qualify for minority status and never said anything about it.

  4. It is obvious that the writer of this article has no understanding how the Evansvill Bond Bank works or its mission.

  5. I think the point he is making is that depleting your savings account by 80% for a risky investments is simply not good business sense. Do the details of operation really matter? It doesn’t matter how you plan to get where you’re going if you run out of gas before you leave the driveway. Are you willing to give up 80% of your nestegg for these endeavors? Not to mention that I believe at one point the account exceeded $19 million. Compared to that $11 mil is already too low for reserves.

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