Prime Lodging Press Release Regarding the Vetting Process




  1. Blanger,

    “Ill-advised and Suspect”? Isn’t that the name of the tune that the skipping record keeps playing over an over in this town.

  2. I am taking a six pack out to the landfill on St. Joe Avenue tonight to enjoy the nice weather and get some fresh air after reading the stench which is the Hunden report.

    I believe in formal bidding like this Prime could file a “bid protest” ? If that’s true, I hope that Prime does that soon. As we used to say in the ’70’s, ” they got the shaft”. Ride on !

          • You seem to think that you have the gift of deduction when it comes to ferreting out who people are from their handles. You obviously have read facebook, know one of the half dozen people who is aware that I have an attractive opportunity in CA as a result of a conversation directly with me, or are just one of the gadflys who heard a rumor and want to join the parrots of Evansville in repeating it. I am not and have never been blanger or any of the other posters that you have thought you were so clever to insinuate. I have access to the IP addresses of all of the posters here so you may rest assured that if I thought it to be of any consequence that I would have already outed you for who you are. Blanger, if you have paid attention is nearing retirement, lives in the 2nd Ward, and has a short commute. None of those things are correct with me. Why don’t you try to do something remotely positive with your life and stop playing Sherlock Holmes. You may earn more than a penny for your thoughts if you did.

          • Thank you Joe…I just assumed I was on a hit list down at demo headquarters (you know how those people are)…BTW Gallagher…nananaaaaa! 😉

            It’s the little things in life that make you smile!


  3. Amazing that an outside firm is telling the city what citizens have been saying for years. Let’s recap:
    1. Plan ahead.
    2. Think, research, and think again before you act. Work hard to do it right. Have patience.
    3. Study the big picture, not work isolated project by isolated project
    4. Remove all the insiders and deal openly and honestly. Transparency is the only thing that must be allowed.
    5. If you can’t do it right with honor, don’t do it at all.
    6. It is not the city’s money, it is the people’s money.
    7. Look at the real needs of the city and the people and think creatively.
    8. The new administration MUST be the one that charge of this.

    The list goes on. Everyone can add their own points. When is the gargage of this government going to end?

  4. Why are these two firms fighting tooth and nail to win a losing project? I do find it interesting that Chris stated the recommendation was “suspect at worst”, pretty funny stuff. I think that they are both poised to put the Shriners out business…..

  5. Not surprised at the ERC’s actions. Wouldn’t it be the ultimate revenge if Prime Lodging were to purchase and return to its former glory the McCurdy and put to shame any hotel the ERC backs, if in fact, one is ever built? Not likely to happen, but would love to see it.

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