USI Community of Scholars lecture addresses emotion regulation in children with ADHD


Dr. Paul J. Rosen, assistant professor in the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences at the University of Louisville, will present the College of Liberal Arts Community of Scholars Lecture, sponsored this year by the Department of Psychology.

Rosen will present “Emotional Difficulties in Children with ADHD: It’s Not What, But How Much and For How Long,” at 6 p.m. Thursday, November 17, in Carter Hall in University Center West.

His talk will discuss ways in which poor control of emotions affects children with ADHD, with a focus on emotional and behavioral functioning. The talk also will review research on the development of emotion regulation problems in children, and discuss cutting-edge research on the development of programs to help children with ADHD learn to better manage and control their emotions.

The lecture is free and open to the public.

Rosen also will present “Emotion Regulation in Children: An Emerging Concept for Research and Practice,” a lecture aimed at a student audience, at 11 a.m. Friday, November 18, in Couch/Renner Hall (Education Center Room 1101). The talk will review research on the development of emotion regulation in children, and discuss how emotion regulation problems are being addressed in science and practice.


A department in the College of Liberal Arts engages a speaker for the Community of Scholars Lecture each fall