Letter to Editor from E. Wayne Parke Regarding Republican Support


Letter To Editor

This letter is in response to articles appearing in the CCO regarding the recent negative mailer that was sent out by the Democrats to the 5th Ward voters stating Republicans do not support Brent Grafton in the 2011 Election. This is not correct.

I fully support all our Republican candidates seeking office in the 2011 City Election. This includes Brent Grafton who is running for the 5th Ward City Council position. Brent has a strong business and public background and will do a great job representing the citizens in the 5th Ward.
After having 35 straight years with the Democrats having a majority control of City Council, it is time to support Republicans for the City Council seats.

I encourage all City registered voters to vote Tuesday November 8 at any one of the 15 Vote Centers if you have not already voted.

Wayne Parke
Chairman Vanderburgh County Republican Party.


  1. How about EL Lon Walters Wayne? I don’t see you giving him much help, you might want to step it up a little…your party could easily pick up the 2nd ward, Mr Walters has done a tremendous job on his own, with a little help from his party he could have the seat…there is still time left to act.


    • I’d be more inclined to believe that Wayne cut a deal with Ms Mosby for the Winnecke support, if so she one more time sold out her constituents and Wayne sold out his party.

      It amazing for you to say Wayne knows it’s a lost cause why would he ask Walters to run then? If my belief is true Parks will be guilty of some of the same things Owen is, which makes both parties corrupt.


      • blanger, Mr. Parks is an excellent county Chairman. I know firsthand that no “deals” are cut by the Republicans with the slippery disloyal Democrats. The Republicans know that “endorsements” from a Mosby, Connie Robinson and Louise Williams can hurt them as much as help them.

        • I have to disagree. winnecke has made deals with Owen John, Robinson, and the mosbys.

        • Morning Folks….

          It would seem my post did draw a little interest, I just have a few problems that someone needs to clear up for me.

          1. What was Missy and Wayne talking about at the Maingate fundraiser a month or so ago, and for that matter what was Mosby even doing at a fund raiser for Winnecke? much less talking to the enemy….spying?

          2. Given the recent dem poll numbers for the 2nd ward, the closeness of the two candidates (Mosby 51% Walters 49%), and the fact that the 2nd ward is traditionally a democratic ward…it would look like the effort to sway a few voters to the Republican side and vote for Mr Walters would be a no brainier. There are a lot of wards where the margin is much wider like the 6th ward which would be a waste of resources at this point.

          All I’m saying is that it looks fishy on Mr Parks part to be having a conversation with Mosby at a Winnecke fundraiser.

          And that it would appear to be a golden opportunity to turn the 2nd ward away from the dark side and put it in the hands of a republican councilman that truly cares about the ward.

          And before you jump on me I will admit I’m tired of being represented by a sock-puppet for the machine, I think the people of the 2nd ward deserve better and the thought of another four years of listening to Ms Mosby whiney voice makes me sick to my stomach. (we won’t even mention that visual)

          So if you don’t want four more years of me coming on the CCO and bitchin’ and cryin’ about having way less then adequate representation in my ward…please vote for Lon Walters…otherwise it won’t be pretty!


    • Lost cause? Apparently not since Mosby seems to really be worried that she is going to lose.

  2. Do not count me out yet, Mr. Wayne Parke has been supportive. This is just a letter answering the negative post card sent out stating Republicans do not support Brent Grafton.

    • Watch your back with some of these guys, Lon. They aren’t above cutting a deal with the Mosby’s to sell you down the river.

  3. Democrats, notice how Republican Chairman Wayne Parke actively supports ALL of their Republican candidates. This is what a a loyal and honest County Chairman does. Mr. Owen and Ms. Robinson on the other hand….

  4. I am a loyal republican but I agree our candidate for Mayor has really hurt himself joining up with those bottom feeders from the Democrat party. The best thing he could do is tell them in public he does not want nor need their support. I truly believe it will cost us the Mayor’s office.

    • Don’t vote for the party this election vote for the best candidate.
      Which pretty much means SPLIT YOUR TICKET.

