Daily Off Topic Forum June 13, 2015



      • They are now approving comments before they post them.

        Ron and his wife were probably at KY Lake or outside doing yard work or something like that.

        I would expect comments to take awhile to be approved and posted, at least until winter time.

  1. I was shocked this morning to hear about the attack on the Dallas Police Department. I am happy that no citizens or officers were injured during the attack by the gunman.
    Its a dangerous time to be a police officer in the United States. God bless them.

    • Down in South America they attack the Judges and other officals. But here the men in blue are higher profile targets. Thank God they didn’t kill anyone but the terrorists. I wish it were that way every time. I just watched the 911 attack again today on video and it reminded me of the huge impact those four hijacked commercial airplanes had on our society and New York City. Thankfully President Obama sent in the US Navy SEALS to kill the mastermind of 911 (Ben Laden) and we won’t have to worry about him anymore. Although his followers are still at war with us in many forms. All this started when we the USA messed around in the Middle East and got Ben Laden upset because we put US forces including women on Saudi Arabia Soil. That was the main reason he turned against us. Before that we used Ben Laden to fight the Soviet Union in Afghanistan.

  2. Let’s hear it for the Dallas Police Department. They were attacked today. They chased after the gunman and stopped him before he got a chance to hurt or kill anyone.

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