Sobriety Checkpoint – Wednesday Evening


The Evansville-Vanderburgh County Traffic Safety Partnership will conduct a sobriety checkpoint this Wednesday evening, November 23, 2011 from 11 p.m. until 3 a.m. with the objective of improving the safety of the motoring public during the Thanksgiving holiday. Law enforcement officers from the Vanderburgh County Sheriff’s Office, the Evansville Police Department and the Indiana State Police will join together to conduct this checkpoint.

The location for this Friday’s checkpoint was chosen based on local traffic collision data. Analysis of data captured during late October and early November indicated that several geographical areas within Vanderbugh County accounted for a disproportionately high number of reported hit and run crashes. Hit and run crashes are often the result of impaired drivers who try to avoid arrest by fleeing the scene.

This Wednesday’s checkpoint will be located within one of the above referenced areas in order to accomplish the goal of detecting and deterring impaired drivers (in an effort to reduce the occurance of alcohol and drug related traffic crashes).


  1. If these locations of above-average collisions are unsafe for sober drivers to navigate then why not publicize them so that the sober among us can avoid drunks and meth-heads ramming us with their vehicles?

    Cut out the naive BS! The county needs the revenue that DWI fines provide to balance the budget and/or to buy more toys for Barney and Sheriff Taylor. This is the same old sorry story that began in 1994 when President Bubba Clinton promised to put 100,000 new cops on the street, except that there were numerous provisions to that law that caused the program to fail miserably. First of all, it was more like 30,000 new cops on the street, not 100,000, and the federal funding disappeared after the first year. This left the PDs and Sheriff’s Departments to figure out how to pay officers’ salaries. The answer was dreaming up new ways to snare drivers with three beers under their belt who made minor driving mistakes that would give officers the right to pull them over, give them a field sobriety test, and promptly haul them into jail for the night.

  2. You seem a bit testy about this. Have you been given a field sobriety test? I happen to believe that anything that can be done to get druggies drunks, and those slightly dizzy off the roads is a very good thing to do.

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