IS IT TRUE? November 14, 2011 Part 2


IS IT TRUE? November 14, 2011 Part 2

IS IT TRUE that the Mole Nation reports that a new form of VETTING for the company to build a downtown Convention Hotel must be taking place at UE basketball games?…that at least two members of the Evansville City Council were spotted from the cheap seats enjoying the confines of one of the luxury suites at the Ford Center with the principles of one of the businesses that submitted a bid to build the downtown Convention Hotel?…that in a time when transparency is demanded and expected that it is more than just disappointing to hear about such utter indiscretions?…that Evansville deserves better than this?

IS IT TRUE that the Evansville Icemen are keeping up their winning ways on the home ice of the Ford Center where they remain undefeated?…that the official crowd at yesterday’s game was 4,110 which was about half of the crowd at the home opener against the Fort Wayne Komets but still respectfully above the budgeted expectation of 3,500 per game?…that the trend toward some core group of fans will be interesting to watch as 3,500 was an aggressive goal but with a winning team and the parking fears healed a first year average of 3,500 per game is still achievable?…that the biggest crowd of the year is expected when the UE Purple Aces take on the Indiana University Hoosiers on Wednesday night at the Ford Center?…that for this game expect no empty seats?…that the real test of attendance for the UE basketball team will come in January and February when the opponents are the other teams in their conference and the marquee matchups have all been completed?

IS IT TRUE that the fate of Evansville Parks and Recreation Director Dan Schall has been reported two ways since Lloyd Winnecke won last week’s election for Mayor of Evansville?…that one report stated that Mr. Schall would be replaced and another said that his current job is “on the table”?…that if there is one thing that we can all agree on it is that the state of the Evansville City Parks is not acceptable and that the extracurricular activities that have been going on that have left us with souvenirs like needles, condoms, empty liquor bottles, graffiti, potholes, and broken facilities must be curtailed?…that when Dr. Neil Troost was dismissed with his pleas prior to going before the City Council to advise them of the state of the parks that the sort of customer service is also unacceptable and is not consistent with the “nice” factor that Mayor Elect Winnecke has expressed his intentions to implement?…that we can all agree on two things?…that the City of Evansville Parks are an abysmal mess and that Dan Schall has presided over the decline that lead to the mess?

IS IT TRUE that the one question that has not been asked is the question of the magnitude of the task that Mr. Schall was handed with respect to the financial resources that he has had at his disposal?…that there is a real possibility that the routine things that need to be done to maintain a park system the size of Evansville’s greatly exceeds the purchasing power of the dollars that the Evansville City Council appropriates for Mr. Schall or anyone else to carry out this business?…that the City County Observer would like to see Mr. Schall stand up and publicly defend his position?…that a “Reclaim the Parks” plan is in order and that Mr. Schall is the person to do this plan?…that the cold hard truth may just be that for the money that is appropriated by the City Council that there are too many acres, too many facilities, not enough equipment, insufficient infrastructure, oppressive contracts, and quite frankly too many criminals, litterbugs, and punks to handle with the budget appropriated?…that whomever is the person to run the Evansville City Parks Department going forward should understand this and let the people of Evansville know what parks solution that we can afford?…that Dan Schall may just be the man for this job?…that it also may be true that uber-manager Jack Welch would take a look at the magnitude of the tasks and the budget to do the job and conclude that the City of Evansville must be seriously delusional to ask so much from so little?


  1. Dan Schall works very hard and is limited severely by the money he is given by the city. He is also under the thumb of the Park Board. I would urge Mr. Winnecke to carefully look at all the facts and circumstances regarding the park system and the past decisions of its management before axing Mr. Schall. Schall is good and fair man.

  2. Why not name the Council members and the company officials that were there with them? Call them out and make them responsible for their actions.

    • Because that would take corroborating eyewitnesses. If CCO reports the names without having gone up to the individual, shook their hands and said howdy, there’s just too much doubt as to possitive ID. So we have to be satisfied with he said she said reporting.

  3. Sounds like cameras should be taken to events at the Ford Center to document who is getting the preferential treatment from our elected officials.

  4. Yep, Connie was in the booth with Kunkel for darn sure and there was a big poof of blond hair in there that looked like Missy too. That is pretty darn blatant if you ask me. Even if Kunkel is the best one for the job it really looks bad to have them wining and dining the City Council at ball games. Since the election is over some people aren’t even bothering to hide the good old boy stuff anymore. Now where will they get the other three votes?

      • Nope, not sure and the other council members are not as recognizable from a distance. There could have been others.

    • Is I-69 finished? Missy would have to drive really fast to get home from the Colts game in Indy she attended yesterday.

      • Aces game was at 2 Saturday afternoon and better to watch that seeing the Colts get another beating.

  5. May have to take binoculars to the IU game and see if the other 3 votes get invited to that game. There is no way that they can have 5 members of the council in that suite at the same time without raising some eyebrows.

    • Actually, you can’t have 5 members of city council anywhere, except a declared political caucus, without first giving public notice of the gathering.

    • Have nothing factual but if I had to guess I’d say Old National. Think finance for the deal to be put together.

    • I don’t think ONB would even consider that type oF BS, since they don’t finance any of Kunkle’s projects.

  6. Does anyone know who is on the newly formed Roberts Stadium committee? Come on Mole #7! You can do it!!!

    • There are two members of that committee: a wrecking ball and a semi dump truck. Committee? We don’t need no stinking committee! Whiny-Boy says knock it down, so we knock it down! Bada-Bing, Bada-Bang!

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