Prominent Midwest Mayors in Evansville to Support Gail Riecken


State Representative Gail Riecken, candidate for Mayor of Evansville, announced today that Mayor Karen Freeman-Wilson of Gary, IN and Mayor Nan Whaley of Dayton, OH will be coming to Evansville to host a forum on leadership in government and business and to headline a fundraiser for her campaign.

Both events will be held at the Memorial Baptist Church in Evansville on July 14, 2015.

“Mayor Freeman-Wilson is one of the most effective mayors in our great state,” said Riecken.  “She has used her background in government to unify her city behind a broad group of fresh ideas and creative approaches to growing the economy and improving public safety.”

Mayor Freeman-Wilson is a former Indiana Attorney General and was the first female mayor in Gary’s history.

“Mayor Whaley has also been a truly transformative leader as Mayor,” said Riecken.  “Nan has launched new initiatives aimed at growing small businesses and addressing her city’s housing challenges.  She’s used her background on City Council as a springboard to an aggressive approach as Mayor.

“We are looking forward to learning a lot from these very impressive mayors and we hope to host a broad group of Evansville citizens for this important forum”