Daily Off Topic Forum June 18, 2015



    • Of course!! It is better to be insulted and angered by a liberal blog rather than a symbol of intolerance, ignorance and racism, and the racist murder of 9 innocents.

      • Hate is hate. The hate you demonstrate against Christians and others not like you is the same seed as this murderer. I still have a letter from a lovely Evansville Free Thinker telling me that I am not fit to live in his new world order.

        • Oh Boo hoo you RW Christians are so mistreated. Yeah the whole world is just supposed to shut up and be happy with the shit sandwiches you selfish crazies hand out while you gobble up resources like the gangster Jabba the Hut.

          • No, the whole world does not need to shut up. It’s people like you who believe religion should be silenced who need to learn to be tolerant of other believes and respect religion’s constitutional rights. Your finger is on the same finger of hate as those who commit these heinous acts. You just do it under a different flag and haven’t pulled the trigger. Hate is hate.

      • You are truly a moron, you are laughable. People like you used to piss me of, now I just laugh at the ignorance.

        • I’m very fond of you also. I’m glad you’re now able to deal with your anger in a mature and socially acceptable way.

          Now when do we see a link or other source to back up your wild claims?

  1. The United States Treasury is planning to replace Alexander Hamilton in the $10 bill with a woman. I thought monica lewinski was already the first woman on a Bill…

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