Nativity Catholic Church to Host February Traveling City Hall Meeting


Nativity Catholic Church, located at 3536 Pollack Ave., will host the February Traveling City Hall Meeting on Wednesday, February 29, from 5:30 to 7 p.m. Traveling City Hall is an opportunity for residents to meet one-on-one with the mayor and various city department heads to ask questions or simply to discuss the status of our community.

In addition to Mayor Lloyd Winnecke, some of the officials scheduled to be present at the meeting include City Councilwoman Missy Mosby, Human Relations Commission Director Diane Clements, Building Commissioner Ben Miller, City Engineer Pat Keepes, Area Plan Commission Executive Director Brad Mills and Solid Waste District Executive Director Joe Ballard.

While the Traveling City Hall meeting will be held at different locations in neighborhoods throughout the city, all residents are invited to attend any session.

The March Traveling City Hall Meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 28th, from 5:30 to 7 p.m. at St. James West United Methodist Church, 3111 Hillcrest Terrace.