Daily Off Topic Forum May 18, 2015



  1. What did George Stephanapolous get for his $75K? Access to the clintons? Well, so much for unbiased reporting, no? Let him join rather and williams on history’s trash pile.

    • BALOONPILOT……surely you have something to say rather than parrot Sarah Palin each day.

        • Well THAT explains a LOT.

          Sarah Palin has the most ignorant, abused and exploited voters and fans in America.

          A former candidate for Vice President of the United States, resigned rather than fulfill the term as Governor of Alaska she was privileged to accept from the voters of Alaska, a pretend “I’m running for President” in order to exploit my reality TV star fans to buy cheesy books, sell cheesy t-shirts, and the worst, star in bad TV. Her entire family gets drunk and gets in fights on the street with her neighbors!

          Never in the history of the US has a fraud like Sarah Palin descended so low, wallowed in the trash and abused the dignity of the American voter at such a high level.

          THIS is your idea of a candidate for President and a role model for the Republican Party?

          THAT says a LOT BALLOONPILOT.

          • But hillary is a gem in your tainted eye, no? I’d take Palin over any liberal. Any Democrat.

          • He’s yet to make one substantive post like SP. Just throws bombs like SP does/did just as you say.

          • Balloon Said:

            “But hillary is a gem in your tainted eye, no? I’d take Palin over any liberal. Any Democrat.”

            I knew you were crazy as hell but this just proved it beyond a shadow of a doubt.

            You are one CMF.

        • I can’t figure out this obsession with Dan Rather and Brian Williams, BALLOONPILOT. What is this? Why your fixation on some newscasters? I don’t get it. Are you like a Cheap Trick fan too? The Monkeys? Let’s Make a Deal? Password? What is the deal BALLOONPILOT?

          • And you call Sarah Palin ignorant, Quark. Do you really not know what happened to Dan Rather and Brian Williams.?

          • Of course. They’ re both unprofessional. But why would Balloonpilot think Brains, or Ghost, or ANYONE gives a damn about that?

            Something about BP seems strange and unstable, I don’t understand the obsession w/ newscasters.

    • You forgot to talk about Fox News and their owner’s contributions to the GOP over the past 20 years. Is he not a foreigner from over seas? Your bias is showing more than your underwear and your pants that are falling down.

      • Not the same thing. georgie was on air as an ‘unbiased journalist.’ He was in the sack for the clintons. He hid his connections and should resign. Pretty typical for a lefty, though The owners of FOX NEWS are just that – owners. They are not in front of the camera claiming to be unbiased.

      • So is O’Reilly and he’s as unprofessional as any of those other guys you are talking about. Plus O’Reilly says he’s “fair and balanced” when everyone with a brain knows he’s completely unfair and totally unbalanced. He lied about his news cast as much as or more than Brian Williams. Argentina … need I say more? And his boss is a big ass liar and about as unprofessional as a Goober Politician can get.

    • The Clinton Foundation is a charity all over the world. He didn’t donate to her PAC. The Foundation is NOT used to promote Hillary, but to do goodwill. This is a BIG difference.

      • On y 15% of this ‘charity’s income goes for worthy causes. Not a very charitable charity.

  2. Jesus, you’re a pompous ass. Typical liberals. You think (believe) you are superior to everyone else and that actually makes you nothing more than delusional. You suffer from NPD – it is a real condition and it is the reason some individuals are known as ‘liberals.’ Narcissistic Personality Disorder. I know you won’t take my word for it but you can look it up if you are interested.

    • Look in the mirror and you will see a Pompous ass right in front of you. I don’t need to say anything else. You take the cake. You are so full of yourself that it’s pathetic

      • No, my friend, my mstupid friend, that sll of you on this thread. I see no substance from any of you – just nname calling.
        Tell me – who do you support for President and why?

        • Nice editorial cartoon of hillary of the front page of cco this morning. I’m sure it has pissed you all off.

    • Well a liberal hates nothing more than being shown to be WRONG. You’ve got the whole internet and nothing but time on your hands.. Go for it dude! Bring it! Let’s see what you got.

  3. A liberal is so delusional he will never accept the fact that he is wrong. Never. No lie he won’t tell to try to make himself look superior.

  4. This was in the sheriff’s report today. Isn’t this the owner of the houseboat that started the fire down at Inland Marina? I wonder if the arson for hire charge is for that particular boat or for something else. It seems like this charge being filed would be newsworthy.

    WILLIAM HOWARD MARVER Race: White / Sex: Male / Age: 56Residence: 1725 RIVERVIEW CT EVANSVILLE, IN
    Booked: 5/18/2015 12:23:00 PM
    Total Bond Amount: $5000

    • Brenda M Harris was booked this afternoon on identical charges and bond. I’m guessing they are the ones.

    • Dead on the targeted news. As usual it’s not sported by the mainstream toads. That’s a bad thing for that locale. Our group remains silent , on the issue, but the observations are real time on such things. Its a really hard choice politically, however fact’s are facts.
      That’s not the only issue misrepresented by the local mainstream. Hopefully those facts when floated, will also damn those localized perpetrators as well.

      • V…..explain this. Who is silent? What is a hard choice politically? What has been misrepresented?

        Are there some repercussions that all the accusations that anti-Riecken forces were responsible for trying to damage the Riecken campaign? Or are you saying that indeed, this is still that? If you weren’t cryptic, well, that would be great.

        • I said our group is silent, we have fair/balanced reasons for that. recovered data is relative to our successful business plans. What’s recovered from the overhead is our intellectual property . In other words the effect of the recovered and the analysis of the recovered data is considered to be corporate confidential.
          Those enforcement agencies that are doing their investigations are on the right track, therefore, no further debate needs to be sported.
          That was a mess, and not only for the owners of the marina, it includes the losses of the other boats damaged by the foul up midnight boating in the dead cold of the winter fiasco. The insurance actuaries should work this out inside the legal system as best they can. Someone’s at fault and that’s seems to be the whole issue.

  5. http://www.14news.com/story/29092978/two-charged-with-conspiracy-to-commit-arson-in-connection-with-inland-marina-fire

    I Knew it! Now the Justice System will have to do it’s duty. If you do the crime you will do the time.

    Quick money Not going to happen. Every Fire Investigation Class is full of insurance people along with potential new fire investigators. The fire science is strong.

    Hopefully Richard Howard will get a conviction on this case and these two will go to jail for this crime.

    The CCO is vindicated to some degree and time will tell if they are fully vindicated for saying what they said in the IIT’s. Those that bitched and complained were WRONG!. 🙂

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