IS IT TRUE? January 31, 2012


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? January 31, 2012

IS IT TRUE that the Indiana Open Door Law does not allow a majority of the members of the Evansville City Council or any other City Council in the Hoosier State to meet and discuss public business unless the gathering is an official public meeting which is advertised as required under Indiana law?…that a gathering of a majority of the members of the City Council typically meet at a local downtown watering hole that has a Main Street address as opposed to a Martin Luther King Blvd. address after Evansville City Council meetings?

IS IT TRUE that such social or chance gatherings of Evansville City Council members should not include any discussions about City Council business or future official action by the City Council?…that City-County Observer moles will be watching the members of the City Council after City Council meetings to make sure that such members do not ever violate the Indiana Open Door Law without being called out for doing so in a very public way?…that there were approximately 14 people in this Democrat watering hole on the night of Monday January 13, 2012 and that a full 6 (six) of them were Democrat members of the Evansville City Council?…that means there are 8 (eight) potential people to come forward and name all 6 of the members of the City Council members who gathered together after a City Council meeting in council chambers?

IS IT TRUE that anyone who thinks or asserts that this was a “chance” meeting as opposed to an arranged gathering needs to have their pulse checked?…that this is not an acceptable way of doing the business of the City of Evansville and that even the appearance of impropriety should be avoided?…that it is the solemn duty of the President of the Evansville City Council Connie Robinson to put a stop to this nonsense even if it has been going on under the nose of City Council President after City Council President who have been loyal servants of the former Mayor of Evansville?…that Mole #16 tells us that President Robinson was in attendance at the gathering and engaged in conversation with the other 5 Democrat Councilmen and Councilwomen at the table?…that she should have instructed them to disperse and should put a stop to this tradition as she put a stop to the cheers at the “official” meeting of the City Council earlier the same night?

IS IT TRUE that there are allegedly pictures that were taken that night that will place 6 Democrat City Council members at the same table in a drinking establishment on Main Street right after the City Council meeting and that the people who took the pictures overheard city business being discussed?…that this either is or should mean big trouble for any and all City Council members who participated?

IS IT TRUE that the bar tab does not confirm the number in attendance because it was conveniently paid for by ONE PERSON ON ONE CREDIT CARD?…that the security cameras conveniently do not have the range to film the table where our SIX City Council members gathered?…that if one believes this to be real truth that we have a plot of land to sell you in the Florida swamps?

IS IT TRUE that the Indiana Code is mostly clear about such “special” meetings and that it reads as follows:

Open Door LAW


  1. they just moved the location of these meetings out of Weinzapel’s office. Nothing has changed or will change as long as the old machine is in power. I’d love to know which two Democrats skipped the caucus.

    • That would be Dr. Dan Adams whom I do not believe was invited and Conor O’Daniel whom we do not know anything about whether or not he was invited. The fact that Dr. Adams was not invited eliminates the “official” caucus defense.

      • not really-it just shows that when the crocodiles smile and say “come into the water with us” Dr. Adams goes on home, he’s got good sense, and enjoys better company.

  2. The amusement factor provided by the city council (regardless of who is a member) is better than any show on regular TV with the exception of TrueTV’s dumb and dumber crooks, do any of these folks even bother to read/learn/understand the rules governing the city jobs they were elected to hold? did they not take a oath? do they even understand the oath they took?


    • Blanger, I think they are blind and forgetful. They think because they won the election (well, however that worked out) that no one is still looking. Well, we are watching, and hopefully, we are paying attention. Regardless of how this went down, it just smells bad!

      • Adam….

        You may call it blind and forgetful…you may be correct, but I have to think that it’s sheer arrogance on their part, and it’s hard for me to believe that its not brought on by a elitist attitude that they may have, you know like most elected officials feel that they are better or know more about a topic, or know better how to spend your money…..there are exceptions but the demo elite here in Evansville seem to follow the national trend I’ve witnessed all my life.


  3. The Indiana Open Door law allows for a “caucus”. Maybe the meeting at the Main Gate was a “caucus”. Democrats are Kings of Caucus. Was Gail there?

  4. The gang of cronies just moved the meeting to the Main street Bar. Missy needed the money!!!!

  5. I’m begining to believe that I’m living in a Comic book world, I’m running out of other explanations for this “Reality?” in Evansville.
    What a Soap Opera put on by those that are clueless,—
    when it comes to the important things in our finite lives.

  6. Hahahahhha.
    You think Connie Robinson is going to do something about this?
    I’m just surprised they don’t have the illegal meetings at Casino Aztar. That’s who she’s bought and paid for by.

    • Haven’t we all learned by now that the “president” can do what she wants, when she wants, how she wants, with no consequences whatsoever?

      What a disgusting example among us. She should be ashamed, although we know she’s not.

      • LOL….in this case Ms Robbinson is holding a full deck of cards she can play for just about any occasion or circumstance she may encounter….it would seem there are rewards for loyalty to the machine.


  7. And they used to call the Vanderburgh County Council the “Gong Show.” This is long before any current members were serving on it.

  8. This comment has been removed by staff. We would like to remind our readers that the intention of the CCO is to open discussions that hopefully lead to more accountability within our local government. We found the subject of this comment to be insulting and based on unfounded allegations.

  9. These guys have met at the MainGate for over year after every city council meeting and always discuss business, even Troy Tornatta showed up to meet them after he lost to Rick Davis, and talked about how to defeat Mr. Davis now that Tornatta lost.

    • Were you at all those meeting? Do you know what was talked about at these so called meetings? Why didn’t you bring this to the media, CCO so they could look into it.

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