      I’m a registered dem and my ticket will be 2 dem and 4 pubs

    • You is right Mr. G. If Rick Davis wins he can thank the fact that the worst of the worst of da democrat machine came out and endorsed Mr. Winnecke and Mr. Winnecke kept his fool mouth shut and took it. I has never ever voted for a democrat for Mayor but I will dis time. Why, because da Republican candidate is covered up with da fleas from the machine dogs.

  5. My letter to the CCO Editor clearly states “I fully support all our Republican candidates seeking office in the 2011 City Election.”

    That includes Lon Walters-W-2, Bill Kramer-at-large, Michelle Mercer-at-large, Pete Swaim-at-large, Alan Leibundguth-W-3, Brent Grafton- W-5, Shaun Short-W-6, JD Strouth-City Clerk and Lloyd Winnecke-Mayor.

    I am very appreciative for all the interest in the Republican Party. Give us a chance to lead. If we do not perform, vote us out the next time. Please vote and encourage your family, friends, and neighbors to vote for your candidate of your choice. I hope it is Republican.

    Wayne Parke
    Chairman Vanderburgh County Republican Party

    • Walters stands a very good chance winning the 2nd ward on his own if the pub party put a major push behind him he would be a shoe in.

      • Mosby had 4 years to make a difference instead she rubber stamped everything king John wanted passed, then takes credit for stuff she had nothing to do with.
        We need people who can make a decision all on their own. The puppets are about to lose the puppet master.
        I am a registered dem but it is time to replace the rubber stampin machine puppet dems.

    • Thanks for you reply Mr Parks…

      I would assume that since you didn’t address my questions that your saying it’s none of my business? Ok fair enough.

      You should realize though that you have a opportunity here to not only win the 2nd ward but to move the city in a new direction and while I personally do not believe your candidate for mayor is the guy to do this I do understand party unity and supporting your candidates from the top down.

      One thing to consider is the number of republicans who crossed the aisle last spring and registered as democrats to support Mr Davis in the primary, these same republicans are still registered democrats and will be voting for Davis along with the majority of the normal demos (sans the group of 23 traitors and their small following) on Tuesday.

      Your concern should be getting these republican back into the fold after the election, should Mr Winnecke loose the election it could be said that the main reason was that so many republicans crossed the aisle and registered as democrats to support Davis, it could also be said that the support of the DCC (pac23) for your candidate has done major harm and tainted Mr Winnecke in the public eyes.

      Your other concern should be that if Davis wins…..you may not get the cross-over republicans back into the fold ever, the public’s distaste for the antics of the current administration and your candidate for mayor will surly drive up the number of independents after the election.

      I know the republican party in the county is use to being the underdog, taking what the democrats offer and grabbing a seat here and there when you have a strong candidate and the dems do not which is I hope the case in the 2nd ward this year.

      Anyway…Thanks again.


      • In Indiana, you do not register to vote as a Democrat or a Republican. One just registers to vote in Indiana. No party affiliation is on the from. When you vote in the May Primary, you ask for either a Democrat or Republican Ballot. In the November General Election, there is one standard ballot for all voters regardless of party and you are not ask for your party affiliation. You can vote for whoever you want that is on the ballot–Democrat or Republican.

        Evansville is a great City but we can be a lot better. Democrats have controlled the City for years. We have had a Democrat Mayor for 23 of the past 35 years. The City needs new leadership to build on the good things and fix the bad. No body is perfect, but in my judgment, Winnecke is by far the best candidate for Mayor. He got my vote and I truly believe he will be our next Mayor.

        Vote for the candidate of your choice on November 8. Again, I hope it is Republican Lloyd Winnecke.

        Wayne Parke
        Chairman VCRP

        • Thanks Mr Parks….

          I guess in the 70’s when I first registered to vote it was different and you had to specify a party, I just know that I’m not the only life-long republican to cross the aisle and vote in the primary as a democrat for Mr Davis and will do so on Tues.

          At that point I’ll be glad to shed this smelly democratic coat and probably just stay in the center as a conservative independent.

