UPDATE: IS IT TRUE? February 14, 2012 Afternoon Supplement


IS IT TRUE that the CCO has learned that just today the Chairman of the Evansville Fire Department Merit Commission, Jim Hubert, voluntarily excused himself from the Al Lindsey case?…that in the February 10th edition of “IS IT TRUE” the CCO pointed out that Mr. Hubert could possibly have a conflict of interest with this particular hearing?…that Mr. Hubert is an attorney with the Evansville law firm Ziemer, Stayman, Weitzel and Shoulders and that this firm is representing the Evansville Fire Department in the Al Lindsey case?…that we thank and commend Mr. Hubert for doing the honorable thing?…that Mr. Hubert’s actions are the perfect example of public officials holding themselves to a higher standard in the interest of good public policy?

IS IT TRUE that over the last 20 years there have been several City of Evansville firemen who have had alcohol related issues while on the job or while driving a City Fire Department vehicle?…that they have not had their employment terminated by the City of Evansville.

IS IT TRUE that over the last 20 years there have been several City of Evansville firemen who have had drug or immoral conduct issues while on or off the clock?…that they have not had their employment terminated as a result of such situations.

IS IT TRUE that these simple facts and the other inconvenient fact that precedent carries much weight in the world of litigation should be taken into account with respect to the case of Al Lindsey?

IS IT TRUE that this whole MainGate Bar episode seems to be driving home some of the pettiness that has been going on in Evansville politics for many years now?…that we hope that this whole embarrassing situation is used as an opportunity to implement some changes?…that the first rule for changes should be “IF WHAT YOU CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS ARE ABOUT TO DO WILL MAKE THE CITY OF EVANSVILLE LOOK LIKE A CORRUPT VILLAGE OF 500 IN THE 1950’S, DON’T DO IT”?


  1. This is an opportunity to implement some changes. You do not do that by saying to Al Lindsey you was a bad boy and let it be. Real changes will occur when everyone knows when you do the crime you do time. There is a new Sherriff in town. Just because things may not have been handled correctly in the past is a poor excuse not to handled them properly now. There was an election. The people spoke and made a change in November. Let them do their job.

    • actually past practice is a widely accepted labor concept, used in arbitrations everywhere. They will have a hard time treating Al any differently than any other firefighter in the past. With all of the conflicting stories and the known animosity between Al and Missy, I don’t think they have proven any case yet. I hope Al enjoys his month long paid vacation.

      • I agree. The track record. That is why the corrupt locals work to make someone NOT to have a good past track record. They know it counts in litigation and in Character Assasination. In today’s world, it is Social Media changing a LOT of things. Everyday people now have a voice and that is a Good Thing. The Days when Voices were covered up by corrupt deeds others do is waning…sure, it is still done, the price or $$$ MONEY $$$ that may be involved is way too great for some folks. I’m not a Fan of Facebook in some ways, but, in other ways it is VERY useful to keep track of things, get the RIGHT information out to the public, and watch the newest Trashy game plan of the Corrupt Bitter Betties in Life. I like the News folks have about local/state/national and events. Otherwise, who cares. It is a New World, in 2012.

  2. This isn’t the Inquisition-true justice is when the punishment fits the crime. He’s been dragged out in the public arena, many assumed the worst-spent a few nights anxious that his proud, lifelong career was over.
    Don’t chop the man’s head off, for Chrissakes! Especially when no one can come near proving he wasn’t drinking Mt. Dew. Enough, already.

    A Sophomoric episode of petty politics, where-in a newly elected City Councilman, Al Lindsay, was invited to the Main-Gate Bar and Grill, after a City Council meeting.

    Mr Lindsay was subsequently set-up as drinking on the job and becoming belligerent with patrons of the bar. Days later, Missy Mosby, (sour grapes) sprung the trap, by calling the new Mayor, Winnecke, with complaints of Lindsay’s alleged actions. What followed is the classic example of a plan, “blowing up in one’s face.”
    Mosby, Winnecke, Cheif Connelly and most of the City Council look like foolish, spoiled children, while support for Lindsay gains momentum. This set-up can’t, willn’t withstand scrutiny.

