IS IT TRUE? November 24, 2011
IS IT TRUE that this Thanksgiving that the staff of the City County Observer is thankful to live in a country that still has founding documents that are treasured by us all that guarantee us freedom?…that rather than pollute this sacred day with the day to day struggle to preserve freedom and sanity in government that we will take this opportunity to post the Bill of Rights to the United States Constitution as a reminder of why our forefathers left their native lands to come to North America?…that tomorrow our claws will be back and our minds will be sharp but today is a day to remember as opposed to a day to announce bad news like a hotel deal gone wrong that the people who released such news on a holiday weekend hope we all ignore?
Just couldn’t resist getting that one dig in, could you?
Prediction re: Hotel: the two vetting firms have already concluded that neither Prime or Kunkel is acceptable. The report date will be January 3, 2012, and the new Mayor will have to deal with this “three strikes” (Browning, Woodruff, Prime/Kunkel) mess. Why not tear down The Centre, disband the Convention & Visitors Bureau (a toast of Opus One !)instead of having to pony up a subsidy of $ 20 Million to build a convention hotel ? If the Arena is so great, it should be able to survive on its own until such time as private capital wants to commit to the project. BTW, how much taxpayer money has been spent on these 3 strikes ? Finally, why not ask Vectren to build the convention hotel, and all profits are used for the purpose of energy assistance/eliminate disconnects ?
Ya know,sometimes that Article one …
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