          Thanks again for taking the time to respond, I’m sure I can speak for everyone on the CCO in saying we appreciate you coming here and replying. (and using your real name) 😉


        • Mr. Parke, if Mr. Winnecke’s candidacy has been “tainted” it is his own fault! Not sure what else you expected after years of lying in the same bed as the Democrat leadership. When Rick Davis wins on Tuesday, it will be good riddance to both!!


      • Blanger-

        Great post, as usual.

        I think what this all boils down to is the need for *authenticity* on both sides of the aisle. For too long now, Evansville Democrats have been playing both sides of the fence. They talk up “the working man” when they are in front of labor groups and neighborhood associations, but behind closed doors they suck greedily at the corporate teat. It has obviously been a winning formula up until now, but it will be harder and harder for them to sustain this hypocrisy in an era of transparency and social media.

        The Republicans, on the other hand, have never really offered much in the way of genuine oppostion. They have been content to get crumbs from the table and hold a few key positions in the county. The main role of the GOP establishment has been to PREVENT an authentic conservative movement from ever taking root in Evansville.

        What i would personally love to see is an authentically pro-labor Democratic party and an authentically pro-small government Republican party. Then we could have real contests of ideas instead of the ridiculous and petty psychodramas that characterize municipal elections in Evansville.

        If Rick manages to win on the Democratic side, then we have a real chance. I believe he would be an authentic Democrat, putting the interests of the working poor first and lower middle class first. At the same time, if the GOP establishment–personified by Winnecke–cannot win in THIS environment, then the conservatives in the Republican party will be strengthened and may even take control.

        A guy can dream, anyway.

    • Wayne:

      Can you tell us what you were talking to Missy about at the Winnecke fundraiser, then?

      For that matter, why was she invited in the first place?


      • The Winnecke fundraiser in question was held in a public business. It was not closed to the public. I tried to talk to everyone that came in the door. I encouraged them to vote and to support Winnecke.

        Wayne Parke
        Chairman VCRP

        • Wayne-

          That is a little disingenuous, don’t you think?

          Missy Mosby is not just “anybody.” She is the last scion of Evansville’s premier Democratic clan, and she is running a close race against one of your own candidates.

          If you don’t want to answer the question, fine. That’s your right. But please don’t insult our intelligence by pretending that a Mosby showing up at a Winnecke fundraiser is unremarkable.

          • Nasty? I don’t think so. Just asking for an honest answer from the chairman.

            As a machine operative, I can certainly see how you would find the truth unappealing, though.

          • Mr Parks did answer my question….and to be truthful gave the exact answer I anticipated he would give.

            Not saying his answer was or wasn’t a dodge, it could have been 100% true, but like I said it is exactly what I thought he would say.


          • AndrewS, Please relax. Mr. Parke answered your question fairly and honestly. The Winnecke fundraiser was at the MainGate restaurant on the first floor which was also open for their regular business. There were a handful of other traditional Democrats that stopped by during the curse of the fundraiser. I was told Ms. Mosby showed up near the end. Mr. Parke understands that Mr. Winnecke can’t win unless they have some cross over support from Democrats. Traditionally these are Democrats made at their own party, nationally or locally, for any number of good reasons. Mr. Parke and Mr. Winnecke understand that a Mosby or Robinson “endorsement” is a double edged sword. However, both men are honorable and civil and will not make any type of a scene while working with and supporting ALL their party’s candidates. The next Democratic Chairman should be taking notes, as I predict Mr. Owen and Ms. Robison will be finished by the end of the year so they can’t sabotage the Democratic 2012 primary candidates.

  6. JoeBiden:

    I’m perfectly relaxed. Quite enjoying myself, actually!

    But I do not for one second believe that Missy Mosby’s stopping by and conversing extensively with the GOP chairman was a coincidence. There is too much history of collaboration, particularly in this election cycle, to accept that notion at face value.

    The fact of the matter is that Mosby is among those Machine democrats who are openly supporting Winnecke. They have a reason for doing so–to protect their own interests.

