Home archived-iit IS IT TRUE? November 29, 2011 Part 2 “Lame Duck Spending”

IS IT TRUE? November 29, 2011 Part 2 “Lame Duck Spending”


Spend it While Ya Got It Boys

IS IT TRUE? November 29, 2011 Part 2 “Lame Duck Spending”

IS IT TRUE that last night’s meeting of the Evansville City Council devolved into a lame duck spending approval festival of what may be epic proportion?…that one spending proposal after another was put up by Tom Barnett the Director of Metropolitan Development for projects of all sizes?…that there was a $100,000 deal for Mike Martin to do a refurbishment on the Euclid Apartments, a $250,000 deal to do roof work at the Old Post Office, mention of another $1 Million that ”may” be required at the Old Post Office if a certain but unnamed “federal” tenant decides to come in?…that the $1 Million could come from the Evansville Redevelopment Commission but the City Council has to approve it so “CHOP CHOP” let’s get this all authorized before power is transferred to the Winnecke Administration and hopefully someone will be watching the cash register?

IS IT TRUE that the there were three members of the City Council, namely Councilmen John and Watts along with Councilwoman Mosby that took turns making the motion, seconding it, and calling for votes faster that anyone could possibly write?…that countless spending and refinancing resolutions were jammed through along with a liquor license and a name change for a street with military precision?…that it all flew right through with 8 – 0 approvals?…that Councilman John Friend, CPA who often asks the tough financial question was across the street WHERE THE REST OF THE CITY COUNCIL SHOULD HAVE BEEN at the Indiana Utilities Regulatory Commission was having a hearing about a Vectren fee increase?…that it really seemed as though the rule of the night was spend it all now while oversight is across the street and four weeks before we are out of power was how last night was?…that it will be interesting to get a copy of the minutes and add up just how much last minute spending was jammed through?

IS IT TRUE that if these guys want to hurry up and do something productive that the CCO suggests that they do some last minute clean up of the RUBBLE PILE at 600 E. Franklin that is still both an eyesore and a health hazard?…that would take work and has little opportunity for crony deals so it falls under the category of something that can be left for the Winnecke Administration?

IS IT TRUE that as consolidation is a hot local topic of the next year that it merits looking at what is going on in the European Union right now?…that there is legitimate concern that the currency known as the Euro could come under serious pressure?…that there are serious discussions going on with respect to consolidation of the finances of the European Union for the purpose of saving the currency, stabilizing the debt markets, and bailing out the most egregious offenders (Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal and maybe others) of time honored financial management?…that what is going on in Europe right now is an example of the strong and responsible bailing out the weak and irresponsible with little of no consequence for the irresponsible?…that is not all that different than what is being contemplated right here in Evansville and Vanderburgh County?

IS IT TRUE that another example of what can happen when the federal government steps into the business world is playing itself out with President Obama’s favorite car, the Chevy Volt?…that sales are slower than expected and that there are allegedly problems with the battery packs?…that expecting people to pony up for a $40,000 car that only has commuting range during a recession is not a wise business decision?…that prematurely releasing a vehicle that develops battery problems that could have been tested for also reeks of government in the boardroom syndrome?


  1. Is it true: That local voters in their infinite wisdom just voted for a continuation of 8 to 1 [democrat to republican] rule for the next 4 years on the Evansville City Council?

    Is it true: That such a makeup on the City Council is MOST conducive to business as usual?

    Is it true: That if we continue “business as usual” that the city of Evansville will be filing for bankruptcy before Lloyd Winnecke leaves office?

    Is it true: That not a person out here knows where this city stands financially at this time, other than the fact that Evansville has significant debt on her books?


  2. Just a friendly reminder, These two legal notices appeared in public record on November 25, 2011

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    City of Evansville Redevelopment Commission

    November 25, 2011

    Notice of A Public Hearing of City of Evansville Redevelopment Commission Regarding an additional Appropriation

    December 6, 2011 at 8:30am in room 307 of the Civic Center Plaza

    To consider an additional appropriation not to exceed $2,000,000.

    Such additional appropriation will be used (2) used for the purposes of financing costs of a redevelopment project in the Evansville Arts Redevelopment Area.

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    Vanderburgh County Council

    November 25, 2011

    Notice to taxpayers of Proposed Additional Appropriation

    The proper legal officers of the County will meet at 8:30am on Wednesday, the 7th day of December, 2011. In room 301 of the Civic Center Complex to consider an additional appropriation of $475,000. to the General Fund, and $58,050. to the Cumulative Capital Development Fund.

    • I would think that some people on here might be a little upset that the Evansville Redevelopment Commission is seeking to shove through, at this late date, an ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION OF UP TO $2.Million to do a “redevelopment project” in the Arts District.

      Another of Weinzapfel’s parting shots.


      • Press, great posts. The clueless City and their even more clueless ERC should stand down and do no more damage. After Mr. Winnecke is sworn in, he can appoint new members to the ERC. Remember the City & ERC have bungled the McCurdy project for FOUR (4) years and are also bungling the Executive Inn replacement. Stop this incompetent madness by the City and ERC.

  3. Our great mayor and his team and co-horts on the city council have given the taxpayers of Evansville a wonderful xmas gift.A large amount of present and future debt.Way to go Jon.

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