IS IT TRUE: March 1, 2012


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE: March 1, 2012

IS IT TRUE that the Bank of America is floating another FEE BASED trial balloon that is sure to send customers blood pressure higher that their last trial balloon of a $5 FEE per month to have a debit card did?…that this time B of A is floating the idea of collecting a FEE from people who are not generating big chunks of revenue from other banking activities?…that once again it seems as though the Bank of America is aiming its FEE guns at regular people who simply use a checking account to pay their bills?…that this new FEE even has a name and that the name is “ESSENTIALS” implying that customers will be FEE’D to pieces for something that is well, essential?…that right now this $9 per month FEE is being piloted in Arizona, Georgia, and Massachusetts?…that there are other FEES being considered for other states that go as high as $25 per month?…that the only way to avoid these FEES will be to give the Bank of America money in other ways?…that the other BIG BANKS including J. P. Morgan consumer banking chief Todd Maclin told investors Tuesday the bank would like to be able to charge more than its current average of $10 to $12 a month, but “in this environment I am not going to rock that boat.”?…that every CEO of every business in America would like to pull a stunt like this too?…that FEEing people to death is a short sighted tactic and that we expect that the BIG BANKS that try this will be backed down by market forces yet again?

IS IT TRUE that the Vanderburgh County Council didn’t directly include funds in their 2012 Budget so they can join the City of Evansville to pay for a much needed Information Technology Assessment Audit? …we are pleased that the City of Evansville directly put funds for this Audit in their 2012 Budget? ….we join 5th Ward City Councilmen and Budget Chairmen, John Friend-CPA call for this City of Evansville and Vanderburgh County funded department begin to do a long overdue and detailed financial assessment of this little known but important publically funded department? …we now are awaiting to see if the past Budget Chairmen and newly elected President of the Vanderburgh County Council, James Raben shall put the money on the table so this extremely important Assessment Audit can begin?

IS IT TRUE that friend of the City County Observer and owner of the Time Out Lounge K. C. Chesser saw the recently passed smoking ban in the City of Evansville as an opportunity instead of a death sentence?…that the Time Out that is known for its classic rock sounds and as a gathering place for the fun loving crowd of people who are too old for teeny bopping and too young to stop dancing went ahead and banned smoking itself in advance of the April 1st deadline?…that Mr. Chesser reports that business has increased?…that result is contrary to the expectations of many naysayers in the bar owning fraternity of Evansville?…that we truly hope that business gets better for all Evansville businesses as a result of this public health related action?…that it seems as though people have been going to the Time Out Lounge for something other than a place to smoke?…that atmosphere wins over smoking every time?

IS IT TRUE that the Indiana Senate has gutted the statewide smoking ban under consideration the same way that they did last year?…that if Hoosiers want to know why much of the country thinks that Indiana is backwards they need look no further than this castrated bill that emerged from the Indiana Senate?…that come April 1st, Evansville will be leading the state in having a smoking ordinance with the fewest exemptions?…that is if and we do mean if our City Council doesn’t blink every time some one-man-band comes before them to beg for an exemption?


  1. You couldn’t get another person into the Deerhead last night, and plenty of them were smoking cigarettes. I did notice at least one of the entertainers (from Austin, where they no longer smoke inside clubs) wiping her teary eyes.

    But really, I think business is up all over town, which is typical for Evansville as March Madness approaches. Street traffic and restaurant parking lot counts have increased remarkably in the past week or so, in spite of traditional Lenten abstinance and a dramatic uptick in gasoline prices. Increased business at Time Out may need better statistical examination before attributing the surge to the not-yet-the-rule smoking ban.

  2. I recently when to the Jimtown Tavern to watch a friend perform. I loved the IU decor and spoke with the owners Marlon and Marty who were very nice. Marlon and I talked about our excitement about IU’s season so far. I told him it was my first visit (not mentioning it would probably be my last) and Marty said I should come back and watch an IU game there sometime as the atmosphere was terrific. I loved the “atmosphere” of the bar the night I was there, except for the atmosphere being full smoke. Apparently the thing to do there was smoke like a chimney and drink like a fish. I’m sure Marty is not happy about the smoking ban, but now I may actually go back and watch that IU game after all. Hopefully for Marlon and Marty, there are more people like me than there are people who will go to Aztar or outside of Evansville to get their smoke on. Somehow, I think they will do fine. Just more people lining the sidewalk outside puffing away. The fresh air will do them good and after a good scrubbing, the fresh air and cleaner inside will too.

  3. Unfortunately, “freedom” only works well with manners. After a lifetime of smokers rudely ruining every activity they are allowed to attend, manners will finally win out.

  4. Hey CCO, as a constructive criticism, I believe the same story on the IT Audit has now been printed, almost verbatim, 3 or 4 times. No value is being added with each reprint. Why not put a call in to the “key players” (Raben, Friend, Arvay, Winnecke, Russ Jr., etc.) for some new information on this topic ? Perhaps, in Editorial fashion, include CCO’s own suggestions as to how such an audit could be conducted and what it might encompass ? I beg of you: no more reprints !!!

  5. Come on Senate ,do your job with a smoking ban that has teeth in it. NO EXEMPTIONS!!!!! Now read my lips, NO EXEMPTIONS

  6. What would be wrong with a smoking law that states that bars and restaurants that cater to smokers can do so, and those establishments that cater to nonsmokers can ban smoking in their establishments? Then we can choose entertainment venues that suit our preferences. That sounds more like democracy than the Obama-like totalitarianism of a 100 or 99 percent smoking ban that exempts only Aztar. In a free enterprise system consumers are treated as if they are rational, independent adult. What we have now is something would make Kim Jung Un and his dearly departed father very comfortable in River City. Like all other totalitarian regimes this one does not trust its citizens to make informed, inteligent consumption decisions. Ergo we will throw smokers out into the streets and alleys to smoke. Why can’t we make informed decisions in a free market system, rather than cram one lifestyle down everyone’s throat?

    • Excellent point Dr John….and very true IMHO, but I’m of the mindset that we should ban tobacco and related products totally from our society, why make laws that show preferential treatment to anyone while not addressing the real health issues? In the end unless the FED, state and local governments gets off the tobacco tax tit it’s all just meaningless rhetoric made-up to look like they care while raking in all the taxes from growing to the sales of tobacco and it’s related products, while their saving all of us they should ban the production, sale, and usage of alcohol also because many many more people die each year from alcohol related issues than tobacco.

      If they are going to save us from ourselves lets do it right not just play around…..the same argument can be made for many thing in our society, question is who’s choice is it to protect individual rights? if you were in a bar would you rather be in the company of a smoker or a drunk?, which one has more potential to harm the people around them? Between smoking and drinking which one has caused more loss of innocent life or caused collateral damage to the people around them?

      Which is the bigger health risk?


  7. As long as Washington keeps bailing out Wall Street, and until Congress jerks a knot in their “A”, the big banks are going to continue to bully the American consumer and shove their fees down their throats. Go Credit Unions!
    Tip of the hat to Mr. Chesser for taking the lead and starting the smoking ban early. I have been wanting to go to KC’s Timeout but couldn’t take the smoke. I might even go this weekend.

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