Haynie’s Corner Pays Tribute To Equal Rights Movement



    1. This flag offends many and is decisive. If this is public property then why not celebrate with the National flag? Then we can all celebrate that no matter how rulings go, we are all united as Americans.

      • Most have forgot about the question ask both Winnecke and Davis during the campaign four years ago. . . . Davis was ask what political position he was against regarding his own national party and his answer was unconditional abortion . . .and Winnecks was same sax marriage . . . who in the hell is the democrat and who in the hell is the republican?

    2. While crossing the Ohio River, I just imagined the fog settling and thinking I was in San Francisco . . . to have these flags flying of this city says where in the hell are we heading . . . we all have our views and beliefs . . . why don’t we have the Christian Flags flying over our city . . . the only flags that should be flying is Old Glory . . . nothing more nothing else . . this surely represents what this administration made of. ..

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