IS IT TRUE JUNE 10, 2015


IS IT TRUE we want to thank City Councilman John Friend for making public that the City of Evansville General Fund is $19,604,000 NEGATIVE so far this year? …we want to thank City Controller Russ Lloyd Jr for acknowledging that Mr. Friends statement is correct about the NEGATIVE condition of the General Fund as of April 30, 2015? … we can’t wait to read the spin that the main stream media will do with this issue?

IS IT TRUE that according to the City of Evansville Personnel Department, the Evansville Water and Sewer Utility Department added 21 new positions since Mayor Winnecke took office? …the total Water and Sewer Utilities payroll for these new positions is approximately $1.2 million plus 350k in benefits?  …we hear that most of these positions are political patronage appointments? …the majority of the positions are administrative/management in nature? …of the $1.2 million in payroll, about 322k is for accounting positions? …. the Water and Sewer and Utility Department spent an additional approximated amount of $2.1 million dollars with Umbaugh CPA’s for Consulting and Accounting services since Winnecke became Mayor?

IS IT TRUE we are hearing that some voters in the 2nd Ward are talking about doing a write-in campaign for a dog named “BLUE”?  …we have no idea if the owner of “BLUE” can run his dog as a write-in candidate against Missy Mosby?  …that the the Vanderburgh County Libertarian Party is considering running a candidate against Missy Mosby?  …this is a developing story and we shall keep you posted on any additional happenings?

IS IT TRUE we are pleased to see that the EPD is partnering with the organizers of the “DUST BOWL” basketball event?  …this what true what community policing is all about?  …we also thank Alex Burton and Courtney Johnson for re-establishing this important basketball tournament for the Center City?

IS IT TRUE subscribers of the Evansville Courier and Press rates are being increased once again? …the new home delivery subscription rate is now $18.03 monthly or $216.36 yearly? …with this news the City County Observer has decided to re-look at what we are charging our readers? …effective today the City County Observer have decided to continue to charge nothing to our loyal readers?

IS IT TRUE at Monday night’s City Council meeting, EPD Public Relations Officer Jason Cullum gave us an unscheduled and quick overview how well things are going with the EPD?   …we wonder why this presentation wasn’t made by Chief Bolin because he could use some positive press? …could the main reason this unscheduled presentation was made by Cullum is because its budget time?

IS IT TRUE we wonder how we manage to constantly scoop the Evansville Courier & Press with breaking news when they have resources far larger than ours.  …we have 4 employees and the Courier have well over 200 employees?  …that we thank our loyal readers and contributor’s for their input, tips, suggestions and encouragement every day. “Keep it coming”.



    The city council will seek an additional $400,000. in excess of the budget for the current year during the June 22nd council meeting at 5:20PM.

    General Fund: $100,000.

    Local Roads & Streets Fund $100,000.

    Local Option Income Tax $100,000.

    Riverboat Fund $100,000.

    It was my understanding that the revenue from the Riverboat was to be used in support of local projects. When did we start “appropriating” taxpayer money to support this fund?

    • Evidently the team of Lloyd & Lloyd, as in Lloyd Winnecke and Russell Lloyd Jr., think they can reach into your wallet and pull out the money they want even if you do not attend the boat. Dewey Cheetam & Howe has nothing on the team of Lloyd & Lloyd.

    • Press
      Your comment leaves me wondering what non-local project we are talking about? …

      • They were to use the revenue that the “boat generated” to fund the “river boat” fund. In other words, if the funds are not available, it is NOT the taxpayers fault and you should NOT be applying for excess appropriation. The remedy is to spend less!

      • Remember back to the days we were discussing the pros and cons of allowing riverboat gambling in Evansville/Vanderburgh county. Everyone was discussing what do do with the revenue from this windfall, this manna from heaven.

        How do you jump from that to seeking an excess additional $100,000 appropriation for the “riverboat” fund?

    • Ethridge is a republican. Just because they’re not out beating the drum of outlawing gay marriage and establishing Christian sharia law doesn’t mean they’re left wing.

      • Ghost, you are smoking the good stuff today. Mr. Ethridge is a left leaning sympathizer, Obama cheerleader and pro-gay anything advocate. Their Editorial page is always against real conservatives. While the C&P may be useless except for fine high school sport coverage and Sunday outdoor articles, it sure as heck isn’t conservative or pro-Republican.

        • Joe you are crazy as hell. Ethridge leans so far to the right that he needs a stick to keep him from falling over. He is a republican and you are dead wrong and lying when you say he leans to the left. That is an outright lie IMHO. Anyone with any sense at all knows which way he is leaning. He’s so far in bed with the Mayor that Carol side of the bed is warmed up for her when she gets ready to jump into bed with the Mayor. Ethridge is the Mayor’s little Step child IMHO.

          And you are right about the sports coverage. Heck that’s the only reason I ever bought the newspaper was to read the sports page and the sports columns on Sunday. And they were not that great. But they are much better than the Editorials and other right leaning BS that’s put in that rag.

          • At the risk of ticking everybody off what is the point of labeling Mr. Ethridge, (or any other writer) and the C&P(or any other publication) as liberal or conservative or whatever?

            So we can dismiss or brush aside whatever they might say at our convenience?

            Oh well so and so is a well known blah blah blah so I don’t, or even worse, refuse listen to what they have to say!

            If the C&P has a liberal bias what would that mean, or conservative? Would it mean that everything they print is nonsense?

            Shouldn’t we take things on a case by case method?

            Shouldn’t we look to see if the author’s position is backed up by facts, logic, and reason.

            Yes facts can be used to construe a fallacious conclusion or summation but we should call them out on that but that is another whole new topic,

          • Moveon? Hello Moveon?? Did you miss the lengthy Article in this mornings (June 11) C&P Editorial page by former ICLU Director (now called ACLU) and Journalism Prof. John Krull heaping gobs of praise on Glenda Ritz and ripping all things conservative, esp. Gov. Pence. To try to argue the C&P is anything but left leaning, is simply delusional.

    • Very true BP. However, from the farthest of the leftist Occupy Wall Street types like Ghost and Moveon, the C&P appears not liberal enough so it must be conservative.

  2. Utilities Dept.

    $ 322,000 for in-house accountants; $ 2.1 Million for outside CPA’s (Umbaugh) from Indy . . . .
    and they still can’t find $ 395,000 cash missing from 2013 Audit ???

  3. Is it true that the first week of United airline EVV service hasn’t gone well? Over 50% delayed or cancelled? Or diverted to Iowa for hours like today’s morning flight?

  4. Which is the best way to donate food in Evansville. I am moving and will giving all my stuff away. I would rather it go to working poor than Obama supporters. The Brick throwers, burners and looters and pool jumpers can rot as far as i’m concerned.

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