IS IT TRUE? November 28, 2011 Part 2


IS IT TRUE? November 28, 2011 Part 2

IS IT TRUE that tonight night, November 28, 2011 there will be a hearing of the Indiana Utilities Regulatory Commission at THE CENTRE beginning at 5:30?…that the topic of discussion is the proposed “dense pack” project and the way that Vectren is proposing to finance it?…that this meeting is OPEN TO THE PUBLIC and that the PUBLIC WILL BE ALLOWED TO SPEAK?…that those who complain that the IURC is a rubber stamp group that never comes to Evansville and won’t listen to regular people need to make a point to be at this meeting?…that this is an opportunity to start an education process between the IURC, Vectren, and the people of Evansville that should have started many years ago?…that this is a repeat but we know it as it seems as though people need at least 5 reminders to commit anything to memory?

IS IT TRUE that in a poll that the CCO is running right now that a full 63% of the voters are predicting that less than 100 people will show up at tonight’s meeting?…that is a sad state of affairs if this turns out to be the truth?…that to have less than 100 people show up to such a meeting that affects 141,000 households will send a strong message to Vectren and the IURC that he people of greater Evansville do not care enough to get off of their butts and show up to a meeting that many of us have fought hard to make happen?…that the CCO encourages all of our readers, our elected officials, our appointed officials, and our incoming elected officials to do the right thing and show up at this meeting?…that if you don’t that the 99.9% who choose to stay home shall be the subject of tomorrow morning’s IS IT TRUE?…that if you can’t attend please write a letter to the IURC explaining your position?

IS IT TRUE that in what is one of the more perfect quotes of the day regarding legislation under consideration to regulate the internet and particularly internet commerce, L. Gordon Crovitz said “Washington regulating the internet is akin to a gorilla playing a Stradivarius”?…that is one of the best descriptions possible for politicians who just can’t resist tampering with something that they know absolutely nothing about?…that it also make about as much sense as asking you typical great grandparent about how to best use Twitter for marketing purposes?

IS IT TRUE that the legislation under consideration would make it the responsibility of a website like Facebook, the Courier and Press MyTurn, or even the CCO comment section responsible for any comment that any random user may post?…that the rule today simply says that if something that violates Copyright laws is posted that we have to take it down upon the filing of a complaint and that is all there is too it?…that some Hollywood types would like to see the Digital Millennium Copyright Act amended or abolished so that the owner of the website that it is posted on is legally liable for financial damages if a third party puts a bit of digital graffiti up that violates a Copyright?…that would mean if some stranger posted a link to a song or video that the website it was posted on could be liable for damages?…that this would put an immediate end to a medium that is growing and creating wealth at a time when nearly everything else is flat on its back?…that we encourage our elected officials in Congress to resist the urge to regulate that which they cannot understand?