Former Mayor on Global Speaking Circuit


Former Mayor Jonathon Weinzapfel

Former Mayor of Evansville Jonathan Weinzapfel is wasting no time getting busy as he has been in Vancouver, Canada this week as a speaker at the Cities Summit. It is interesting to note that the title associated with him as a speaker is MAYOR OF EVANSVILLE. The former mayor’s bio for the conference is as follows and a link to the announcement is at the end.


At the age of 46, Jonathan Weinzapfel has earned a reputation as a hard-working leader who values innovation, collaboration and citizen engagement.

A native of Southwestern Indiana and graduate of Evansville’s Reitz Memorial High School, Jonathan earned a bachelor’s degree in chemistry from Indiana University in 1988. He worked as a sales representative for Eli Lilly and Company before moving to Washington, DC, in1990 to work as an aide to Congressman Frank McCloskey. While in Washington, Jonathan earned a master’s degree from Georgetown University in 1993. He returned to Evansville in that same year and joined Old National Bank.

In 2003, Jonathan soundly beat an incumbent to become the 33rd Mayor of the City of Evansville. He was re-elected in 2007 with an historic 85% of the vote. Among Jonathan’s top priorities as Mayor were to streamline government; deliver more services while holding the line on City budgets; give the people of Evansville more input in their government and greater access to City officials; revitalize Downtown Evansville and neighborhoods throughout the City; and create jobs and stimulate economic development. Mayor Weinzapful completed his second and final term as Mayor on December 31, 2011.

Key accomplishments during Jonathan’s two terms as Mayor include the following:

Delivering balanced budgets each year of his administration;

Attracting and expanding several diverse entertainment and quality of life opportunities;

Constructing the Ford Center, Evansville’s new $127.5 million arena, to replace the City’s more than 50-year-old stadium without raising taxes;

Investing unprecedented amounts of money to address Evansville’s aging, oft-failing combined sewer system and address flooding issues;

Launching the Smart City Initiative to enhance Water and Sewer Utility operations, establish a City-wide fiber optic ring, enable free City-wide public Wi-Fi, conserve resources, and increase revenue;

Incepting the Downtown Loft Housing Program;

Creating the Front Door Pride neighborhood revitalization program;

Establishing the Evansville Arts District at Haynie’s Corner;

Working with local, regional and state partners to attract significant new investments at Berry Plastics, Mead Johnson Nutrition, Springleaf Financial, SS&C, Global Blade Technology, AT&T and others.



  1. congatulations on that historic victory over that dead beat dad from Michigan that had every bill collector in Evansville chasing him. Such amazing claims are an absolute joke. I guess Vancouver was not aware that your great historic win was over a complete idiot with a record and no budget. Congratulations again on your gold medal victory. You Mr. Former Mayor are truly a legend in your own mind.

    • Bragging over percentage win over deadbeat David Nixon, the worst Mayoral candidate in Indiana history? Remember, 15% voted for the worst mayoral candidate in Indiana history instead of the incumbent.

  2. Plus, when I see on the TV during the Super Bowl, how White Lodging built TWO huge Hotels during the fiasco of the downtown Hotels, and was brushed aside, as any other Multi-Billion dollar Hotel company who can either stroke a check to pay for a dinky Hotel here, or get a loan FAST, is how things are here, too HHHHHEEEE Haw. The GREAT Super Bowl TV shots of the Trophy on the JW Marriott is impressive. How someone can justify going past that kind of Quality situation that could be here, is mind blowing. But, hey, if folks like Billy Bob stuff in anything they do here in town, he sure did give them that. There were those of us in the Background that worked to keep this town from slipping further behind the rest of the USA…..sure, we were laughed at, and more…but, you know I thank God everyday I don’t live “their” lives…..and the Better Betties that stalk me…pretty much everyone knows those same folks have issues in keeping our town at a lower standard we all know we can surpass with ease. Plus, my contacts in the USA. We have the People. I believe. Just need “new” elected folks, not rotating musical chair office holders. We can do more. Really!

  3. How about that HOMESTEAD TAX GRAB there Mr. Ex-Mayor? Mayors all over the country should be paying you big bucks to learn how your sneaky ways alienated the entire city of Evansville, raised no additional taxes, and gave Governor Daniels an opportunity to overturn your dirty work and eliminate you from the 2012 Governor’s race in the process.

    The Weinzapfel Administration: Where Sneaky but Legal was more than a word, it was a way of life.

  4. “It is interesting to note that the title associated with him as a speaker is MAYOR OF EVANSVILLE.” (CCO)

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    Hey, if you control the council you control the purse strings. Just saying.


    • Are we the victims of a shadow government with headquarters in the 500 block of Main Steet?


      • very possibly, could be that the powers that be don’t have to actually be on the council to run it’s operations

  5. Isn’t Weinzapfel still unemployed? Hasn’t he had 13 months to find a job. Surely at least one person out of the 85% of the entire city population that voted for him in 2007 owns a business and could offer him a job if he truly was/is so popular.

    Maybe somebody at one of the local temp agencies can hook him up with a job. Maybe the Main Gate is hiring bartenders and he can help Main Gate waitress/Council Member Mosby find another way to take away more property tax credits like he did back in 2009 … Just saying …

  6. I thought Wienie-Zappel had a cushy job waiting for him at Vectren. What happened to that? I guess they decided that they couldn’t stand another blow to their reputation. Just when Wienie thought he had hit rock bottom the rocks turned into quicksand!

    Good riddance!

  7. Global!

    I guess he has to go thousands of miles from home to have any credibility.

  8. Don’t you suspect that Obama will put him on the payroll to get out the vote in Indiana this year?


    • Do you really think that Obama is that dumb? I don’t think that the Prez is that clueless. Cunning? Yes. Dumb? Clueless? No. The smartest thing Wienie-Zapple ever did was to bow out of the 2011 mayor’s race. And that’s a remarkable achievement, given how dumb Wienie-Zapple is!

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