Daily Off Topic Forum August 24, 2015



  1. The “Monopoly ” money Players are undergoing a “Correction” as their ( existing only on paper) Funny money pile shrinks as stock market manipulation/speculation takes a dose of the Real World.–So the “Players” in the Game took a supposed $$$$$$ Trillion hit,–did the value really exist(?) or was it all a part of a Gaming by the paper shufflers, that finally met the reality of it’s “Bernie Matoff” existence? Boo Hoo the sky is falling, or is it?
    News Flash,–my un-ed-u-may-cated view will allow me to– not,– lose any sleep, no matter how loud the Stock Brokers/media screech their tale of Woe. My Money is in my pocket (not theirs), and there is plenty of Cold Beer in the Fridge. I guess in a nut shell,—you could conclude,–I don’t give a Sh-t about the Stock Market Rout.

    • …you forgot to blame Obama, Crash. BallonPilot will never let you live it down.

  2. I’ll try to do better. D.B.
    Here is my Opinion Balloonpilot,
    “Obama is the worst thing ever to happen to the United States of America in my lifetime!”
    That should just about cover it for you D.B.– and yes everyone is entitled to their opinion.
    Sincerely, Crash

    • I live by the creed that everyone is entitled to MY opinion.
      owebama is the greatest threat this nation has ever faced.

      • Threat to whom?
        Racists? (Yes)
        Immigrant haters? (Yes)
        Confederate Flag Waivers? (Yes)
        Religion should be involved in government extremists? (Yes)

  3. liberals are funny.
    They can co-exist with rapists, kidnappers, beheaders, hijackers, women beaters, gay killers, slave owners, military deserters, mass murderers and pirates. But not with Conservatives.

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