Final Vote Tallies by Precinct & Ward


Ward 1 Precinct 01 341
Ward 1 Precinct 02 387
Ward 1 Precinct 03 392
Ward 1 Precinct 04 247
Ward 1 Precinct 05 385
Ward 1 Precinct 06 403
Ward 1 Precinct 07 115
Ward 1 Precinct 08 297
Ward 1 Precinct 09 386
Ward 1 Precinct 10 498
Ward 1 Precinct 11 262
Ward 1 Precinct 12 430
Ward 1 Precinct 13 458
Ward 1 Precinct 14 61
Ward 1 Precinct 15 357

Ward 1 Total: 5,019

Ward 2 Precinct 01 257
Ward 2 Precinct 02 274
Ward 2 Precinct 03 231
Ward 2 Precinct 05 298
Ward 2 Precinct 06 81
Ward 2 Precinct 07 181
Ward 2 Precinct 08 363
Ward 2 Precinct 09 258
Ward 2 Precinct 10 130
Ward 2 Precinct 11 78
Ward 2 Precinct 12 272
Ward 2 Precinct 13 219
Ward 2 Precinct 14 237
Ward 2 Precinct 15 315
Ward 2 Precinct 16 169

Ward 2 Total: 3,363

Ward 3 Precinct 01 60
Ward 3 Precinct 02 211
Ward 3 Precinct 03 207
Ward 3 Precinct 05 263
Ward 3 Precinct 07 119
Ward 3 Precinct 08 54
Ward 3 Precinct 09 278
Ward 3 Precinct 10 132
Ward 3 Precinct 11 426
Ward 3 Precinct 12 170
Ward 3 Precinct 13 97
Ward 3 Precinct 14 201
Ward 3 Precinct 15 68
Ward 3 Precinct 16 273

Ward 3 Total: 2,559

Ward 4 Precinct 01 322
Ward 4 Precinct 02 270
Ward 4 Precinct 03 168
Ward 4 Precinct 04 212
Ward 4 Precinct 05 37
Ward 4 Precinct 06 103
Ward 4 Precinct 08 82
Ward 4 Precinct 09 239
Ward 4 Precinct 11 131
Ward 4 Precinct 12 182
Ward 4 Precinct 13 122
Ward 4 Precinct 15 181
Ward 4 Precinct 16 334
Ward 4 Precinct 17 190

Ward 4 Total: 2,573

Ward 5 Precinct 01 293
Ward 5 Precinct 02 292
Ward 5 Precinct 03 403
Ward 5 Precinct 04 222
Ward 5 Precinct 05 381
Ward 5 Precinct 06 343
Ward 5 Precinct 07 233
Ward 5 Precinct 08 246
Ward 5 Precinct 09 233
Ward 5 Precinct 10 545
Ward 5 Precinct 11 274
Ward 5 Precinct 12 292
Ward 5 Precinct 13 251
Ward 5 Precinct 14 337
Ward 5 Precinct 15 287
Ward 5 Precinct 16 412

Ward 5 Total: 5,044

Ward 6 Precinct 01 97
Ward 6 Precinct 02 180
Ward 6 Precinct 03 206
Ward 6 Precinct 04 90
Ward 6 Precinct 07 309
Ward 6 Precinct 08 233
Ward 6 Precinct 09 249
Ward 6 Precinct 11 379
Ward 6 Precinct 12 189
Ward 6 Precinct 13 170
Ward 6 Precinct 14 243
Ward 6 Precinct 15 124
Ward 6 Precinct 16 353
Ward 6 Precinct 17 361

Ward 6 Total: 3,183

Grand Total 21,741


  1. That’s all just raw data. Not much information there. What would be informative would be to post total vote count per city precinct in the Jonathan Weinzapfel vs Russ Lloyd, Jr. election side-by-side for comparison. Now that would tell a story!

    • We agree. That information is not on the City of Evansville website. Only the 2007 is which was such a wipeout that it is not useful. You may be able to dig around with Google and get the 2003 results.

  2. It should be noted that the six wards were fairly well balanced in population as reconfigured ten years ago by the City Council. If I remember correctly, each ward was assigned in the neighborhood of about 20,000 residents.

    So, even considering population shifts and a loss of about 10,000 residents over the past 10 years, Evansville’s dismal voter turnout numbers given above tell quite a story.

    There are 117,429 persons living in the six wards with 91,509 of them aged 18 years and older, therefore able to vote if legal and registered.

    I’m not going to refer to voter registration rolls because they are grossly over-inflated due to rules that prevent purging voters who either have passed away in another jurisdiction that has not reported a death certificate to Vanderburgh County, persons who have moved from Evansville and not yet re-registered to vote in another jurisdiction, on and on.

    But using the known true figures, only about 23% of voting age Evansvillians bothered to cast a vote. Apparently 77% of voting age Evansvillians are satisfied to carry on with life oblivious to their civic duty and political power to influence local government.

    • Good Observation. Assuming the 20,000 per Ward and 77% of age for ease of calculation, the 1st and 5th Wards look to be voting at a 33% rate to lead the pack and the 3rd and 4th Wards bring up the rear with only 17% choosing to avoid the lifestyle of the oblivious. Pretty bad statement about civic engagement I would say.

      • I am disappointed to say that so many voters we talked to seemed to be ready or show some interest in the election.

        I was at St Theresa all day and saw a host of famailar faces. What seemed like a good turnout was deceptive. With a reduction in polling locations, the concentration of voters at St. Theresa made it ‘appear’ that voters were engaged. Not so.

        Maybe the CCO can go fishing for some of the best reasons why so many voters stayed away — on a day that had some of the best outdoor weather you will ever find for a November 8th.


    • This is very dishearting, and considering the price that has been paid by those who have defended this country, I’m feeling disgust at these non-voters, have they no concept of what Citizenship in this Great Country is worth?

  3. Sure looks like a lot of dems crossed over. Maybe Davis should’t have shunned the democrat label.

  4. Rick didn’t shun the Dem party. The Party shunned him Doesn’t matter now.

    • You have to ask yourself why. Why did Democrat leaders cull Davis out of the pack? Why did Democrat voters cross over on the ballot? This didn’t start just last year. It goes a good ways back and involves more than the publicized issues and obvious players. Yes it matters little now, unless certain individuals persist in their political stupidity.

      • The real and unspoken truth as to why Team Weinzapfel and the disloyal insider Central Committee Democratic leaders are so heck bent on crushing Mr. Davis and his supporters is the “machine” can’t beat them in a democratic primary. HELLO, MR DAVIS PLEASE READ AND UNDERSTAND THIS. That’s why they waited for the general election and backed a very good Republican candidate to throw the race to defeat the rebellion against their absolute local Democratic party.

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