IS IT TRUE? November 5, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? November 5, 2011

IS IT TRUE that after we posted the afternoon edition of IS IT TRUE yesterday disclosing that borderline threatening messages were sent from the Civic Center to the City County Observer that exactly THREE additional comments came from that IP address for the rest of the day?…that prior to posting regarding that situation people with aliases posting from the Civic Center were posting at a rate of about a post per 10 minutes?…that we were asked later why we did not take this to the sheriff yesterday?…that the answer is because yesterday’s threat was not personal and not explicit?…that there have been other threats in the past that were personal, explicit, with times and places included?…that such threats will always be taken seriously and turned over to law enforcement but that generic threats against the CCO in while annoying are about 99.9% probable to just be someone that we profiled for malfeasance that hopes to shut us up?

IS IT TRUE that Mole #42 tells us that the Indiana 8th District Democrat Central Committee chaired by S. Anthony Long has publically come out in support of all of the Democrat candidates in the City of Evansville elections?…that Mr. Long as the 8th Federal Congressional District chair is a higher ranking official than the helter skelter band that supposedly manages the Vanderburgh County Democrat Central Committee?…that Democrats and Republicans alike continue to look upon the antics of the Vanderburgh County Democrat Central Committee with amusement and disbelief?…that the pantomime that seems to never end started with BoothGate, and included FloatGate, EndorseGate, The Manifesto of The 23, ChickenGate, CentreGate, False ReportGate, and ScreenScraperPictureThiefGate?…that we are sure that the final curtain is nowhere close to falling and that there are at least three more Gates to be discovered before outside forces come in to clean out the sandbox?…that we thought about calling the failure to pay the bills BillGates but decided not to do that to the founder of MicroSoft?

IS IT TRUE that one of the largest bankruptcies in the history of the United States happened this week and that it was not as publicized as some were back in 2008?…that MF Global whose chairman and CEO Jon Corzine pulled some of the similar old tricks that started the financial meltdown and melted down?…that Mr. Corzine was the Governor of New Jersey before losing to Governor Chris Christy and is somewhat credited with the financial mess that the State of New Jersey has had to deal with?…that President Barack Obama made a special flight aboard AIR FORCE ONE to New Jersey to make a couple of pleas and speeches in an attempt to persuade the people of New Jersey to re-elect then Governor Corzine?…that if the Occupy Wall Street crew wants to be timely in their chants and marches that MF Global and Mr. Corzine would make a better object for their affections than the Port of Oakland or just some generic bank or any stuffed suit strolling down Wall Street?

IS IT TRUE that locally a well known purveyor of high tech ice cream has also sought bankruptcy protection after a 4 year fight with their bank?…that the parent company of Dippin Dot’s that is headquartered in Paducah, KY filed for reorganization protection after Regions Bank started the foreclosure proceedings?…that Regions was one of the banks profiled for being an early adopter of the DEBIT CARD FEES that has to date inspired over 1 Million customers to close their accounts at big banks and move their business to credit unions?…that the City County Observer applauds capitalism and the choices that it offers?…that as long as there is healthy competition in every basic need that usury tactics will be struck down by the market?…that if there was one monopoly bank that were regulated as utilities are that we would all be paying much more in FEES because the IBRC (fictional Indiana Bank Regulatory Commission) would not have the common sense to see through the smokescreens presented by THE BANK?

IS IT TRUE that whatever “The Trend” is sounds interesting but must have 3 year olds designing their ads?…that if they want people to watch that a time, place, channel, and duration may just get butts in seats or viewers in front of a TV set?…that it was a nice looking ad with an interesting topic (Vectren Rates) but there was no information with respect to how one could attend or watch?…that we are unfortunately not surprised?


  1. “IS IT TRUE that after we posted the afternoon edition of IS IT TRUE yesterday disclosing that borderline threatening messages were sent from the Civic Center to the City County Observer that exactly THREE additional comments came from that IP address for the rest of the day?”

    * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    It was Friday. Have you ever tried getting help after noon on Friday at the Civic Center? People start disappearing after noon. Its like an XFiles movie.


