Daily Off Topic Forum August 29, 2015



  1. No Justice No Peace. What do you think this means? Is it a rally cry for a group of people who fear they are not treated well by the “system”? or is it a threat? Does it mean if we dont get our way we will destroy property and hurt people that do not support our cause. Do they rally for the prosecutor or the justice system to stop the violence in the community. Do they ask for higher bonds for people shooting guns in the neighborhoods? Do they give information to the law enforcement on where people want on crimes may be located at?
    Black lives Matter. What do you think this means? This group is concerned about the death rate of black people in everyday situations? Are they concerned about the poor health of the poor people not getting the proper nutrition everday or that they eat poorly or that alcohol and cigarettes are killing more minority members in our society? Do they send flowers or attend funerals for victims of crimes? Do they talk to law makers about more tougher laws for gun violence?

    Does anyone in the Black lives Matter group or the No Justice No Peace group encourage people to do better in school? To stop violence in the neighborhoods? To stop the children up late at night from committing acts of vandalism or violence? Do they walk children to schools to make sure that they get there safely? Do members of either group hold community clean up projects?

    Or do they everyday tell members in the community that they are VICTIMS. That they are not where they want to be because of their skin color or because the police are too forcefully in their actions or because leaders in the community a long time ago wanted to be equal. The claims were that we are too segregated and that we need to be integrated. No more white only stores or restuarants. No more black only stores. When that happend to took a long time to come to fruition. But now members of these two groups are telling members that they should only shop or do business with minority businesses only.

    Or are they for people who break laws in our community and then when confronted by law enforcement they resist arrest by violent means. When Law Enforcement protects themselves (its is there right to protect themeselves) and has to use deadly force there are mass protests wanting “Justice” for the law breaker. Why arent they telling the community members do not fight law enforcement and to fight their cases in the courtroom? If it is a bad arrest they can sue. Violence does not help ANY cause.

    Michael Jackson (pop star) was accused several times of improper conduct with children. He was never convicted and members of the community say it was all false. Jackson was honored by the United States Congress when he passed away. There was a moment of silence on the floor.

    Officer Darren Wilson defended himself. He endured investigations by Local,state,and Federal. His actions that day were found to be justified. But Wilson cannot return to his job,Wilson has to live in secret. No one apologized to him for what he went through. Of course the Justice dept went through the e-mails of his department and found that they were racist(kind of a consellation prize for the protestors).

    Maybe I am wrong. Our system is not the best. But we are trying.

    • You are not wrong. It’s just politically incorrect to speak the truth. You will be labelled a hater for doing so.

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