IS IT TRUE? December 17, 2011


Evansville's National Champion

IS IT TRUE? December 17, 2011

IS IT TRUE that Evansville was named as national champion in a category yesterday that nearly no one is even aware the there is a contest held it?…that Evansville is the home of what has been dubbed as the “MUGSHOT OF THE YEAR” for the picture of the drug crazed fool that ran down the hall of the projects high rise last winter with a sword after using a sharpie to paint his face up?…that the high rise project that this happened in will someday (we hope) become the next door neighbor to the downtown Convention Hotel that was in the news yesterday serving as one last (we hope) photo-op for soon to be Private Citizen Weinzapfel?

IS IT TRUE that we wonder why the outgoing Mayor of Evansville announced his Memorandum of Understanding (MOA) with the Kunkel Group to area media late Friday afternoon?…that we suspect that the reason was because the masses would miss reading this article because upcoming weekend activities? …that this is a great example how the outgoing Mayor of Evansville has managed the main stream media over the last several years and that most media outlets have willingly or unknowingly served to further his propaganda?

IS IT TRUE that the Mole Nation has now learned that the MOU will be scheduled for discussion before the Evansville City Council on Monday December 19, 2011?…that the Congress of the United States is voting on its last spending bill today but that the all important lame duck Evansville City Council that has been a collection of puppets for the Weinzapfel Administration during his reign is going to jam some more spending through before Mayor Elect Winnecke is sworn in?…that scheduling this vote is an affront and an insult to every taxpayer in the City of Evansville?…that this last month of committing to spending by the Weinzapfel Administration show just how much contempt he has for the future of the City of Evansville?…that the skid mark of malignant narcissism will take several decades to be washed from the underpants of Evansville?

IS IT TRUE that when it comes to governance by appeasement, collaboration, and consensus that former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher who was better known as the Iron Lady, summed it up very perfectly in the following quote?

“To me, consensus seems to be the process of abandoning all beliefs, principles, values, and policies in search of something in which no one believes, but to which no one objects.”

IS IT TRUE that Mayor Elect Lloyd Winnecke would be very well served to commit Thatchers words to memory and to heart as collaborating with those who care nothing for furthering goodness or collaborating for the sake of collaborating is the biggest threat to his future successes?

IS IT TRUE that it will come as a surprise to many to learn some of the statistics on earning that were released by the government this week?…that the top 1% of earners in the USA have been the target of much disgust and even hatred by people from the most lowly protester in the Occupy movement right up to the President of the United States Barack Obama?…that during the period from 2007 to 2009 that the Top 1% of earners saw their incomes fall by an average of 34%?…that during the same period of time the Bottom 90% only saw their income fall by just under 3%?…that contrary to the old saying, the rich did not get richer during this recession?…that as has been widely publicized the Top 1% pay roughly 50% of all taxes?…that if the Top 1% make less that they pay less taxes?…that using these statistics that if the Top 1% sees their earnings fall by 34% at a time when they are paying 50% of all taxes that the governments of the United States will see a revenue reduction of 17% because the earnings on which the Top 1% have fallen?…that we know that the Top 1% still has it pretty good but when you really examine how much the rest of us are impacted by the drop in tax revenue maybe the most impactful thing to help the economy would be for the Top 1% to start to prosper again so they are comfortable spending money in places that the rest of us work, or used to work?

IS IT TRUE that there is a neglected way to BUY AMERICAN this Christmas?…that regardless of origin if you BUYS SOMETHING USED FROM AN AMERICAN THAT YOU WILL BE PUTTING CASH IN THE HAND OF ANOTHER AMERICAN?…that whether at a yard sale, craigslist, Ebay, or just a private transaction that BUYING AMERICAN will create a secondary and immediate series of retail transactions?…that the last time this writer had a yard sale the collections were about $300 and that all of that money was spent doing things we would not have done within a week?…that was “found money”?


  1. I bet this guy hangs out with Jarvis in his free time. Yet another supporter of Missy’s makeup collection.

  2. The principal cause for the eminent demise of the Courier is their eight year pro Whiny-Zapple propaganda campaign. And the feud in the Vanderburgh County Democratic Party Machine that is tearing their organization apart is occurring concurrently with the slow but steady death throes of the Courier.

  3. The Courier & Press is the willing mouth piece of the Democratic party. The Weinzapfel regime has not manipulated them, the C&P is a loyal ally simply doing what loyal allies do. The watchdog CCO shook things up and now the C&P will sometimes do follow-up on stories broke by the CCO.

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