    Regardless of the outcome: “FRAME-GATE” will hardly help the Main-Gate Bar and Grill, because of one un-disputed, fact: there is at least one,
    … . “rat” lurking there. …

    • Mosby must go!!! Impeach or vote this waste out as soon as possible!! The gang of cronies must be taken out of power in Eville!

      • Exactly why Lon Walters should have been voted in…you damn hereditary-voting idiots just don’t know how to vote a good public official into office.

        • You are exactly right! I rarely, if ever, vote for the other team, but I told Lon multiple times that I wished I could have voted for him.

          We sure wouldn’t see this CHILDISH behavior out of him, nor would we be embarrassed by him, as we are of that sorry excuse who beat him.

          I hope he runs against her again, and I’m thinking he might have a few more firefighters – and DEMOCRATS – in his corner next time around. At least we can hope!

  4. Watching the Democratic Party tear itself apart is one of the most gratifying events of the decade. Thank you, Missy! Thank you, Al! Thank you, Connie!

  5. What happen was no setup. Anyone who thinks so is just kidding themselves. A fire captain is supposed to be a smart leader. Did he lead? Did he project to the public the fire department in the best light they would be proud of? Just what charge do you believe is he innocent on? Did he consume alcohol?

    By the way, it is to bad the city council members who participated are not subject to recall as well..

    Sometimes the truth hurts. To bad it happen, but it did.

    • While you may be correct…emphasis on MAY about it not being a planned setup, it’s rather odd that we have the council president, the council finance chairman, another councilwoman who is a lawyer, a unbiased member of Smokefree Evansville, and a ward leader – precinct committee chairwoman who all say they did not witness Mr Lindsey drinking alcohol, smell the presents of alcohol on his breath, nor did they see him act in any way intoxicated, these people were either seated at the same table or in close proximity to the table, in fact Mr Friend stated that he was impressed that Mr Lindsey maintained his composure and wasn’t baited by the verbal attacks directed at him by Ms Mosby and Ms Lockyear. (doesn’t really sound like the actions of a inebriated person)

      So it brings the question…who is telling the lies here and who is telling the truth? To answer that question a reasonable person would also ask what is the gain for everyone involved?

      What do the council members with the exception of Ms Mosby have to gain by lying to the investigator from EFD or to Mr Lindsey’s lawyer?

      The logical answer then is that Lindsey has the most to loose and Mosby has the most to gain, seems simple enough to tell who could be lying given these facts.

      To use your words anyone who doesn’t think that there is a retaliation from the Mosby’s because Mr Lindsey beating Mr Watts in the primary election is just kidding themselves.

      As always JMHO

      • I think all the democrats involved stand to gain if this incident was never exposed. This makes them all as a group potential lawbreakers. The longer this stays on the front page is bad for them all personally and the democrat party in general. It will be interesting if their observations from that night are vague and maybe they just don’t know for sure what happened. If they throw Missy under the buss by pleading ignorance to the facts of the night, then this mess goes away for them and she has to deal with the political consequences. If they throw Al under the buss and admit he drank and was not fit for work, then who knows what comes next politically for them. The story won’t go away as quickly that’s for sure. So I can see why those you have listed in your response would say something like “I did not witness him drinking.” By using the phrase “witness him drinking” they get away with not actually seeing alcohol go through his lips even though they listened to him order and saw the level of liquid in the glass in front of him get lower as time progressed.

        What does Missy have to gain? You say revenge. Well, maybe but honestly what’s that worth in the grand scheme of things? You have to know that your party will hold against you any negative light you shed on any of them. It doesn’t matter if you are morally right or wrong. To a political party, negative light is negative light. I don’t see much to gain personally for her by doing this.

        What does Lindsey have to loose? His job, his ability to be trusted to tell the truth, and quite possibly his council seat. If the result is that he did in fact drink alcohol then this would also make him a liar. You don’t fire someone over their first time drinking, but you do fire them if they can’t be trusted to be honest. If he knows he drank that night, a short statement, “yeah I drank a few but I wouldn’t have come back to work if I thought I couldn’t perform at 100%” gets him a small punishment, maybe a couple articles in the paper and this thing is old news. Instead it’s being dragged into March. As soon as he said “Mt. Dew” he committed himself to his version of the story and there was no going back.

