IS IT TRUE JUNE 24, 2015


IS IT TRUE that it was reported by Mayor Winnecke’s favorite newspaper (COURIER AND PRESS) that the Mayor and his political adviser Steve Schaefer feel that Gail Riecken was doing a hack job on them? …Winnecke and his sidekick Steve Schaefer accused Gail Riecken of sending a ”plant” to City Council to ask questions about the new Downtown Hotel? …this is extremely laughable because that’s the same thing Mr, Schaefer accused the City County Observer of doing at Mondays night Council meeting? Schaefer will soon be accusing the “boogie man” or the Chamber of Commerce in sending a “plant”?

IS IT TRUE if the Mayor and his sidekick Schaefer don’t have concrete evidence of the accusation they made against Mayoral candidate Riecken they should just move on? …it looks like we now have some serious paranoia on the political landscape thanks to the Mayor and Schaefer?

IS IT TRUE we were impressed the way City Council Attorney Scott Danks put the Mayor’s Chief of Staff, Steve Schaefer in place when he began bullying a concerned citizen for asking him intelligent questions about the Downtown Hotel? …It’s well known in political circles that Mr. Schaefer is considered to be the biggest political liability in the Winnecke Administration because of his rude, know it all behavior and his bullying attitude? …we would like to thank Mr. Danks for putting Schaffer in his place because it’s long overdue?

IS IT TRUE we hear that the Evansville City Controller Russ Lloyd Jr thinks if the city has checks……. we must have money?

IS IT TRUE the Chairman of the Vanderburgh Democratic party Rob Faulkner spent $2,000 of the Vanderburgh Democratic party budget to rent a tent for the Shrinerfest.? …in the past hardly anyone ever visited the Democratic Party “TENT” during the air show? …it looks like Demo Party Chairman Faulkner has a little impaired judgement going on? … it makes better political and economic sense that he use this money to help the party candidates get elected in November?

IS IT TRUE we were told by reliable sources that Union controlled Demo Chairman Rob Faulkner has only visited the Democratic Headquarters only a hand full of times during this year? …we are told the best way to contact him is at a local Restaurant-Pub located in the County almost everyday after 3 o’clock in the afternoon at the bar?

IS IT TRUE we have had parishioners asking us to find out what happened to the $150,000 to $167,000 missing from St. Ben’s Church coffers?   …are the police involved yet?

IS IT TRUE that we are told by a number of disgruntled citizens the Newburgh Police Departments doesn’t have any female officers?  .So much for equality in the Town of Newburgh?

Please take time and vote in todays “Readers Poll”. Also we just posted the current City County Observer TRI-STATE VOICES TV show for you’re viewing pleasure. Don’t miss reading todays Feature article because it’s always an interesting read. Copyright 2015 City County Observer. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


  1. Newburgh use to have a female officer. However, I think she retired several years ago. It’s a small town with not a lot of officers. I wonder if the pay is similar to EPD or even the WCSO?

    • They had a female a year or two ago. She got pregnant and was pushed out by the Chief AND Newburgh Board members because they tried to force her to keep working while pregnant.

  2. You are creating a very dirty campaign and I for one, don’t care for it. I have always been proud to be a democrat in this Community….but no longer! You have nothing to offer this Community so you just tear down all the good things happening with your unfounded –non-factual accusations…..You will no longer receive my vote until you clean-out the debris in your party and once again bring truth, honor and and respect to the Community! And, unlike most on this sight, I sign my true name, I don’t hide behind an alias!

    • Your vote is inconsequential. You are a Winnecke Cheerleader of some note and a very spiteful one at that. Winnecke is running scared and your rants do him no good. It is time for him and Schaefer to go. Bragging about using your own name on a board that offers anonymity is a fool’s errand. It confers no legitimacy to your post, a post that could use a little propping up.

      It is ‘site’ not ‘sight’.

      • If voting mattered they would not let us do it. And, I admire Engbers willingness to put his name on his work even if I disagree with his politics (democrat). It adds legitimacy to his opinions.

      • Dick Engbers is a local actor, play director and noted left wing socialist and Arcadian Acres anti-gun rights activist. Like most “artists” he enjoys seeing his name in lights and publications.

      • If my memory serves me correctly, and it seldom does, Engbers represents the far left extreme and the democrat party might return to the party of my father before they exited left with fewer extreme leftist.
        If he is, then perhaps he and Parkes provides a useful tool for identifying extremism, the pride in using their real names and the scorn they have for those who want to keep their identities private from the extremist among us.