  2. There is a exponential upsurge in consciousness, across the spectrum of human experience. I feel it in myself and I witness it in others.
    Case in point: The emergence and free-flow of nourishing information presented by C-CO.
    Let the cleansing of unconsciousness continue. …

  3. Is it true that the City County Observor can not pin down where the threatening messages came from other than the Civic Centre. So that the messages could have came from the Treasurers Office just as easy as say the Human Relations Department. I doubt if the Sheriff would have anything to do with something of this nature.

    • Yes you are correct and as we stated the threat was against the CCO and not any specific person. We do not wish to waste the sheriffs time.

    • LOL….it isn’t that hard to trace it directly to the PC that posted the info, as to the user that might be another story, but there are logs on the civic center’s gateway server and DNS server that will show which node was connected to the CCO, the duration and amount of data sent….it’s not that hard to figure out.


  4. Is anyone from the CCO going to the Adrian Brooks/Lloyd Winnecke/Connie Robinson/Wayne Parke “prayer-a-palooza” event on Monday night?

    God bless the Holy Machine!

    • Winnecke – What a showman! Nothing like trying to convince the public that God is on your side. Then there is the separation of church and state concept. Can you tell this guy is in PR and marketing? He may really have a good intention…….naahhh. Pure marketing.

      • The prayer meeting is sponsored by both county parties – the campaigns had nothing to do with setting this up.

    • So Winnecke, Robinson and Brooks were key players in organizing this event. The same 3 that are allegedly key players in the Brownsfield scandal. Coincidence?

  5. The Trend is a radio program at noon Fridays on WNIN, a reputable source of news run by actual journalists.

  6. I find it interesting that Mr. Grafton, in one of his postcard mailings, accuses John of not paying a bill, one that John had no control over, when Mr. Grafton himself hasn’t paid some of his company’s bills on time. One serious one in particular is the state and local payroll withholding taxes that should be remitted on a monthly basis. During some periods of time, they were months behind. Withheld payroll taxes aren’t even the company’s money to spend. It’s part of the employees salaries that are withheld to be submitted to the state ON BEHALF of the employees. Other debts were paid late or not paid until someone asked for payment.

    • High Roller,

      Can you post your sources ? If this information is true, then it is ‘fair game’, as Mr. Grafton has repeatedly held out his business acumen as the reason he should be elected. However, if this information is false, I would guess that Grafton has a viable lawsuit against you, and your screen name anonymity will not protect you.

      • Do you really think that I am going to give you the name of my sources here on the CCO web-site?

        • Didn’t expect you to “name names”. Would be nice if you said ” I have a friend who works there”, etc. Hey, if you really do have sources then I guess you’re immune from a lawsuit, it’s not actionable if you are, in fact, telling the truth.

  7. RE: the “borderline threatening messages”:

    1) The poster blanger is correct, with IP address in hand getting it back to a specific PC is easy. Perhaps a request could be made of that crack Civic Center IT Department, the ones who “accidentally” uploaded a password protection on the ERC website. They will have those users names in a couple of years anyway; and

    2) CCO: I think the Sheriff himself would agree with me when I say, “let the pros do their job”. Make the call, let the Sheriff and his group decide what is borderline.

    • Beerguy…

      Only a couple things…

      1. Logs can inadvertently be purged (erased)

      2. Since the civic center is on what is called a MAN (municipal area network) which includes multiple LANs/servers/routers/switches depending on how many gateway servers are being utilized (my guess would be only one or two) to access the internet over the entire MAN.

      My point is that every node on the network wither it resides inside the civic center, the new arena, EPD, EFD, DMD…etc could use the same portal (gateway server) to access the internet…the node doesn’t necessary have to reside within the walls of the civic center proper just be part of the MAN and access the internet through the gateway server in the civic center.


  8. I can’t believe you people are obsessing over this stuff while the most important topic of this article was glossed over and not even commented on…

    You’re saying there’s no more Dippin’ Dots?

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