Daily Off Topic Forum July 17, 2015



  1. I never again want to see any active duty member of the United States Military, anywhere, without at least a side arm.

    • I’ve always thought a soldier without a gun is like a turtle without a shell but there must be more to it than we realize.

      When I think about the veteran nut that killed Chris Kyle and his buddy Littlejohn and the average of 300 active duty suicides each year, it makes me think the Generals may know more than I realize about arming everyone Stateside.

      But if that’s the case, then the unarmed soldier is going to have to be guaranteed more security protections or else armed.

      Wish I knew the answer because what happened yesterday and at Fort Hood etc. is BS…….

  2. Sometimes knowledge, training, and gumption are the best side arm one can pack. As a intense combat Veteran myself I believe this to be straight up. Inside the CONUS (especially Indiana) we have well trained and qualified civilian law enforcement professionals to see to our safety and civil well being. Maybe that’s why the forefathers wrote in the military occupational presence portion into our esteemed Constitutional law.
    One thing for sure @Regulator, a Veteran knows when, or when not, to resort to a legal firearm to preserve ones well being, or another’s. Its clear law. That’s clearly defined when the responsibility to own such defining force is given by application, and permit.

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