IS IT TRUE  you may be missing a new movement in “Down Home” Evansville Indiana? …and we are finding that people are getting sick and tired of broken political promises and shell games from our elected and appointed City and County officials? …and this could be a good reason for a “Call To Assemble”?

IS IT TRUE when political patronage and political campaign donations run hand in hand, this could be a good reason for a “Call To Assemble”?

IS IT TRUE  are you  sick and tired of the local Main Stream Media pushing one political candidate over the other?  …this could be a good reason for a “Call To Assemble”?

IS IT TRUE  that if you’re concerned about the amount of local tax money that our elected officials have pledged to build a new Downtown Hotel and IU Medical School, …this could be a good reason for a “Call To Assemble”?

IS IT TRUE  are you sick and tired of hearing our elected officials talking about Community Blight but doing nothing about it, …this could be a good reason for a “Call To Assemble”?

IS IT TRUE that if you feel that it’s time for our elected City Officials to be held accountable? …this could be a good reason for a “Call To Assemble”?

IS IT TRUE  crime is running rampant? …and this could be a good reason for a “Call To Assemble”?

IS IT TRUE   our property tax assessments have been discreetly increased for the last several years, which lead to our property tax payments being increased? …and this could be a good reason for a “Call To Assemble”?

IS IT TRUE  that you’re upset with a few members of City Council who wasted $200,000 of our hard earned tax dollars on the Earthcare Energy project? …and this could be a good reason for a “Call to Assemble”?

IS IT TRUE  our streets and sidewalks are in deplorable condition, without any plan to correct this problem? …and this could be a good reason for a “Call To Assemble”?

IS IT TRUE  our parks are in bad need of repairs County wide? …and this could be a good reason for a “Call To Assemble”?

IS IT TRUE  that the State requires the City Of Evansville’s budget proposals be made public for citizens to review? …and that George Lumley contacted City Council Finance Chair Connor O’Daniels on how to review the details of the 2016 Budget, and was instructed to contact the City Clerk? …and that Mr. Lumley contacted the City Clerk’s office and was told to contact the City Controllers office? …and that the City Controller’s office told Mr. Lumley to contact the City Clerk office? …and that only after Mr. Lumley asserted that the budget hearings were to start in a matter of hours, and that he was getting the runaround, an agreement was reached with the City Controller’s Office?

Please take time and vote in today’s “Readers Poll”. Don’t miss reading today’s Feature articles because they are always an interesting read. Todays video features Mayoral Candidate Gail Riecken talking about mismanagement of our taxpayers money by the Winnecke Administration. Also we inserted a video of PETER, PAUL and MARY singing “TIMES ARE A CHANGING”.

Please scroll at the bottom of our paper so you can enjoy our creative political cartoons.

Copyright 2015 City County Observer. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


  1. Wayne’s comments yesterday seem to indicate Wieneke sucks… but no worse than Weinsaple. Our only hope is they share a cell.

  2. Thanks for the Peter, Paul, and Mary remembrance. That was truly my era and it changed a lot of people in many positive ways. No derogatory comments please.

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