IS IT TRUE? February 9, 2012
IS IT TRUE that later today we will announce the resignation of at least two prominent Vanderburgh County Democrat Central Committee leaders?…that they will be submitting their letters of resignation to 8th District Democrat Party Chairman Anthony Long?
IS IT TRUE that the inquisition of City Councilman and Evansville Fire Captain Al Lindsey is over and that the resulting consequences are pretty punitive?…that Lindsey has been put on suspension followed by leave until the final determination is made as to whether the Fire Chief Connelly’s recommendation of termination will actually be followed through with?…that this all came about as a result of a complaint filed with of all places the Office of the Mayor of Evansville by another member of the City Council?…that statements were taken in the Fire Department’s investigation from Councilwoman Missy Mosby, Maingate Manager Scott McGill, attorney Krista Lockyear who was also the campaign manager for Missy Mosby’s 2011 campaign, Councilman Jonathan Weaver, Mr. Ted Miller, and Bartender Shawn Anosky?…that City Council President Connie Robinson, Councilwoman Stephanie Brinkerhoff-Riley, Councilman John Friend, and Indianapolis based greenway consultant Josh Smith who reportedly paid the tab were not among the statements referenced in the EFD investigation?
IS IT TRUE that there was a group of 4 people, including Indiana Smokefree Communities local Director Martha Caine and her fiancé’, seated at a table in the same proximity of the City Council gathering?…that the so-called evidence file had no mention of these people making any statement about Councilman Lindsey’s drink of choice for the night?…that the people who were questioned were for the most part made up of people who either have a feud with Councilman Lindsey or are friends of those who do?…that every story has two sides and each witness sees things a little bit different?…that the tactics of lead investigator Richard Howard should be questioned if only the hostile witnesses were asked for statements and none of the other witnesses were solicited for input?
IS IT TRUE that there have been reports that actions may be looked into for the purpose of removing Councilman Lindsey from the Evansville City Council for whatever happened on the night of January 23rd?…that in the event that such actions are initiated that impeachment actions should also be launched against all of the members of the City Council who were at the Maingate that night?…that the question of sunshine law violations has not been adequately addressed by an official investigation?…that Councilwoman Brinkerhoff-Riley has provided the CCO with a copy of a bank statement showing a Point of Sale Debit for $24.75 at the Maingate Sports Bar?…that the excessive bar tab referenced in the Fire Department report was allegedly picked up for the other 5 City Council members by an Indianapolis based consultant who advises municipalities on greenway projects?…that the City of Evansville just happens to have such a project?…that for the members of the City Council to accept at total of 46 alcoholic drinks and some snacks, costing $212 in approximately 3 hours, from a consultant or potential consultant to the City of Evansville should be deemed most improper and could possibly even suggest influence peddling?
IS IT TRUE that if Councilman Lindsey becomes the focus of an impeachment proceeding to overturn the 6th Ward election of 2011 that Council members Mosby, Brinkerhoff-Riley, Robinson, Friend, and Weaver should also be made accountable for the Bacchanalian booze fest they allegedly participated in as well?
Robinson and Riley both told the C&P that they left before 9pm. Since the council meeting lasted until almost 7:30 it seems a little unfair to lump these two in with the others as far as a Bacchanalian booze fest. They were only there for a little more than an hour and you said Riley’s receipt was only $24. Did that include a tip? Did Connie pay for her own drinks? Either way it doesn’t sound like she was there long enough to be involved in a “booze fest”.
If the SmokeFree folks were close enough to see what everyone was drinking they should have been able to hear what they were talking about. Will they tell us if they overheard any official business being discussed?
“that the tactics of lead investigator Richard Howard should be questioned if only the hostile witnesses were asked for statements and none of the other witnesses were solicited for input?”
So…..being an arson investigator is the same qualifications as a criminal investigator? are EFD arson investigators also trained by Mr Herman’s office on how to conduct a criminal investigation? I guess it could be said that Lindsey is/was investigated by his peers (not a jury of his peers or is it?) will EFD be handling the inquiry into the other aspect of this fiasco, taking depositions from witnesses and doing a followup investigation on the other council members and their perceived possible violations of sunshine laws and influence peddling? Does the city council fall under some merit commission or board for oversight?
I do understand this is an internal investigation for violations of EFD SOP rules and regulations not a criminal proceeding, but is it really? were lawyers involved? while jail time isn’t on the table someone’s livelihood/reputation and career is on the line.
I guess Mr Howard is qualified to investigate Mr Lindsey…anyone remember the donkey story from a few years ago?
Wooo Wooo That Smell!! Can you smell that smell! Yes corruption at its best! Mosby needs to go!!!
Are the chickens coming home to roost for the rouge Democrat Central Committee officers and members that very publicly violated their sworn duty by opposing their own primary winning Mayoral candidate?
What is it with this city that it can not seem to break out of hopeless muck and mire of down and dirty politics? We do NOT have to live like this, people! Does this current city council have an ethics committee? If so, why is that committee not engaged in this current mess?
Is it possible that because of the way city politics has been conducted for so long here, that ethical behavior is not truly understood by many of those holding office? Is it time someone in the field held a refresher course for office holders? I think a Q&A session would be helpful for them.
Why are we debating who to remove?…this seems to be the normal practice of our city council. How many current or past members of the City Council are part of the ownership group at the MainGate Bar again? Corruption in the past, which is so obvious to so many, will certainly continue if this group of cronies keep their positions. On another note, didn’t Mosby and Lockyear stand up to urge the ERC to ignore our Mayor’s request to delay the hotel and McCurdy decisions until a real study was done on the same? Wasn’t that the very next morning after this booze fest? Isn’t it funny that Kunkels attorney is Lockyear, Lockyear is Mosbys campaign chair, and Mosby happens to show up and speak on behalf of Kunkel that very next morning at the ERC meeting – logical request of our new Mayor be damned? Jeez…Evansville disgusts me…fire them all I say.
“Weaver should also be made accountable for the Bacchanalian booze fest they allegedly participated in as well?”………………………………………..I’m sorry but the man had 2 drinks within’ a four to five hour period and WAS OFF THE CLOCK AND WENT HOME! And ONCE again! The issue isn’t about city officials drinking, drink all they want! THE ISSUE IS DRINKING THEN REPORTING FOR DUTY INTOXICATED!!!!!!!!!! That person has a responsibility as well as swearing an oath to protect and serve the people of this City to the best of his/her abilities! Why can’t this city and the “editor” get that through their thick skulls?
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