IS IT TRUE yesterday the Chairmen of the local GOP posted that “the CCO needs to crawl out of their apparent hole-in-the ground.  The majority of the public think Mayor Winnecke has done a good job trying to make Evansville the best it can be. They will be voting in November to express their thanks to him for his hard work”?
IS IT TRUE we have never witnessed such a verbal exchange between our bloggers in our many years of publishing the C-CO?  …we urge you to pull up yesterday’s IS IT TRUE and the Feature article on Gail Riecken and read what the bloggers are posting about GOP Chairman Wayne Parkes’ remarks?
IS IT TRUE a poster called Excuse Me submitted on 2015/08/13 at 3:41 pm | In reply to Wayne Parkes, made the following post?  ...EXCUSE ME posted:  “Are we to actually believe your statements about not insulting women?  You told Cheryl Musgrave in front of people at a Republican event that she wasn’t a Republican in your opinion. You also wrote it here. That seems like an insult to me.  Especially since Musgrave’s beliefs seem to more closely mirror conservatism than yours.”
“You have said publicly and posted here that Gail Riecken needs to learn. In fact you did it today.  That seems like an insult to me. Especially since, and I assume that you know how budget are created, state law basically requires a budget that pretends as if 100% of property tax revenue will be collected to garner the maximum levy from the Department of Local Government Finance.  What Winnecke has done, which is new for a Mayor, is spend like 100% will be collected.  Most other officials understand the necessary gap between what is projected in revenue, which is a fiction, and what can actually be spent.  Winnecke spent more than was taken in 2013, and both more than what was taken in and more than was originally appropriated in 2014. City Council passes a budget and then has to trust the Mayor to monitor revenue and adjust accordingly.  That trust has proven to be a mistake with Winnecke”
“You also may remember filing a grievance last year with the Disciplinary Commission claiming that SBR should lose her legal license. That seems pretty insulting. That grievance and the subsequent letter from the Disciplinary Commission summarily dismissing your grievance was posted on this site last summer.”
“You’ve been through 3 independently selected vice chairwomen in the same number of years. Obviously, you don’t like women and they don’t like you”.
IS IT TRUE we are  still looking forward to the Mayor explaining to the voters if there were any political motives concerning DMD, ERC or Evansville Brownfields Corporation purchasing about $1 million dollars on vacant and dilapidated property on North Main Street,  the awarding of 2014 facade grants,  purchasing dilapidated property in the Haynie’s Corner area and either giving them away or selling them well below appraisal price and the awarding of contractual professional service contracts, and the rationale of DMD/ERC giving a 45 year lease to the proprietors of the McCurdy Hotel for the $600,000 parking lot for $1 dollar?
IS IT TRUE it appears that newly appointed Evansville Brownfields Board member and the appointed “Promoter Of Downtown”  Josh Armstrong have failed to literally give away a Restaurant at 4th and Main?  …we wonder if DMD/ERC invested $35,000 plus to fund Mr. Armstrong position with the Chamber of Commence to spearhead the Restaurant give-a-way program?
IS IT TRUE its rumored that salaried Department Heads receive additional pay for attending the “Mayors Traveling City Hall?”  …that these salaries are paid by a grant funded by a “Community Development Block Grant”?


  1. If a Department Head or any employee were paid extra for attending a Traveling Town Hall, that would be illegal.

  2. I look for the misogynist Parke to go back underground for a while. He comes, he goes, seemingly with the moon phases. He is entertaining. Not every city can claim their own little mini-Trump.

  3. I openly state the facts and express my opinion. Unlike you, who hide behind an assumed name. Sometime the facts hurt—-but the truth is the truth. The public desires to know what the truth is.
    One seldom gets a factual unbiased opinion when written by the CCO editors who also refuse to identify themselves. Why is that?

    Wayne Parke

      • I look for the truth to shake Wayne like a terrier shakes a rat before it sets him free of the GOP chairmanship. At least it is the first visual that your comment brought to my mind.