        I appreciate you signing off with “JMHO” to close your statements. In honor of your humbleness I sign off “JMLTHO” Just my less than humble opinion – V.

        • I agree with you on all your points except one…..


          “What does Missy have to gain? You say revenge. Well, maybe but honestly what’s that worth in the grand scheme of things? You have to know that your party will hold against you any negative light you shed on any of them. It doesn’t matter if you are morally right or wrong. To a political party, negative light is negative light. I don’t see much to gain personally for her by doing this. ”


          I have to say that the gain is totally associated with the character, morals, and ethics of the person, people are known for doing stupid things at times for no other reason than feelings.

          Having said that…..I think my ward representative has proven to be well lets say less than truthful in her actions & accomplishments, I know that there is a vindictive side to politics especially here in our little corner of the world and given my experiences I tend to question everything and try to analyze motive, gain or loss for that matter.

          So….if I was a regular patron at the casino and we had this bet my money at this point would be on Mr Lindsey, I’ll agree that the council would want to divert the spotlight off of their activities or even protect their members, in this case I believe one will have to be sacrificed for the story to go away.

          At this point IMHO it’s all in the merit commissions hands regardless of the evidence the best thing they could do for the city, the city council, and EFD is reinstate Mr Lindsey with the punishment of time served and get on with life, that decision has the least collateral damage in that the new fire chief will be seen as over reacting and Ms Mosby will suffer the political humiliation and loss of followers, just about any other decision will eventually put many more heads on the chopping block.

          Again JMHO

  6. First of all I do not know Al Lindsey. With that being said the facts will probably show he was in deed drinking alcoholic beverages the night in question, whether it be Jim Beam and Sprite or Curt John Specials. Mr. Lindsey was AWOL from his post at the firehouse. That is a fact. Getting into a verbal confrontation with a fellow council member is insignificant. The first two charges (complaints) are serious offenses. They affect the public welfare. But I do not think these are causes for termination after a long and honorable career with the fire department. If he is in deed found guilty, how about a reduction in rank (and) pay, and a 60-90 day unpaid suspension. This seems to be a more just punishment.

    • I agree with your reasoning hear…and at the same time I am coming to the realization that many of the rumors that I have heard about Missy seem to carry more weight now. I have been told by more than one person that she is vindictive. She has always seemed superficial to me.

      Al may be guilty of going AWOL from his duties on that night, but what kind of mindset was he in after leaving a bar of political hacks willing to play politics with peoples lives. To me, being vindictive to Al is a bigger offense than Al beig AWOL from his post.

      I am sure that Missy will not change from her old political ways. She will carry on and show up at all of the neighborhood meetings and all of the union meetings and pretend that she cares.

      • Here’s what else she’ll do: she’ll keep warming a pew at CFC every Sunday and brag about it on her Facebook page.

        I guess that makes all her actions on Monday thru Saturday okay, since she considers herself some form of a Christian. Really?

        • Exactly right, Democrat. See her there every Sunday, very smiley and friendly. I have to say in all honesty there are people who call themselves Christian but do not read, study or understand scripture.

          • Amen to that!

            It’s just too bad her brother cannot teach her better. Isn’t he an overseas missionary? Sheesh! We think we’re embarrassed by her childishness. Imagine how he feels.

  7. It is time for a complete overall of politics in Evansville. Too many of our elected officials and their families continue to serve, moving from city positions to county positions, perpetuating the cronyism, nepotism, and “good ol’ boy network” that has plagued this city and county for decades. New people, without any connections to the old guard, need to step up and serve the people properly. Evansville and Vanderburgh County politics and leadership are an embarrassment!

    • Did you and all others who are upset over this mess vote last November?

      Only 23 % of the eligible voters took time to vote in November. Sad! Please get involved in your polictical party of choice and vote.

      • Yes I did, I exercise my right to vote every year. I’ve consistently voted against the “same old, same old” in Evansville & Vanderburgh County.

    • The good old boy network exists everywhere. In Warrick County we have the “musical chairs” system. Same people, just different offices when their term limits are up.

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