    I’m curious about the nature of Mosby’s involvement in Winnecke’s campaign as well as her conversation with the GOP chairman. I believe that is reasonable.

    • Let me add that I’m mainly concerned about this on Lon Walters’ behalf.

      Lon is a truly decent human being–honorable, humble, and diligent in everything that he does. It doesn’t look good for his opponent to be supporting the top of the GOP ticket while stopping by and chatting up the GOP chairman.

      Given the local GOP’s long, sordid history of cutting deals with the Machine and eating it’s own, I worry about their support for Lon in what could be a very close election.

  7. AndrewS, we all know who owns the MainGate restaurant and Mr. Winnecke should have picked an untainted spot, especially since the Mainstream Democratic PAC had an earlier fundraiser there. But, your concerns are very reasonable given past pacts by “Republicans” with the united Demo machine in past years. This time is very different in Evansville. I know Mr. Parke and he will make no deals with Democrats that will harm any of his slate of Republicans. Also remember, the local Republican HQ hosted Mr. Murdocks’ announcement that he was running in the primary against Senator Lugar. This isn’t the old passive Republican leadership. The County Republican leadership is strong, united and frankly in better shape than it has been in years.

    • JoeBiden:

      I don’t know who you are in “real life,” but I always enjoy your posts. You seem like a sincere and well informed person.

      At this point, however, the VCRC has to demonstrate its legitimacy in order for me to believe it. Nothing happens by chance, whether it is the endorsements by all the corrupt machine Dems or the choice of venue for Winneckes fundraiser. Actions speak louder than words.

      The fact that Winnecke held this event at Curt Johns restaurant and parke spent time conferring with Mosby is deeply troubling.

      • I agree with Andrew.
        As a resident of the 2nd ward I have not seen the party doing anything to help Lon. The pubs could easily take this ward if they rallied behind him.

      • I have not made any kind of polictical deal with anybody regarding endorsement or support of any candidate.

        The simple fact is a lot of people who know Rick best do not support him to be Evansville’s next Mayor. That is a very big factual statement.

        Wayne Parke
        Chairman VCRP

        • That’s the point, the “lot” of people who complain about Rick. Bottom line Nov 8 is the day we all get to cast the ballott. It’s been interesting for sure.

        • Here’s another big factual statement: if Winnecke wins, it will be mainly due to the support he is getting from Connie Robinson, curt John. Mark Owen, troy Tornatta, the Mosbys, and the rest of the Machine Dems. He’s going to owe a lot of favors to a lot of unsavory people.

          Ill bet when you decided to be GOP chair you never thought you’d be pushing the same agenda as those guys. George Washington was right. Party politics will be the death of this republic.

          • AndrewS, if Mr. Winnecke wins, he owes the disloyal slippery Democrat leaders nothing. The disloyal Demos are united to beat Mr. Davis, period. It matters none to them who the Republican candidate is. Winnecke is their enemy’s enemy, so now their ally. If Davis wins, their absolute lock on power in the Central Committee machine is gone forever. If Davis loses, in unity with the Gang of 23 and with the ex-mayors $750,000 campaign war chest as leverage, they gamble the State Democrats will merely reprimand them and not remove them from office so they can finish off Mr. Davis and his supports. once accomplished, they re-establish their lock on power over the Central Committee and then win with “their” candidate after the 1 term Republican Mayor. In other words, the disloyal slippery Democrat leaders are trying to throw this mayoral election to crush the Davis rebellion and cement their local Democratic power for years and years to come.

          • Joe…

            I do agree with you on most of your points, the exception would be if this 1 term republican will work with the machine dems (collaborate) it’s all the better in their eyes, kinda’ like swaying him over to the dark side….the thing is….if he does win he will need the support of the council and we all know how much collaboration is needed between the mayor and council to get anything meaningful done.

            I guess what I’m trying to say is that he will be beholding to their support maybe indirectly but he will none-the-less.

            I would also agree that if Winnecke does win it will be only a single term, and Eric Williams will be our next mayor in four years, that is unless some other power figure emerges during that time frame.


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