    • Lets hear the TRUTH about the city finances,
      Lets hear the TRUTH about the real cost of the Hotel, and the MED center.
      Lets hear the TRUTH about the DMD, ERC or Evansville Brownfields Corporation purchasing about $1 million dollars on vacant and dilapidated property on North Main Street
      Lets hear the TRUTH about salaried Department Heads receive additional pay for attending the “Mayors Traveling City Hall?” …that these salaries are paid by a grant funded by a “Community Development Block Grant”?

      No hiding behind a name here…..

    • And here we go, another trash-talking diatribe from the chair of local Republican Party who is annoyed that people exercising their First Amendment rights to anonymize their thoughts to avoid political retribution from hacks like him. Your repeated griping about pseudonyms is unhealthy, and really exposes your hypocrisy in that you do a bait and switch on the issue at hand, focusing on attacking the person while completely ignoring the substantive questions without answering anything. Obsessing much?

      Furthermore, your slimy response that “the truth hurts” is laughable and ludicrous. Typical right wing teabagger response. A perfect example of the phrase “You’re entitled to your opinion, but you’re not entitled to your own facts”

      On top of that, the CCO and the poster from yesterday showed how pathetic you are on issues regarding women. Actually, it was proven very well that you are a hypothetical sexist jerk. We all can see that your response today was to ignore the actual facts presented about your clear motives of not having respect for women, and specifics were given of things you’ve done and comments you’ve made about women that show how your comments protesting you’ve not done or said anything (and specifically Cheryl or Gail) is an outright lie.

      Maybe you should put down your right wing playbook of attacking the messenger and actually respond to people pointing out what a hypocrite and liar you are.

      But we all know you won’t do that, because what you’ve done and said about local women are not defensible. You got called out in righteous style yesterday and today by local citizens and the editors at CCO, and you’re showing in grand style what a lowlife you are by not addressing the issues

      We all know that you relish doing drive-by comments, and it clearly burns you that we see through your BS. Stop attacking the CCO and other posters about who they are, and respond and give us a laugh in whatever feeble attempt you do to respond or justify your impolite behavior that people are calling you to task for.

      Yeah, we all know you lack the guts to answer for your conduct. Typical.

      • Comrade, I am afraid that yours is the typical kind of hysterical meltdown that makes people laugh at progressives. Charges of misogyny are often useful, but only when they have some degree of plausibility, which is completely lacking here. We need to be especially careful when the husband of our leading national progressive candidate, Hillary, has a long and sordid history of harassing and abusing women, as do many other progressive leaders. Remember, comrade, the goal of OFI is the production of USEFUL progressive idiots, not simply progressive idiots. The supply of the latter locally is practically limitless, after all.

        J. Coddington “Comrade Hugo” Fetlock IV
        Maximum co-coordinator
        Organizing for Idiocy
        Evansville Cell

  4. Does anyone have an update on the status of the restaurant competition that was designed to get a great new restaurant in the old Rogers Jewelry building at 4th and Main? My sources tell me that nothing is going on there.

    It has been nearly 2 years since Evansville tried to incentivize someone to start a restaurant there with a $250,000 package. Is it becoming difficult to find capable people to even take free money for starting businesses on Main Street?

    • Joe
      Nice hearing from you. Hope you had a nice trip.The answer that this is another “Pie In The Sky” Governmental driven program that failed. We hear that DMD/ERC approved giving the individual that ran this program a one time stipend around $35,000 to coordinate the “Restaurant Competition” program.

      We now hear that this individual is now in charge of promoting the marketing efforts for Downtown full time and is employed by the Chamber of Commerce. Our only concern is the taxpayers of this City giving the Chamber money to fund this new full time position for someone to promote Downtown? I guess the real truth will come out at the upcoming Budget hearings.


      • Mr. Armstrong’s employment began with a $35,000 check cut out of the Innkeeper’s Tax.

