IS IT TRUE? November 23, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? November 23, 2011

IS IT TRUE that in today’s EPD Activity Report that there are 36 instances of stealing that are reported just in the City of Evansville?…that the overall report is 15 pages long which is typical for these reports?…that if the reports of stealing is typical that 36 x 365 = 13,140 thefts per year are being subject to investigation each year in a city of only 117,400 people?…that statistically speaking this would lead to an extrapolation that a resident of Evansville has an 11.2% chance of being victimized by theft that results in a police investigation in any given year?…that this is a sobering statistic as it is a well known assumption that most incidences of stealing go unreported?…that the CCO would like to reach out to the people of Evansville and encourage them to stop stealing and littering?…that this will be a better place if these two free lifestyle changes are made immediately?

IS IT TRUE that some of the merchants in downtown Evansville are in a huff over the inconveniences of the sidewalk repairs that are going on?…that these repairs are both extensive and appealing?…that today’s inconveniences are hopefully something that will yield big returns in the future if the job is finished and the improvements are maintained?…that the CCO encourages these merchants to bear with these positive changes and to do something to complement these improvements when the construction is over in a few weeks?…that all good things in crappy areas start with a demolition and a mess?…that we also encourage the City of Evansville to do things like putting up decorations, installing planters, and doing basic maintenance like snow removal, watering the plants, and sweeping until which time that downtown Evansville has 100% occupancy and the merchants can handle this themselves?…that Evansville has always been pretty good at building but abysmal at maintenance?…that if a maintenance plan is not in place and followed that our nice new downtown sidewalks will turn back into cracked and littered messes within 2 years?…that maintenance has been and continues to be the challenge that Evansville refuses to rise to?

IS IT TRUE that the CCO learned yesterday that Vectren has joined a pilot effort in Marion, Indiana as a partner in an urban revitalization program?…that the other partners are the usual suspects in such efforts such as local government, churches, non-profits, schools, and other businesses that were not named?…that some of the people and activities associated with this effort sound somewhat like Evansville’s dubious Front Door Pride program?…that in the event that Vectren is just advising on efficiency enhancements to structures that they are the appropriate partner and that such services are available to all of their ratepayers anyway?…that if shareholder dollars of a public company are being thrown into any Front Door Pride type of program that the shareholders need to take a good long look at something that is more suited to governments than for profit enterprises?

IS IT TRUE that the State of Kentucky like Indiana is under pressure to do something about disrupting the supply chain of pseudoephedrine based over the counter products that are the active ingredient in meth?…that they are running into the same kinds of objections that Indiana is?…that the meth lobby must be pretty strong here in the part of the country that has urban areas and farms close to each other?…that Kentucky is considering a child molester type of program where only known meth makers are barred from purchasing pseudo based products?…that creating a meth makers registry may be a first step that has some impact on the supply chain but it is really just a chicken **** attempt to appease the meth lobbyists?…that either states with this problem are either going to clamp down on the supply chain or the problem will continue to increase?…that we add the legislatures of every state that is doing nothing to disrupt the supply chain of pseudo to the STUPOR COMMITTEE?


  1. Is anyone even a little curious what transpired during the executive session last week?

    • Of course we are. Care to enlighten us? Did Hunden make a presentation or issue a report? If so we will FOIA that sucker today. Tell us what to ask for and it shall be done.

    • Not like they have any incentive to tell us. Thanks to Evansville voters, Weinzapfel can just stick his tongue out to being transparent for the next 5 or so weeks. After that, I don’t really expect things to change. Evansville voters overwhelmingly asked for more of the same and that is precisely what they are going to get. Boring.

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