    • Sounds like you are a Whinny plant or should I say a Steve Shafer plant! Is that even your real name? Seriously dude. The Mayor allies have already dug into the mud when they implied that Riecken was responsible for the Marina fire some months ago. The GOP has no room to talk. Whinny’s hotel will forever be known as ” the ground breaking to no where”. I mean how many ground breakings does one have to endure before they build this creepy motel downtown? But remember they first need to build a foundation that will support the downtown hotel. And that means they will have to make sure that the sewers beneath the ghost motel will be able to support all the weight and handle the additional sewage. Actually the USEPA should ban the building of this hotel or any other buildings until the city addresses it’s sewage flowing into the Ohio River Illegally problem. The Mayor better get busy and direct a fixed to the sewers that can pass mustard with the USEPA in Chicago, IL.

    • What mis-truth’s are being told? You happen to blinding support Winnecke as his friend. OK. But don’t call people names that are pointing out his faults and poor management. It is the duty for an opponent to point out these problems. Gail Riecken has more honor and dignity than you can ever question.

    • Thanks for the in”sight”ful comments Richard “keep your guns away from my dog” Engbers. Did you take a clue from your boy, Mayor McClintock, and decide to attack the messenger instead of the message, e.g., the Steve Schaefer method? Maybe if Mayor Weakknees would be transparent in his actions instead of hiding behind a facade of smoke and mirrors and Little Lloyd B.S. he might merit a little more respect. As it is he’s a one term, turn and burn, done and gone, political hack which truly exposes his marketing background (Director of Marketing: a.k.a., thief and liar and B.S. artist).

  3. I wish Mr. Faulkner would demand that all Democratic candidates must support all the other Democratic candidates or get no support from the party. I think it is despicable that Weaver, Mosby, Brinkmeyer, etc. openly support Winnecke. This town is FUBAR.

    • Probably because not all Democratic candidates are worth supporting. Riecken has yet to offer anything of substance, and her track record shows little chance of that happening. Hope she kept her Illinois road map.

        • When that becomes our motive for supporting a candidate we truly a hopeless city. I see two hopes for us. One is to keep what we have with bad blood between the mayor and CCC which will render both ineffective. I am fine with endless groundbreakings.

          Second, we need to force Gail into providing specific and measurable campaign commitments that address our needs not just the wants of voting blocks.

      • Perhaps, but one thing we all know . . .Santa Lloyd and Christmas Carol is giving away our community and like the Lloyd’s before them will leave in wave the financial dismay of our town . . . while Santa sips his favorite beverage in Tucson, AZ while visiting with Danielle and Family and thinking “what suckers” . . .

    • BigPappy, the disloyal Democrats that back-stabbed Rick Davis got Winnecke elected Mayor. The same disloyal back-stabbing Democrats will get Winnecke elected again.

    • Dear BigPappa . . .

      Your opinion about Weaver, Mosby, Brinkmeyer and don’t leave out Windworst is dead on point . . . the issue with these sorts is simply . . . they need the income and connections (real estate leads) that the council affords . . . never elect anyone that needs a job maybe good advise . . .

  4. A $2000 ego stroke so we can pat ourselves on the back and say “See we have a tent! Where is Winnecke’s tent?”

    Just like the period lighting, the Hotel. A $20M ego stroke, so we can get in the monkey see monkey do convention business “See we have a Hotel just like Owensboro does” each room is climate controlled to your own specifications, pay no attention to that constant fan buzzing while you try to sleep

    Come up to the top floor and we’ll have a steak dinner and drinks and look down on the little people.

    Grab a nose pincher before you go to avoid smelling the stench from the river we pollute.

  5. The travesty is that the uninformed voters will either vote the name they know or vote party lines. Any incumbent in eville politics should be voted out ( ok SBR can stay). D or R means nothing in this town as the good old boy network rules the roost!

  6. The time and money being spent on the hotel project should stop now. It is crazy. I would like to know if what Moveon says about the sewers and polluting the river us true. Shame on our local leaders(?) for not answering questions the community has about the state of this city.

  7. Absolutely the sewer problem is real. First Jonathon W. and now Lloyd W. have tried to pass the buck on addressing the huge and very expensive sewer and water fix this city MUST repair or else the feds will be take action against us. For the life of me, I don’t know why one would choose a hotel that will help very few over a better and environmentally improved sewer system. Will the current sewers be able to serve the hotel and the Med School? Probably not especially if all those new people who are supposed to come flocking downtown do actually come.

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