  5. The “prize” was awarded to a Mexican restaurant about six months back. The “winners” quietly turned the prize back over to the group who gave it to them a couple of months ago. That’s why I made the comment about Josh Armstrong and KC not being able to literally give away a restaurant at Fourth and Main yesterday. CCO used the same verbiage on the subject this morning, I see.

    • The market is speaking through that very prominent corner. They’d be lucky to get a rolling tamale wagon to park there for 15 minutes at King Hell High Lunch Time. Sí? The city administration is silent on their failure to attract a business to that spot even with a large money giveaway. Apparently no hotel developer, a legitimate one anyway, would sink any money into our long dead downtown either.

      If the Winnecke administration could feel shame they would be at least slightly embarrassed that they can’t give that corner away. Right dead in the middle of bustling downtown Evansville. A corner that has flat-lined, the canary in the downtown dirt mine. It coulda been a contender.

      • Bandana,–“flat lined the canary in the downtown dirt mine”—Man I Love that analogy,–Good One!!

  6. If it’s true, as stated in today’s IIT, that CCO thinks they’ve never witnessed such a verbal between their bloggers as took place yesterday, it is also true CCO has a very short memory.

  7. * In the past 30+ years, Evansville has lost thousand of good paying manufacturing jobs, only to be replaced by retail, restaurant and temporary agency jobs.

    * While the standard of living for the average middle class taxpayer has gone down, crime and blight has gone up.

    * Downtown hasn’t changed in over 45 years. It just gets tweaked from time to time so money can change hands. The best thing that could happen to downtown is a to get knocked down by a very large bulldozer.

    * Evansville Leadership is putting more effort into low rent housing than bringing in high paying employers so people can earn their own prosperity and have their pride.

    * Every election cycle we get the same promises of a prosperous Evansville, but end up with an Evansville that’s a step closer to a ghost town.

    Below is a quote from Mr. Wayne Parke’s comment from yesterday:
    “The majority of the public think Mayor Winnecke has done a good job trying to make Evansville the best it can be. They will be voting in November to express their thanks to him for his hard work.”

    Wayne Parke

    Mr Parke, I assume that you’re an educated man. I personally don’t know you so I will ask this with all due respect: Was the above statement that you made yesterday a spoof or do you really believe that BULLS#!T?

    From what I’ve seen, Winnecke is the worst Mayor of Evansville since Weinzapfel. Weinzapfel was the worst Mayor of Evansville since Vandeveer. At least Vandeveer had the decency to resign!

  8. There are still good livings to be made in this area. Evansville’s average annual household income is $12,000 below the Indiana figure and half of Warrick County’s, which is just next door. Do you see the problem here? Everyone who is in the financial position to pay taxes that would make things better here have gone across the county line and made things there pretty danged nice there.
    In the meantime, we have kept all of the greed and corruption that is masquerading as a valiant try to restore the Dead Zone. Now that the O’Daniels have sold their downtown property, at least there should be a concentrated effort to site the Med School next to Deaconess Gateway. That would be the decent, sensible thing to do, but there must be a few more cronies who want big bucks for rehabbing downtown property before the school gets moved to that area in a few years.

  9. Native area USI grads are not living in Evansville. They at the least go to Warrick, GIbson, and Posey. Many are headed to Indianapolis and Nashville, Tn.
    Too much BS and not enough real action in Evansville.
    BS made over having nice riverfront stadium we have cop run strip joint and fake pro baseball instead. Tear down Roberts and build smaller arena with inadequate storage and docking to secure no chance of bigger and more diverse entertainment.
    Horrible planning and money being thrown away. 500k to Earthscam while we hold up Yarlomeus plan because of landscaping at privately funded old river house.
    Is it any wonder all the big salaries of mejo left town?

  10. Rent needs to be raised on the Aces too. They don’t deserve s discount. They claim to be big boy basketball, they should pay big boy rate. Not taxpayers fault they only actually get 2-3k for men and 2-300 for women’s games.

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