ERC Cancels Special Meeting: Announcement of 1st Meeting of 2012 Forthcoming


Due to further scheduling conflicts and the desire to ensure appointment of all Commission members to the Evansville Redevelopment Commission (“ERC”) by the Mayor’s Office and the City Council are made by the first meeting in 2012, the special meeting called for Monday, January 9, 2012 has been cancelled.

The first meeting of the ERC in 2012 will now be held on a date in the week of January 16th, 2012 which will be announced during the week of January 9th, 2012. Both the Mayor’s Office and the City Council apologize for any inconvenience that may be caused by these changes.


  1. From: SACBEE.COM

    January 3, 2012
    Redevelopment decree will touch off political frenzy

    The Supreme Court’s decree that Gov. Jerry Brown and the Legislature legally abolished redevelopment will touch off a political feeding frenzy.

    While city officials who control more than 400 local redevelopment agencies push Brown and the Legislature to keep them alive, a convoluted process for winding down the agencies will begin, as Bill Fulton, publisher of the California Planning and Development Report newsletter, lays out in a lengthy blog entry.

    “The Supreme Court’s redevelopment ruling…didn’t just kill redevelopment agencies,” Fulton, an expert on local development issues, writes. “By upholding…the kill-redevelopment bill…the court ruling also triggered an entire funeral procession that will shut the agencies down and transition their debt and their assets to other agencies.

    “That process is sure to trigger more controversy – and probably lots more litigation – as cities try to protect assets they transferred away from RDAs last year and other agencies – the state, counties, and school districts – try to grab hold of them. It also puts each county’s auditor-controller in the middle of this process. But AB 1x 26 essentially represents a state takeover of tax-increment funds that are not required to pay debt by giving enormous power in the process to the Department of Finance.”

    Fulton goes on to speculate how a newly created “oversight board” for each of the redevelopment agencies will be formed and operate, with the state controller and the state director of finance overseeing them.

    Categories: Redevelopment
    Posted by Dan Walters
    10:05 AM

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    Now that is what I call DOWNSIZING GOVERNMENT, and what a great place to start, too!


  2. I’m glad to see the new administration getting off on the right foot by appointing new members, waiting for the council to make their two appointments, and proceeding cautiously with regard to meeting schedules that comply with state statute. It shows good judgment and well thought out process.

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